• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の意味が理解できない)



  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

片方は一度に全部、もう一方は5枚のカードを5回に分けたって意味なのでしょうか。  はいそうです。  学生を二分して、第1グループの学生は、words in one go (which allowed for a long space between each time they saw the same word)  すなわち、(同じ単語をまた見るまでの時間が長くなる)ひとまとめに見る、  それと、in four smaller stacks of five cards each 1束五枚の単語カードを4束に分けて、覚える、第2グループ、とに分けたわけです。





  • 英文の意味

    以下の英文の意味 Tom has rectangular cards of length 8 cm and width 6 cm. He makes a square by aligning the rectangular cards in the same direction. という算数?の問題の英文があるのですが 1辺8cmと6cmの長方形のカードを一直線に同じ方向に並べても正方形にはならないと思うのですが ここで出てくる aligning=一直線、一列に整列 in the same direction=同じ方向に の訳し方が間違ってるのでしょうか? ちなみに答えは1辺が24cmの正方形ですので一直線でもなく同じ方向でもないと思います

  • これらの英文の訳をお願いします。

    1. Each country must accept the responsibility for the well-being of its citizens and for the equal treatment of its minorities. 2. If you come across unfamiliar words, you should look them up in the dictionary. 3. In this area, seals are a protected species, but you will find their meat on the menu in local restaurant. 4. Due to the failure of the communication system, none of us was able to broadcast the fast pictures of the disaster. 5. Continuing to release greenhouse gases at current rates would yield much more severe consequences during this century than that we saw in the previous one.

  • writing assignment

    お願いします 単語帳カード(って言うのかな?)について先生に提出するのですが文法がどうも苦手で以下英語添削頂けると助かります Paragraph One I used vocabulary word cards to review the words in Chapters One, Two, Three and Four. When I had trouble understanding the meaning of a word, I looked unknown word up in the dictionary. Then I felt this is important or useful, I added the word in my word cards. Strategy for the enhancement of my English skill is built up the habit of using word cards everyday. Paragraph Two The word cards helped me learn and remember the vocabulary from the textbook. Using word cards over and over again, it led to able to stable my memory. When I looked the word cards, it stimulated my brain cells for memory. therefore, it easy to pick up the words. Through this method, I would like to increase my vocabulary.

  • 英語の和訳

    だれかこの英語の訳を教えてください。 The purpose of your report is to show that you have studied the textbook. Below you can see information about 5 different situations. For each situation,read the Information and then write a conversation, that you think the people (sometimes you are one of them) might have in that situation. Do the same for all of the situations. You must write 5 conversations in all. Each conversation must be 80~100 words long (no more,no less). In each conversation that you write you must use 3 phrases of expressions taken from your textbook. Please underline the phrases that you use and write the textbook page number above your writing.

  • butの意味とある英文の意味がわかりません

    1. Dr.King dreamed of a country where "For Whites Only" signs world would come down everywhere, and people of all races could sit down together at the same table. He dreamed that "my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character." 2. Forty-five years later, in November 2008, Barack Obama, an African-American, was elected President of the United States. It seemed as though Dr. King dream had come true. 1の英文の "my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character."の途中にあるbutはどういう意味で用いられているか, 2.の英文のIt seemed as though Dr. King dream had come true.の英文はどういう意味かわかりません。 どなたか教えていただけないでしょうか?

  • 英文を訳してほしいです。

    辞書を使ってもうまく訳せません。 訳を教えてほしいです。 「The word for "something" is 何か, and the word for "anything" in negative sentences is 何も. These two words are used in places where the particles は, が,and を are expected. In these contexts,they are used own,without the help of particles. We will learn in Lesson 10 what to do in cases where other than are expected.」 日本語の「何か食べる」「何も食べない」というときの「何か、何も」の説明文です。 particlesが助詞と言う意味だということは調べて何とか分かりましたが上手く文章にできません。 宜しくお願いします!

  • 英文和訳なるべく早くお願いします!

    Something must have caused languages, even in the past and under traditional conditions, to diverge and to remain separate, in the face of all that contact. Here's how it happens. Any of us over the age of 40 has observed that languages change even over the course of just a few decades, with some words dropping out of use, new words being coined, and pronunciation shifting. For instance, whenever I revisit Germany , where I lived in 1961, young Germans notice that they have to explain to me some new German words (e.g, the new word Handi for cell phones, which didn't exist in 1961), and that I still use some old-fashioned German words that have been going out of use since 1961(e.g, jener/jene for "that/those"). But young Germans and I can still mostly understand each other well. Similarly, you American readers under the age of 40may not recognize some formerly popular English words like "ballyhoo," but incompensation you daily use the verb "to Google" and the participle "Googling" which didn't exist in my childhood.

  • この英文が理解できません。教えてください。。

    We do not have a minimum dollar amount per order however each style must be ordered in our prepack as follows: Newborn; 3m-6m-9m 2 pcs per size for a total of 6 pcs per style Infant: 12m-18m-24m 2 pcs per size for a total of 6 pcs per style Toddler: 2t-3t-4t 2 pcs per size for a total of 6 pcs per style 4-6x/7: 4-5-6-6x 1 pc per size for a total of 4 pcs per style 海外の取引業者から卸条件をメールでいただきましたが・・ たとえば、、 newborn の商品の中から最低2種類、それぞれ3サイズづつ。合計6枚になるように! ということでよろしいのでしょうか? 捕捉でこんな文も送られました。 We do not have a minimum dollar amount per order however each style must have at least 6 pcs ordered. You may select the sizes and quantity per style however the total per style must be 6 pcs. 1度に注文する最低卸条件をしっかり理解したいので教えてくださいww よろしくお願いいたします。

  • この英文はあってますか?

    ・They can select their course from some one, if students graduate from this school. ・First, it is employment. In my school student of half is finding work. ・Feature of my school college is rate of employment. It is proud of about 100%. ・Second, it is going to Advanced Course for Engineering. ・If it graduates from Advanced Course for Engineering, the students take the same 'university graduate' as college graduate. ・Third, it is admission to a college. ・When my school students admit to a college from my school, they is taken for entrance examination for transfer students. ・But, An entrance examination for transfer students has few subjects than an entrance examination. ・In Gifu technical college, 30 percent or more of students admit to a college all over the country every year. ・そしてこの学校を卒業すると、いくつかの進路が選び取れます。 ・一つ目は就職です。岐阜高専では半数の生徒が就職していきます。 ・私の学校の特徴は就職率で約100%の就職率を誇っています。 ・二つ目は専攻科に進学することです。 ・専攻科を卒業すると大学卒業生と同じ'学士'を取得できます。 ・三つ目は大学への編入です。 ・私の学校から大学に編入する場合に編入試験を受けます。 ・しかしこの編入試験は入試試験より科目数が少ないことが利点です。 ・私の学校でも毎年三割以上の生徒が全国の大学へ編入しています。 以上ですが気づいた点や文法の間違いなどを教えてください。

  • 【至急】この英文の日本語訳をお願いします。

    翻訳サイトを試してみたのですが、しっくりこなくて… 力を貸してくださる方がいらっしゃったらよろしくお願いします。 In addition to providing access to academic tests such as the GRE Examination and TOEFL Test electronicallly, Prometric also delivers exams for licenses and certification in the same way. The Driving Standards Agency in the U.K., for example, works with Prometric to offer the written part of Medical Examiners also uses computer-bases testing for certification of medical students. よろしくお願いします。