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Suspicious Results in Volkskammer Elections in East Germany

  • The results of the single-list elections to the Volkskammer in East Germany from 1950 to 1986 show suspicious patterns, with high percentages of 'Yes' votes and suspiciously high voter turnouts.
  • The numbers, often exceeding 90 percent and even reaching close to 100 percent, raise concerns of fraud.
  • The constitution of East Germany resembled the Weimar constitution, with Germany being referred to as an 'indivisible democratic republic' based on Länder.


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

1950年から1986年(すなわちワルター・ウルブリヒトとエーリヒ・ホーネッカーの期間)の人民議会の他に選択肢のない選挙結果は、明らかに並行して増える『賛成』票とむしろ疑わしく見える割合を示す選挙の投票者数の一群を示します。 数字は、すべて、90パーセントをはるかに上回り、100パーセントに近づいていました。 たとえば、投票率に関して、1986年は、99.74パーセントで、『賛成』票が、99.4パーセントなのです、詐欺の疑惑は、明らかでした。 GDR(ドイツ民主共和国)の憲法は、形式上ワイマール憲法を連想させました。 ドイツは、ランダーに基づく『分割できない民主主義共和国』と呼ばれました。



  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 At the start of October 1945 the British occupation authorities prevented him from travelling to the SPD conference in Wennigsen near Hanover. The US and French occupation authorities similarly reacted. The first elections to the GDR Volkskammer took place on 15 October 1950 on the basis of a single list of the National Front, and delivered the 99.7 per cent ‘Yes’ votes usual within dictatorships. This system, which offered the electors no alternative, was the one practiced up to the end of the SED regime in 1989/90.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    In March 1921, the Inter-Allied Commission held the Upper Silesia plebiscite, which was peaceful despite the previous violence. The plebiscite resulted in c. 60 per cent of the population voting for the province to remain part of Germany. Following the vote, the League of Nations debated the future of the province. In 1922, Upper Silesia was partitioned: Oppeln, in the north-west, remained with Germany while Silesia Province, in the south-east, was transferred to Poland. Memel remained under the authority of the League of Nations, with a French military garrison, until January 1923. On 9 January 1923, Lithuanian forces invaded the territory during the Klaipėda Revolt. The French garrison withdrew, and in February the Allies agreed to attach Memel as an "autonomous territory" to Lithuania. On 8 May 1924, after negotiations between the Lithuanian Government and the Conference of Ambassadors and action by the League of Nations, the annexation of Memel was ratified. Lithuania accepted the Memel Statute, a power-sharing arrangement to protect non-Lithuanians in the territory and its autonomous status while responsibility for the territory remained with the great powers. The League of Nations mediated between the Germans and Lithuanians on a local level, helping the power-sharing arrangement last until 1939. On 13 January 1935, 15 years after the Saar Basin had been placed under the protection of the League of Nations, a plebiscite was held to determine the future of the area. 528,105 votes were cast, with 477,119 votes (90 per cent of the ballot) in favour of union with Germany; 46,613 votes were cast for the status quo, and 2,124 votes for union with France. The region returned to German sovereignty on 1 March 1935. When the result was announced 4,100 people, including 800 refugees from Germany fled to France.In late 1918, American, Belgian, British, and French troops entered the Rhineland to enforce the armistice. Prior to the treaty, the occupation force stood at roughly 740,000 men. Following the signing of the peace treaty, the numbers drastically decreased and by 1926 the occupation force numbered only 76,000 men. As part of the 1929 negotiations that would become the Young Plan, Stresemann and Aristide Briand negotiated the early withdrawal of Allied forces from the Rhineland. On 30 June 1930, after speeches and the lowering of flags, the last troops of the Anglo-French-Belgian occupation force withdrew from Germany. Belgium maintained an occupation force of roughly 10,000 troops throughout the initial years. This figure fell to 7,102 by 1926, and continued to fall as a result of diplomatic developments.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 Of course for this there also needed to be favourable conditions and a fellow player: Walter Ulbricht, whose policy, with its Socialist Eastern state, played into the hands of Adenauer’s idea of isolation and distancing. Ulbricht was equally opposed to a unification of Germany at the expense of the GDR system. The Korean War was favourable for Adenauer’s policy of the militarization of the Federal Republic, drawing international attention and seemingly making a West German contribution necessary. As a quid pro quo Adenauer demanded sovereignty for his partial state.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The declared ‘search for security’ (as Eckart Conze calls it) of the Germans in the Federal Republic was to be carried out by means of the creation of a new army and its being equipped with nuclear weapons, giving rise to the contradictory situation that this policy simultaneously led to a threat to military security for Germans in East and West and an increase in their political insecurity, particularly since the potential for conflict and confrontation between the GDR and the Federal Republic was heightened. With his one-sided and undisguised Western policy and his style of governing, Adenauer shaped an era that was characterized by an American, transatlantic and francophile attitude and, at the same time, conservative and authoritarian models. The main concerns of the Federal Chancellor, who was strongly oriented towards the Rhineland, were the determined concentration on achieving sovereignly for the West German state and the forcing through of Western integration in the teeth of strong opposition from the SPD. Adenauer was consciously prepared to accept the resulting division of Germany by giving the impression in public that unity could only be achieved through Western integration and a ‘policy of strength’ towards the USSR.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 On the occasion of Adenauer’s visit to Moscow in 1955 the leadership in the Kremlin allowed the release of the prisoners of war still in the Soviet Union in exchange for Bonn’s taking up diplomatic relations that had not been sought up to this point. In answer to the question of what Adenauer’s greatest achievement was in opinion polls more than ten years later, 75 per cent of the citizens of the Federal Republic stated ‘bringing home the last prisoners of war’, which has entered into mythology. The official foundation of the GDR in the Soviet Occupation Zone, by means of publication of a constitution on 7 October 1949, followed the formation of the Federal Republic with only a slight time delay. The German People’s Council, which had emerged from the People’s Congress movement on 30 May 1949, was transformed on the same day into a provisional Volkskammer(People’s Chamber), becoming the parliament of the East German partial state.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The Federal Chancellor created a new West German state in a growing Western economic community. Thus he also became the Chancellor of a divided Germany, an outcome that is not often referred to by German historians. The way Adenauer’s ‘policy of strength’ developed contributed to an escalation in the formation of blocs. In this area he was ahead of his ‘opponent’ Ulbricht in fact and in timing. As early as March 1949 ― even before the founding of the Federal Republic ― and on several occasions in the summer and autumn of 1950, be expressed his readiness to contribute militarily within the framework of a European Army.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The French statesman still believed in the formation of a ‘force de frappe nucleaire’ together with the USA and Great Britain, which did not, in the event, materialize. This idea, which was only superficially impressive, was not to meet with any success. On the contrary, his policy led to a deepening of the division, not only of Germany, but also of Europe.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    On 5 May 1921, the reparation Commission established the London Schedule of Payments and a final reparation sum of 132 billion gold marks to be demanded of all the Central Powers. This was the public assessment of what the Central Powers combined could pay, and was also a compromise between Belgian, British, and French demands and assessments. Furthermore, the Commission recognized that the Central Powers could pay little and that the burden would fall upon Germany. As a result the sum was split into different categories, of which Germany was only required to pay 50 billion gold marks (US$12.5 billion); this being the genuine assessment of the Commission on what Germany could pay, and allowed the Allied powers to save face with the public by presenting a higher figure. Furthermore, payments made between 1919 and 1921 were taken into account reducing the sum to 41 billion gold marks. In order to meet this sum, Germany could pay in case or kind: coal, timber, chemical dyes, pharmaceuticals, livestock, agricultural machines, construction materials, and factory machinery. Germany's assistance with the restoration of the university library of Louvain, which was destroyed by the Germans on 25 August 1914, was also credited towards the sum. Territorial changes imposed by the treaty were also factored in. The payment schedule required US$250 million within twenty-five days and then US$500 million annually, plus 26 per cent of the value of German exports. The German Government was to issue bonds at five per cent interest and set up a sinking fund of one per cent to support the payment of reparations.In February and March 1920, the Schleswig Plebiscites were held. The people of Schleswig were presented with only two choices: Danish or German sovereignty. The northern Danish-speaking area voted for Denmark while the southern German-speaking area voted for Germany, resulting in the province being partitioned.[69] The East Prussia plebiscite was held on 11 July 1920. There was a 90% turn out with 99.3% of the population wishing to remain with Germany. Further plebiscites were held in Eupen, Malmedy, and Prussian Moresnet. On 20 September 1920, the League of Nations allotted these territories to Belgium. These latter plebiscites were followed by a boundary commission in 1922, followed by the new Belgian-German border being recognized by the German Government on 15 December 1923. The transfer of the Hultschin area, of Silesia, to Czechoslovakia was completed on 3 February 1921. Following the implementation of the treaty, Upper Silesia was initially governed by Britain, France, and Italy. Between 1919–1921, three major outbreaks of violence took place between German and Polish civilians, resulting in German and Polish military forces also becoming involved.

  • 困っています。次の英文の和訳をお願いします。

    英語の文章なのですが、私には難しくて和訳ができないです。翻訳サイト等を使わずに、和訳をお願いできないでしょうか? The Greek Memoranda strategy is organised through two EAPs and their numerous interim revisions . The first EAP was launched in March 2010 . It issued 110 billion loans (80 billion from EU countries and 30 billion from IMF ) with 5.5 per cent interest rate , for the service of the external debt and the needs of the Greek economy with a time horizon (in term of its loans ) until 2013 . Then it was assumed that Greece would not be needing support and could borrow directly on the international markets . This means that the loan program was planned for the three-year period of 2010-13. Moreover , it was planned that BD in 2014 would be less than 3 per cent of GDP . It was also predicted that for the first two years of the program the economy would shrink by about 6.6 per cent and that cumulative growth of 5.3 per cent would follow in 2012-14 .

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 The GDR constitution also offered a handy pretext for a justice system that, increasingly, acted politically, proceeding by targeting opponents of this new German partial state and carrying out harsh measures against them. It soon became clear that this constitution was a contradiction with the elements in itself that were based on a state system recognizing legal rights and in contradiction to real democratic conditions. In 1952, without reference to the populations concerned and the representatives of the Lander of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg Saxony-Anhalt and Thuringia, these historic Lander were replaced by fourteen ‘Bezirke’(counties). No change to the constitution was considered necessary for this.

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  • 金利上昇決定後、固定金利への借り換えは返済負担を減らす一つの方法ですが、借り換え手数料や固定金利による上昇も考慮する必要があります。また、金利上昇が一時的なものである可能性もあるため、変動金利での返済が現状では有利かもしれません。
  • 金利上昇に対する最適な選択は、個々の状況によって異なります。借り換え手数料や将来の金利動向を考慮し、自身の返済能力に合った選択をすることが重要です。金利上昇の影響を最小限にするために、金融機関や専門家と相談することもおすすめです。