• ベストアンサー

territorial integrity

質問です。英語勉強中の大学生です。 ロシアとグルジアに関する記事で頻繁に "territorial integrity"という語を目にするのですが これはどういう意味を指しているのでしょうか? もちろんterritorial,integrityそれぞれは辞書を引けば意味はわかりますが いまいち"territorial integrity"は意味するものがつかめません。 見た文を書いておきます。 But Georgia has rejected calls for international talks on the future of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, saying its territorial integrity cannot debated. よろしくお願いいたします!

  • R-gray
  • お礼率41% (1005/2413)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数11


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こんばんは。グルジアをめぐる国際情勢にはまったく疎いので、ちょっととんちんかんなことを書くかもしれませんが、トライしてみます。 「しかし、グルジアは、『その領土的一体性(領土的統一性)に議論の余地はないとして』アブハジアと南オセチアの将来に関する国際交渉の呼びかけを拒絶した」 ということですね。 「その領土的一体性(領土的統一性)」とは何か、「その」は「グルジアの」でしょうね、つまり「グルジアがアブハジアと南オセチアも含めて統一的な領土を形作っていること」でしょうね。そのことはcannot be debated すなわち、議論を差し挟む余地はない、つまり当然のことだ、とグルジアは言ったのです。 かみ砕いた訳にすると、 グルジアは、自国がアブハジアと南オセチアも含めて一体の領土になっていることには議論の余地はないと述べて、アブハジアと南オセチアの(独立なり、ロシアにつくなりといったことも含めた)将来に関する国際交渉をしようとする呼びかけを拒絶した。 ということじゃないでしょうか。



すみません、beが抜けていました。 よくわかりました。ありがとうございました!

その他の回答 (1)

  • sanori
  • ベストアンサー率48% (5664/11798)

こんばんは。 オンライン辞書を引きましたら、驚いたことに、一発で見つかりました。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/territorial+integrity/UTF-8/



そんなかんじの訳なのはわかっていたのですが、 一体どういうことを意味しているのかがよくわからなかったのです。 ありがとうございました!


  • IHTのコラムの一節5・People ask me~

    IHT(インターナショナル・ヘラルド・トリビューン)紙のコラムからです。筆者はガリソン・ケイラー氏。タイトルは「A few words for the happy couple」。11月6日のものです。タイトルの意味は、これから大統領に就任するオバマ氏とその奥さんに対するアドバイスということです。 中途の段落を二つ引用します。 A good shingle for the new administration to hang out, rather than The New Covenant or A Fair Exchange or English Spoken Here, would be Keep Seat Belt Buckled. Happy days are not here and the sky above is not clear. One bright light in the marquee is Michelle Obama, that witty, jumpy woman with the quicksilver smile who said, "How does Barack prepare for a debate? He just talks to me and he's ready." The good mother who said, "People ask me how I am, and I say, I'm only as good as my most sad child." Come January, we will have a president whose wife calls him Baby. Good for you, Mama. And now she becomes America's No. 2 celebrity, the object of giddy curiosity. 上記文中の "People ask me how I am, and I say, I'm only as good as my most sad child." の意味をご教示ください。 なお、その他の部分の意味はざっと次のようなものと思います。 「新政権が掲げる看板は、『新しい契約』とか『公正な取引』、『公用語は英語』などではなくて、『シートベルトをしっかり締めろ』がいいだろう。『幸せな日々が今ここに』というわけにはいかないし、空模様は剣呑だ。 ホワイトハウスにともるひとつの明かりは妻のミシェル氏だ。あの、機知に富んだ、活気のある、即座に笑みを浮かべる女性。こんな言葉を口にした女性だ。「夫がどんな風に討論会の準備をしたと思います? ただ私と会話しただけですの。それで準備は万全」。よき母親でもある彼女はこうも言った。「People ask me how I am, and I say, I'm only as good as my most sad child」。来年の1月、我々は、夫をベイビーと呼ぶ人物を配偶者とする大統領を迎えることになる。よくぞやってくれたものだ。そして今や彼女は全米で2番目の有名人、目も眩むような人々の好奇の的である。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Treaty of Lausanne (French: Traité de Lausanne) was a peace treaty signed in the Palais de Rumine, Lausanne, Switzerland, on 24 July 1923. It officially settled the conflict that had originally existed between the Ottoman Empire and the Allied French Republic, British Empire, Kingdom of Italy, Empire of Japan, Kingdom of Greece, and the Kingdom of Romania since the onset of World War I. The original text of the treaty is in French. It was the result of a second attempt at peace after the failed Treaty of Sèvres, which was signed by all previous parties, except the Kingdom of Greece, but later rejected by the Turkish national movement who fought against the previous terms and significant loss of territory. The Treaty of Lausanne ended the conflict and defined the borders of the modern Turkish Republic. In the treaty, Turkey gave up all claims to the remainder of the Ottoman Empire and in return the Allies recognized Turkish sovereignty within its new borders. The treaty was ratified by Turkey on 23 August 1923, Greece on 25 August 1923, Italy on 12 March 1924, Japan on 15 May 1924, Great Britain on 16 July 1924. The treaty came into force on 6 August 1924, when the instruments of ratification were officially deposited in Paris. After the withdrawal of the Greek forces in Asia Minor and the expulsion of the Ottoman sultan by the Turkish army under the command of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the Ankara-based Kemalist government of the Turkish national movement rejected the territorial losses imposed by the 1920 Treaty of Sèvres previously signed by the Ottoman Empire. Britain had sought to undermine Turkish influence in Mesopotamia and Kirkuk by seeking the division of Kurdish populated regions in Eastern Anatolia, but secular Kemalist rhetoric relieved some of the international concerns about the future of the Armenian community that had survived the 1915 Armenian genocide and support for Kurdish self determination similarly declined. Under the Treaty of Lausanne, signed in 1923, Eastern Anatolia became part of modern day Turkey, in exchange for Turkey's relinquishing Ottoman-era claims to the oil-rich Arab lands. Negotiations were undertaken during the Conference of Lausanne, where İsmet İnönü was the chief negotiator for Turkey. Lord Curzon, the British Foreign Secretary of that time, was the chief negotiator for the Allies, while Eleftherios Venizelos negotiated on behalf of Greece. The negotiations took many months. On 20 November 1922, the peace conference was opened and after strenuous debate was interrupted by Turkish protest on 4 February 1923. After reopening on 23 April, and following more protests by the Turks and tense debates, the treaty was signed on 24 July as a result of eight months of arduous negotiation. The Allied delegation included U.S. Admiral Mark L. Bristol, who served as the United States High Commissioner and championed Turkish efforts. The Treaty of Lausanne ローザンヌ条約

  • known its views and the w

    NHKからの抜粋です Suga said the government is using every opportunity to make known its views and the work it is doing. 日本語記事と比較したですが、意味が分かりません。 make viewは辞書を見ると make a review of:~を再検討{さいけんとう}する くらいしか無かったです。 ”菅官房長官”が登場する文で、関連が高いと思われる文は以下です: そのうえで、菅官房長官は、「政府としては関係各国とも協力しつつ邦人の早期解放に向けて最大限の努力を尽くす所存だ。 この中で菅官房長官は、イスラム過激派組織「イスラム国」のメンバーとみられる男が日本人2人を殺害すると話す映像が公開されたことに関連して、「邦人をすぐにでも解放するようにというメッセージが『イスラム国』に届くように、さまざまな手段を講じながら取り組んでいる。 第三国や部族の長、宗教団体の長など、ありとあらゆる可能性の中で全力で取り組んでいる」と述べました。 もしかして 「さまざまな手段を講じながら取り組んでいる」 = "every opportunity to make known its views and the work it is doing." なのでしょうか。 全文です Suga calls for release of 2 hostages Jan. 21, 2015 - Updated 05:53 UTC Japan's Chief Cabinet Secretary says the government is making utmost efforts for the release of 2 Japanese apparently captured by the Islamic State militant group. Yoshihide Suga spoke at a news conference on Wednesday. He confirmed that the 2 men in the video released by the group are freelance journalist Kenji Goto and Haruna Yukawa. He said it is highly likely the Islamic State group is the perpetrator of the hostage taking. He said the group has yet to contact the government. He declined to comment on the demand for ransom. Suga said Japan has actively contributed to bringing peace to the Middle East and improving the lives of people there with humanitarian assistance. He said that was the aim of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's latest visit to the region. Suga said the government is using every opportunity to make known its views and the work it is doing. He cited Abe's talks with leaders in the region, social network sites and the websites of Japanese diplomatic missions. He said Japan's engagement has never been aimed at killing Muslims, as the man in the video insisted. He strongly demanded that the perpetrators immediately release the captives unharmed. Suga said Japan's position on the issue has not changed. He said the government will not succumb to terrorism, and that it will contribute to the international fight against terrorism. Asked whether the video may be composed of separate clips, Suga said the government is closely analyzing the footage with the help of experts. He declined to give details of the analysis.

  • 至急翻訳お願い出来ないでしょうか?

    はじめまして。 当方英語がかなり苦手で翻訳ソフトを利用しても文章がハチャメチャになってしまいよく意味がわかりません。 すいませんが以下の文章の翻訳をお願い出来ないでしょうか? Thanks for contacting ○○ Customer Service about listing an item on our site. I understand that you have encountered an error message and was unable to continue with the listing. We really appreciate your time and effort on consulting us on this issue. My name’s ○○ and allow me to assist you on this matter. ○○, for you to be able to successfully exhibit your items on our site. You will have to undergo additional verification as indicated by the error message. For your convenience, you can call this number: 001-○○○-○○○-○○○○ and we’re open at 5:00am - 10:00pm Pacific Time 7 days a week. If you are to be asked for a pass code, just press the pound "#" key on your phone and you'll be assisted by an account specialist and talk about your account. Please be advised that we do this for the sole purpose of protecting your account. We do apologize for the inconvenience this might have caused, but this is the standard process we have ever since. You are not singled out on this and every eBay member has at some point undergone the process. Now, I know that sometimes international phone calls can be quite expensive and because of that, we would like to recommend that you use a service called Skype. They have special rates for any country including the United States and can sometimes be as cheap as 0.10 cents per minute. Here’s their website: www.skype.com. We hope this suggestion helps you as we do not want you spending any more money than is necessary to call us about this issue. Here's how to call us through Skype: 1. Launch your Skype application on your desktop and click "Call" on the upper-menu of the program's home page. 2 .Enter the international code for the country you are calling from before you dial the number. 3. Enter the 10-digit number of the toll free number you are calling using the numeric keypad on your Skype. 4. Click the green "Call" button and your call will be sent out to the number that you entered. We do hope that you reach our phone support and get the process going. After all this you will be allowed access again to your account or as advised by our Specialist during the call. In closing I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your choosing us, as an online market place. We look forward for more years of partnership and innovative possibilities for your ○○ transactions. I hope this information was helpful, and I wish you the best of luck in all of your future ○○ activities. すいませんがどうかお助け願います。