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The Political Strategy of Konrad Adenauer

  • Konrad Adenauer and his political strategy
  • Opposition and support for Adenauer's policies
  • Adenauer's emphasis on ties with Israel


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

彼の監視は、CDU(キリスト教民主同盟)に対しても失われませんでした。 アデナウアーの自身の党でさえ、彼の一方的な政策への反対が、ありました。 アデナウアーは、共産党の危険さの恐怖心をあおることによって、そして、彼が『いかなる実験も』行うことに賛成でなかったと断言することによって選挙に勝利をおさめて、連邦共和国の住民の支持を得ました。 1953年9月6日の2回目の連邦議会選挙では、CDU/CSU(キリスト教社会同盟)は、獲得票数を伸ばし、1957年には、すでに述べたように、絶対多数さえ獲得しました。 アデナウアーは、とりわけ補償をする認識と準備を結びつけて、イスラエル国の代表との結びつきを確立したことを著しく強調しました。



とてもわかりやすかったです ありがとうございました!!



  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The Federal Chancellor created a new West German state in a growing Western economic community. Thus he also became the Chancellor of a divided Germany, an outcome that is not often referred to by German historians. The way Adenauer’s ‘policy of strength’ developed contributed to an escalation in the formation of blocs. In this area he was ahead of his ‘opponent’ Ulbricht in fact and in timing. As early as March 1949 ― even before the founding of the Federal Republic ― and on several occasions in the summer and autumn of 1950, be expressed his readiness to contribute militarily within the framework of a European Army.

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    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The CDU won the elections in the Landtag of North Rhine-Westphalia in July 1958. The alternative movement lost momentum and was confined to history. In the meantime, top secret negotiations had already taken place between the Federal Republic, Italy and France on the construction of a common atom bomb. The project was then immediately stooped by de Gaulle after coming to power in France in April 1958.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    Two great issues lay as impediments to convocation of a multilateral convention to plan the economic reconstruction of Europe. One was the issue of reparations, regarded as the primary matter of contention between the Triple Entente powers of France and Great Britain in the postwar era. At issue was whether the terms of economic reparations in the Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, were to be enforced or amended. On the one hand was the British view that massive reconstruction costs laid upon Germany would undermine European economic recovery and thereby the market for British exports of manufactured goods. The French, on the other hand, believed that if Germany were allowed to skirt the severe financial obligations detailed in the peace treaty, its economic rise would be massively accelerated and its political and military hegemony on the European continent rapidly restored. France, among the main battlegrounds of the European conflagration, was particularly hard-hit and in need of external funds for reconstruction; Germany, on the other hand, was seen as having largely escaped the destruction of infrastructure and economic capacity during the war and currently engaged in systematic underestimation of their ability to pay. The political and economic weakness of Germany was emphasized by its new Weimar government, which effectively made the argument that it would be unable to maintain the specified payment schedule. Germany's position came to be regarded as an axiomatic truth by political decision-makers in London and Washington, DC, as well as elsewhere throughout, despite quiet indications from some German authorities themselves that some substantial portion of the reparations bill could be safely managed. German politicians sought to minimize the country's tax burden through the acquisition of foreign loans and the reduction of the overall reparations bill. British, American, and Swiss bankers were for their own part adamant that necessary loans would not be available until a final, achievable reparations bill and repayment schedule could be agreed upon by all main parties in the dispute. In the meantime, German authorities attempted to raise the foreign currency necessary for reparations by dumping paper currency unbacked by gold on the market, triggering a hyperinflation paralyzing the country's economy, which had a desired subsidiary effect of helping make the case that the current schedule of reparations was untenable. It was hoped by Germany, Britain, and the United States and feared by France that the Genoa Conference would provide an opportunity for downward revision of the reparations schedule set forth by treaty.

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    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The declared ‘search for security’ (as Eckart Conze calls it) of the Germans in the Federal Republic was to be carried out by means of the creation of a new army and its being equipped with nuclear weapons, giving rise to the contradictory situation that this policy simultaneously led to a threat to military security for Germans in East and West and an increase in their political insecurity, particularly since the potential for conflict and confrontation between the GDR and the Federal Republic was heightened. With his one-sided and undisguised Western policy and his style of governing, Adenauer shaped an era that was characterized by an American, transatlantic and francophile attitude and, at the same time, conservative and authoritarian models. The main concerns of the Federal Chancellor, who was strongly oriented towards the Rhineland, were the determined concentration on achieving sovereignly for the West German state and the forcing through of Western integration in the teeth of strong opposition from the SPD. Adenauer was consciously prepared to accept the resulting division of Germany by giving the impression in public that unity could only be achieved through Western integration and a ‘policy of strength’ towards the USSR.

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    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 On the occasion of Adenauer’s visit to Moscow in 1955 the leadership in the Kremlin allowed the release of the prisoners of war still in the Soviet Union in exchange for Bonn’s taking up diplomatic relations that had not been sought up to this point. In answer to the question of what Adenauer’s greatest achievement was in opinion polls more than ten years later, 75 per cent of the citizens of the Federal Republic stated ‘bringing home the last prisoners of war’, which has entered into mythology. The official foundation of the GDR in the Soviet Occupation Zone, by means of publication of a constitution on 7 October 1949, followed the formation of the Federal Republic with only a slight time delay. The German People’s Council, which had emerged from the People’s Congress movement on 30 May 1949, was transformed on the same day into a provisional Volkskammer(People’s Chamber), becoming the parliament of the East German partial state.

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    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The anti-nuclear movement finally failed due to the majority in the Bundestag that were in favour of the nuclear arming of the Bundeswehr, as well as due to the absolute determination of the NATO states to implement the agreements made within the Atlantic alliance and to Adenauer’s inflexible will as leader. The activities by the DGB and the SPD in the campaign against atomic death decreased. The federal government then decided in October 1958 to acquire the most up-to-date fighter bomber, the Starfighter F 104 G, which was equipped with atom bombs and was able to fly deep into Soviet Russian territory.

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    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 In contrast to the Federal Republic, in the GDR authority was not exercised by the state and its organizations, but by a party: the SED and its committees. The SED Politburo was the centre of power. In addition to this came the apparatus of the Central Committee(CC), which had more than 2,000 members and was superior to the administration of the state. Whoever offends against life, is stupid or evil, whoever defends humanity, is always right. So, springing from Lenin’s mind and welded into place by Stalin, that’s the Party, the Party!

  • 英語の文章を日本語訳して下さい。

    The Allied navies were able to sail relatively freely throughout the Mediterranean by keeping the Central Powers' surface units bottled up in either the Adriatic or at Constantinople. This freedom of movement was tremendously important for the Allies, as they were not only able to keep open their supply routes (to Egypt for example), but to also evacuate the remains of the Serbian Army from capture and even launch (and supply) amphibious invasions at Gallipoli in 1915 and Salonika in 1916. In 1915, the major fleet action was the failed Allied attempt to knock the Ottoman Empire out of the war by an attack on Constantinople. The Allies needed to pass the Dardanelles strait in order to supply Russia. The Battle of Gallipoli lasted for most of the year but was unsuccessful. An initial naval assault was defeated by mines and coastal fortresses, and the subsequent land assault was also defeated, but with heavy casualties on both sides.

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    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The French statesman still believed in the formation of a ‘force de frappe nucleaire’ together with the USA and Great Britain, which did not, in the event, materialize. This idea, which was only superficially impressive, was not to meet with any success. On the contrary, his policy led to a deepening of the division, not only of Germany, but also of Europe.

  • 英文を日本文にしてください。

    Metzeral fell several days later and on 22 June, the Germans retired from the west bank of the Fecht to a line from Mühlbach east to the Hilsenfirst. The French suffered 6,667 casualties and the 19th Reserve Division with attached units suffered 3,676. An attack on the Barrenkopf and Reichsackerkopf from 20 to 22 July failed but the Lingekopf was captured on 27 July; local fighting went on at the Barrenkopf into August. The supporting attacks had minimal artillery support, took less ground than the Tenth Army and cost another 37,500 casualties, about 40 percent of the casualties incurred in Artois. On 9 May, five French corps had attacked two German divisions on a 16 mi (25 km) front and advanced 2 mi (4 km) on the front of the 5th Bavarian Reserve Division between the Lorette Spur and La Targette. The 77th Division and the DM of XXXIII Corps penetrated between Carency and Neuville, overran Landwehr Regiment 39 and captured Hill 145, the highest point on Vimy Ridge The DM was then repulsed by local counter-attacks from Bavarian Infantry Regiment 7, which had been rushed forward from reserve. From 9 to 12 May the Tenth Army made the largest advance since trench warfare began, using the new tactics which caused the German defenders great difficulty, even on the flanks where the attacks were repulsed. The extent and tempo of the French plans proved too ambitious, given the material constraints affecting the Tenth Army and French munitions production. XXXIII Corps was forced off Vimy Ridge by German artillery-fire and flanking fire from Souchez and Neuville. Foch wrote a report in early August in which he explained that the failure to hold Hill 145 was due to XXXIII Corps and the Tenth Army reserves being too distant and not deployed according to a proper reinforcement plan. At the beginning of the attack the XXXIII Corps reserve was a brigade of the DM, with a regiment at Mont St Éloi, 2 mi (3 km) behind the front and a regiment at Acq 4 mi (6 km) back, to keep them out of German artillery range. Three battalions were sent forward at 1:00 p.m., half a battalion at 3:30 p.m. and the rest of the battalion at 4:00 p.m. to assist in consolidation and to be ready to defeat German counter-attacks, not to press on. The nearest Tenth Army reserve was the 18th Division, 7 mi (12 km) away. Foch wrote that no-one had expected the DM to advance 2 mi (4 km) in an hour. The slow and piecemeal arrival of reserves was made worse by the failure of the supporting attack to the north by the British First Army, which was defeated on 9 May at the Battle of Aubers Ridge, after which the British offensive was postponed until 16 May (the Battle of Festubert). The British Second Army was engaged against the German 4th Army, in the Second Battle of Ypres from 21 April to 25 May, which diverted British resources from the First Army.

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