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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:ウクライナ問題に関する英文記事についての質問)



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In short, the factors that should have deterred Putin in Ukraine did not (deter Putin); those that should prevent him from making gains there might not (prevent him from making gains there). 僕は冗長にするのが嫌いなので、ただ書いてあることだけを読む人間ですが、括弧の中を補う人もいると思います。





  • 英文についての質問です。

    Full well do I know that in order to attain any definite goal it is imperative that one person should do the thinking and commanding and carry most of the responsibility. But those who are led should not be driven, and they should be allowed to choose their leader. It seems to me that the distinctions separating the social classes are false; in the last analysis they rest on force. I am convinced that degeneracy follows every autocratic system of violence, for violence inevitably attracts moral inferiors. Time has proved that illustrious tyrants are succeeded by scoundrels. For this reason I have always been passionately opposed to such regimes as exist in Russia and Italy to-day. The thing which has discredited the European forms of democracy is not the basic theory of democracy itself, which some say is at fault, but the instability of our political leadership, as well as the impersonal character of party alignments. (What I Believe by A. Einstein) わからない点について教えてください。 1)But those who are led should not be driven, and they should be allowed to choose their leader. those who are led should not be drivenのshould not be drivenの個所はどのように意味をとるとよいのでしょうか?人の思うままになってはいけない、というような意味ですか? 2) in the last analysis they rest on forceのrestは「~に基づく」という意味ですか? 3)The thing which has discredited the European forms of democracy is not the basic theory of democracy itself, which some say is at fault, but the instability of our political leadership, as well as the impersonal character of party alignments. この英文は、基本的にnot~but構文ですか? which some say is at faultのwhichは関係代名詞ですか?先行詞は冒頭のthe thingですか? the impersonal character of party alignmentsの意味がとりにくいのですが、「政党の一直線化(整列化?)の非個人的な特質」?(ほとんど意味がわかりません) 質問が多くなってしまいましたが、よろしくお願いいたします。

  • territorial integrity

    質問です。英語勉強中の大学生です。 ロシアとグルジアに関する記事で頻繁に "territorial integrity"という語を目にするのですが これはどういう意味を指しているのでしょうか? もちろんterritorial,integrityそれぞれは辞書を引けば意味はわかりますが いまいち"territorial integrity"は意味するものがつかめません。 見た文を書いておきます。 But Georgia has rejected calls for international talks on the future of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, saying its territorial integrity cannot debated. よろしくお願いいたします!

  • 次の英文訳してくださいお願いします!!

    (1) The fact that those who are overweight die earlier than those who are not should be easy to understand. (2) The fact that domestic cats will share a home with a human family is, in itself, proof of their flexibility. (3) It was very pleasant to sit and watch the bathers splashing about in the water. 以下の3文お願いします。

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Whereas all of the above measures were broadly popular, across most of the political spectrum, the same was not true of the proposal to amend Article 32. Said article had not been amended in the overhaul of 1868, and its text had remained unchanged since the original constitution of 1848, stating unequivocally that all sovereignty resided in the person of the Grand Duchess. For some, particularly those that resented the close relations between Marie-Adélaïde and the German royalty, the idea of national sovereignty residing in such a person was unacceptable. The Chamber of Deputies voted to review Article 32, but Kauffmann refused to allow it, seeing the redefinition of the source of national sovereignty as covert republicanism.

  • お手数ですが、次の英文を訳して下さい。

    The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a peace treaty signed on March 3, 1918 between the Russian SFSR and the Central Powers, but prior to that on February 9, 1918, the Central Powers signed an exclusive protectorate treaty (German: Brotfrieden, "peace for bread") with the Ukrainian People's Republic as part of the negotiations that took place in Brest-Litovsk, Grodno Governorate (now Brest, Belarus) recognizing the sovereignty of the Ukrainian republic. Although not formally annexing the territory of the former Russian Empire, Germany and Austria-Hungary secured food-supply support in return for providing military protection. The Quadruple Alliance recognized Ukraine as a neutral state.Because of the civil unrest in the Russian Republic culminating in the October Revolution the Ukrainian People's Republic declared its independence under the government of the General Secretariat of Ukraine. In its declaration the General Secretariat announced elections for the Ukrainian Constituent Assembly to be held on January 9, 1918 and the first convocation on January 22 of the same year. On December 17, 1917 Vladimir Lenin as the head of the Sovnarkom released an ultimatum in which he accused the Central Rada of disorganizing the frontlines, stopping "any troops going into the region of the Don, the Urals, or elsewhere", sheltering political enemies such as the members of the Cadet party and ones who sided with Kaledine, as well as a requirement to "put an end to the attempts to crush the armies of the Soviet and of the Red Guard in Ukraine". Lenin gave 24 hours' notice to the government of what he called "the independent and bourgeois Republic of the Ukraine" to respond. Having Soviet armies already in Ukraine, the government of Ukraine had to act quickly to preserve the sovereignty of the state. The Ukrainian Central Rada expressed a desire for a peace treaty with foreign countries and its recognition worldwide. Since the representatives of the British and French Empires did not wish to recognize its sovereignty considering it as a part of their major ally, the Russian Empire, the treaty would give a chance for some recognition in face of the Central Powers.

  • 以下の英文を訳して下さい。

    The fudai daimyo (about one hundred and thirty families) provided the bakufu with its councilors and senior officials, and those who received greater prestige, than they would have had as minor territorial lords. It was the fudai han which most faithfully followed Tokugawa precedent and exhortation in internal domain organization and legislation. It is not surprising, therefore, that the fudai houses should have been very closely identified with the bakufu. Its fortunes were their fortunes.

  • 次の英文で質問があります。

    There are many who feel that the scientist is interested in noting more than "bodies in motion," in the strictly mathematical physical, and chemical laws that govern the material world. "bodies in motion"のあとのinについてです。なぜここでカンマがあってinで文が繋がれているのでしょうか?~において、という意味だとしてもなぜカンマがあるのですか? Those who believe this also assert that there are aspects of the human mind, manifest especially in the domains of morality, religion, and the arts, that contain an irreducible spiritual element and for that reason can never be adequately explained by science. この文が何を言っているのか理解できないのですが訳せる方いらっしゃいますか? that containのthatは何を先行詞にしているのでしょうか?human mindですか?artsまでかと思ったのですが関係代名詞の場合thatにカンマはうてないと思うのですが... またcan never beの主語はhuman mindですよね?

  • 英文の和訳2

    またまたすみません。 今回も、英文の訳を教えてください。 お願いします! 1.It is good to live a busy and honest life,for no one can be happy who is useless, and idleness makes all sorts of things wrong. >It is good to live a busy and honest lifeの意味はわかるのですが、 その後の文の意味、特にuselessとidleness の間にandがあるのにコンマが入る意味がわかりません。 2.It may be thought that the field of the unknown has been exhausted in engineering and that there is nothing left for the inquiring mind, but this comment is only made by those who do not see for themselves. >but this comment is only made by those who do not see for themselves の文の訳は分かるのですが、そこから前のところがさっぱり分かりません。 ちなみに、the inquiring mind=研究心のある人、だそうです。 長い文で読みづらくてごめんなさい。 スペルは一応確認しましたがもしかしたら打ち間違いがあるかもしれません。 おかしいときは、遠慮無く言ってください。

  • 次の英文和訳がわかりません

    With the system verified closed selected services can be enabled completely, and, for those that support it, some can be enabled in local mode only or not. 機械翻訳は全滅です。 最初の文では、どれが主語で、係り結びがどうなっているのかが見えてきません。また、andの前後にカンマがあったり、次の thoseの指示するものが読み取れないです。 自分の見解で意訳すると、 「閉じているサービスを選択して完全に有効にすることに加えて、それをサポートする人々のために、いくつかのサービスをローカルからの接続のみ有効にすることが可能です。」 元文書は技術書で、OSのサービスをセキュア設定する項目に関しての文です。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文解釈

    良い和訳を教えてください。 どの単語がどこにかかっているか、見分け方のポイントもお願いします。 The size and height of the mountain ranges in Europe were known with some approach to precision,those in parts of Latin America very roughly,those in Asia hardly at all,those in Africa for practical purposes not at all. forや,での繋がりが分からない原因です。 お願いいたします。