• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳希望)

A Life of Change: The Impact of a New Attitude

  • Discover how a new attitude can change your life and challenge your traditions.
  • Learn how money and courage play a role in embracing new experiences.
  • Understand that relationships impacted by Uranus may be unstable and unpredictable.


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

> This new attitude may go against your traditions. He will have changed your way of thinking or attitudes about yourself, your personal life. Money. So that you would have done things you haven't done before, or may not have considered or had the courage. This man will help you make a new life. But one which you have to get used to. And may not be exactly as you envisaged when you when you met him. For Uranus makes things turn out differently.. This can mean that it is less stable and predictable than you'd really liked or wanted.. So the relationship will be an interrupted one, full of change, justly when it seems to be settled.  そういう処し方に移行するには、これまでのあなたの在り方を変える必要があるかもしれません。彼は、これまでのあなたの考え方や在り方、すなわちあなたが自分の生き方としてきたものを変えてしまうでしょう。すべての中心はお金ということになります。これまでにやったこともなく、考えたこともなく、そんな勇気もなかったようなことを為すことになります。彼はあなたの生活を一変させることでしょう。でも、それに慣れるしかありません。そんなことは、あなたが彼に出会った時には思ってもみなかったことかもしれません。天王星は物事の在り方を変えてしまうという性質を持っているからです。それはあなたが好ましいと思ったり望んだりしたほどには安定しておらず、予想外なことかもしれません。というわけで、あなた方の関係は、これでいけると思ったその時点から、躊躇したり、大変な変化にさらされるようなものとなるでしょう。





その他の回答 (1)

  • bran111
  • ベストアンサー率49% (512/1037)







  • 翻訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの文節となります。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The soul may discover your sexual secrets from the past.. Much later in life or at the end of the love, there will be secrets kept from others about a child, or Fertility, a childbirth the past. A Hospital or place of confinement like a boarding school or Convent. There are things that will never be known. VI. You may wonder is happening in your soul mates life in the time before you meet him, what joys and what sorrows will he bring with him from his past into this relationship. What obstacles may have to be overcome before your love is complete and you are united as one soul.

  • 翻訳希望します

    翻訳をお願いします 長文ですので、途中まででもいいです よろしくお願いします If you were to marry or live with this man, the aspect Show you would live in a traditional house, that is old, and has a lot of dark wood work, and lamps. It will have a light outside the door. It may be an apartment or all on one level, but in the other half of the building, or in a building not far away there would be close relative of his. This would be due to financial arrangements, but the relative would not always be there would come back and forth between this house and a place of study in another town or city. The house would be close to new houses that will have been built in the same style as to look like the old or original one that you and he will occupy. It will be a nice house but cold, needs a lot of heating. Yet this house for both of you would not be a first choice or ideal choice, you would both have some misgivings and doubts about it, but your happiness there would improve with time. This is a slow aspect so I rather think that things will remain as they are between you for a long time, the relationship will seem to get colder, and warmer, but it will continue Times when he is hardly there, times when he is always there, these things will fluctuate, so will your emotions and feelings about the future, and the things you really want from this relationship.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    翻訳をお願いしていただける方 よろしくお願いします His Neptune is in your second house. This is a negative aspect, it means that at the time when you form the relationship, he will seem free, generous, and with big ideas about money, but there may be financially difficulties or debts in the background of his life. Some poverty or struggle. He may seem to hit a bad patch in an otherwise solvent life. But when you know him better, you will find this is a habit. You will be tempted to save him from disaster financially at some point. But it is unwise to give this man money at all, or to allow him to handle or influence your financial life. For losses may occur. This man could impose on your generosity, become a drain on your income in one way another. He may either always be making use of your money, borrowing, finding things for you to spend on, or invest in, but they wont work. You may have too much faith in him. He may not be as competent financially as he seems. So the impulse to help him out or to give to much could be unfounded, a bad investment in the future both emotionally, if you end up disillusioned and out of pocket in a big way, and financially.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します

    英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的な部分は意訳していただけると ありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 All relationships have a beginning and all have an end. The end can come in many ways. It may be death and tragedy, divorce, or parting, the sad intervention of other people in ones life. Many things can happen. But only one will. Your chart shows the relationship will be a long one, a permanent one. It is possible to tell from the chart, which of you will outlive the other, or the circumstance surrounding the end of the relationship. But this is not always advisable so I do not automatically include such information. Once you know a thing you cannot unknown it, or easily forget it, even though things need not be so fatalistic. It may influence your attitude to the relationship. If you wish to know then ask when you order your next astrological reading..

  • 翻訳希望

    占いの文章ですが、機械翻訳だと意味不明で意味がわからないです。どなたか、翻訳していただけるかた、長文ですがお願いできませんか?どうかよろしくお願いします。 Dear Tomoko, Thankyou for your e-mail. One of the questions I am most often asked is "Is this the man in my chart ?". But is also the most difficult to answer. If you imagine the planets and stars, as being like magnets, who’s power will draw people and events into your life, when the time is right, Then imagine the stars round your marriage house as a magnet that will eventually draw your future husband into your life. This magnet has been exerting its pull since birth, drawing your two destinies together, but of course in childhood its force is weak, because you are so far distant in time from the event. The closer you get in time, to the time of marriage or meeting, the stronger the pull. Just as a magnet will pick up the pins as well as the needle that you want, so sometimes the planets will draw someone else into your life, who may not be your Soul mate, who has something in common with him. He may be a 'look alike., or he may just have the same name or initial. So it best to keep an open mind about the man you have met, until you are certain that the chart describes him and not someone else. But if the man resembles the one in your chart regard it as a good sign, because if it is him, your fates and his can begin to come together more quickly now you have met.. If its not him, just someone with a strong resemblance, then it a sign that fate is working correctly in your life and the real one will come soon.

  • 翻訳できますか?

    以下の文章を翻訳していただけますか? 難しくてわかりません・・ よろしくお願いします。 In the course of this love, much will become suddenly changed. Your life will feel more exciting but may also be less predictable.. These aspects always makes for sudden unexpected beginnings and endings within the relationship itself, it may move forward in fits and starts, rather than smoothly and there will always be reversals. This man will have originality, a new slant on life, he sees and experiences things differently, less conventionally than you are used to. This can be hard at times to adapt to, as any fixed ideas you hold as to how a relationship should proceed or what form it should take are liable to be overthrown. He will change your way of thinking about things. You will be inspired to be more progressive, radical and independent in you the way you live your personal life or conduct this relationship. You will leave former opinions, inhibitions conventions and the way you used to live and think behind. This can be good or bad, it can either Cause inner doubts, if it goes too much against the grain, or bring new inner freedom.

  • 翻訳希望

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Your Have mercury in Virgo. The soulmate is curious and learns quickly about you, about love, about your expectations. His perceptions are subtle but lucid and detailed. He will understand you by observing you. To him you may seem shy and retiring at first, not given to idle talk, you may stay quiet when you should speak out, but all your words will be meaningful to him. He will come to know you better than you know yourself. In this love affair there will be no tendency to go to extremes, things will be kept rational, modest and discrete and controlled between you however life changing this relationship proves to be, it moves quietly on cushioned feet and every detail is carefully considered. Every emotion distilled and analyzed. You both make sensible practical decisions regardless of your deeper feelings. You both care what the world thinks. But you will love each other regardless for loves own sake, no other reason or motive but that, pure essential love. He may be less tidy than you, in every day matters, less clean, less fussy, less critical, and orderly, a more haphazard man. But he will appreciate your exactitude, you self discipline, your perfectionism and fastidiousness

  • 和訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか。 ミスのご指摘もあれば助かります。 よろしくお願いします。 Unafraid of the "dark" side of life, you are interested in esoteric religion, everything mystical or occult, and so on. Sexuality and physical desires are seen as spiritual. Money, power, and things of this world are also things you will have in your future with him. You have an intuitive ability to make money and acquire wealth, or to inspire your soul mate to do so. In the relationship his money may come and go, or fluctuate through mysterious circumstance. So may your investments. There will be times when he relies on you for financial support and bad times when you both risk deep losses through deception, theft and unknown causes. Mistakes in official documents.. A question I am occasionaly asked is, “ Does my soul mate like animals and pets? You have Neptune in sextile to Pluto. This small aspect suggests that he has a love of animals, including reptiles and fishes, both pets and wild animals in their habitats, a belief in conservation and also likes children You would like for your marriage to be wealthy. Your soul mate will gain wealth through the dead, or legacies, but I cannot tell when.

  • 翻訳希望

    途中までですが、翻訳していただけるかた お願いできますでしょうか? よろしくお願いします His Mercury falls in your third house in Capricorn. This means the things he says have a profound effect on you. Sometimes he will say something and you find you cannot concentrate on maters in hand for thinking about it. Cannot focus to study or read. You can talk about serious maters together but you will tend to be more pessimistic than him, this has a dampening effect. You are stricter and more self disciplined than he can be and upset more easily. He can try to lift your mood with humour, but you may feel that in doing so he is side stepping rather than face the gravity of a situation.

  • 英文の翻訳

    以下の英文を翻訳お願いしたいです Sometimes this decision is straightforward. A proposal of a marriage, and an acceptance or refusal. But sometimes life is less well defined than that and the decision is made by the soul, it is made in the depths unconsciously. By you or by him. You may feel you have had enough of this particular man, or karma for one life for example and your spirit may withdraw because of pain when you could have struggled on perhaps and changed the ending to the story. Or you may unconsciously behave in such a way that he is the one to end the relationship against your will. Life is complicated, and the stars only really sketch this life, you add your own complications to become woven into the destiny This can be said of all relationships of course, not just your own. But it is right to state it. Some people hear the word soul mate and they assume that nothing can ever go wrong. That is not so. What I promise you is a future, it is up to you and him to make it happy or sad, short or lasting.

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