• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:契約書の記載に関しまして)


  • Company AとCompany Bは、18か月の営業協定を結びます。
  • 協定期間中、Company Bは自社製品を日本に販売する、または販売予定のある競合他社に対して、いかなる合意も行わないこととします。
  • Company Aは、この期間中にCompany Bの製品を1000台販売しようと努力します。


  • ベストアンサー

契約書には雛形があるのでそれに従って書くのが良いと思いますよ。貴兄のケースは売買契約のついでに販売独占契約を取り込もうとしているからむずかしくなる。二つの雛形を一つに纏めるとなれば専門家でもてこずるはずです。ならば、どちらの契約が優先されるべきなのかを考えて、それにAddendum を付け加えれば簡単になるはずです。当然、売買契約がベースとなるはずです。ならば、一般的な売買契約の雛形を利用して、下記のようにdraftを作成する。 CONTRACT NO. _____ THIS AGREEMENT is made effective the 25th day of February, 2012, by and between Company A ("Seller") and Company B ("Buyer") on the following terms and conditions: PRODUCTS: QUANTITY: About 1,000 units, exact Qty to be mutually agreed upon PRICE: US$___ per Unit DELIVERY: CIF MJP, CY PAYMENT: By an irrevocalbe LC at sighty for 100% of invoice value. PACKING: SHIPMENT: During March, 2012 throurgh August, 2013 LOADING PORT: DISCHARGING PORT: Main Japanese port(s) in Buyer's option. FORCE MAJEURE: Non-performance by either party hereunder, other than an obligation to pay money, shall be excused to the extent that performance is rendered impossible by strike, fire, flood, governmental acts, orders or restrictions, or any other reason to the extent that the failure to perform is beyond the control of the non-performing party. ARBITRATION: Any disputed which may arise between the parties out of or in relation to this Agreement shall be submitted for arbitration to be held in Tokyo, Japan under the rules of Japan Commercial Arbitration Association and shall be finally settled thereby. This contract is made in English being legally of the equal effect. Each party keep one original after signing the contract. Signature ______________________________ Name & Company _____________________________ Date _______________ Signature ______________________________ Name & Company _____________________________ Date _______________ Addendum to an Existing Contract No ____ This document is in reference to a contract agreement dated Febrary, 25, 2012, between the following parties that are named below in this document. May it be known that the undersigned parties, for good consideration, do hereby agree to make the following changes and / or additions that are outlined below. These additions shall be made valid as if they are included in the original stated contract. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION: Seller hereby appoints Buyer as its exclusive distributor of Products in Japan. Buyer accepts this appointment. Seller shall not directly or indirectly sell or offer to sell any of the Products in Japan to any third party. In the event Seller receives requests for information relating to, or purchase orders for, Products from customers or potential customers in the region, Seller shall promptly forward such requests or orders to Buyer. BUYER'S DUTIES: 1 Buyer's Efforts: Buyer shall use commercially reasonable efforts to promote the sale of Products in Japan. Buyer shall not knowingly detract from the good name of Seller or the reputation of Products. 2 Sales Quota: Buyer shall maintain its exclusive right to distribute the Products in Japan so long as 1,000 units of the minimum purchase quota is met or exceeded in the duration of this Agreement. If Buyer fails to meet the minimum purchase quota, Seller shall have the option to convert Buyer's appointment to a non-exclusive appointment. Even in such a case, however, Buyer shall be able to buy the Products from Seller and sell its Products to the Buyer's customers. DUATION: The duration of this Agreement shall be effective from February 25, 2012 through and including August 24, 2013, unless either of the parties terminates this Agreement by giving thirty (30) days written notice, provided that by mutual agreement such thirty (30) days notice may be waived. No other terms or conditions of the above mentioned contract shall be negated or changed as a result of this here stated addendum. Signature ______________________________ Name & Company _____________________________ Date _______________ Signature ______________________________ Name & Company _____________________________ Date _______







その他の回答 (2)

  • speglo
  • ベストアンサー率47% (167/353)

契約書としては、まだいろいろ書き加えることがあると思います。製品や価格や、市場環境、製品の質(製品に欠陥がある場合など、当然目標は達成できないわけですし)、やはり、本来なら司法書士に書かせるべきでしょう。一応、書きなおしてみましたが、18ヶ月後、自動継続とはいうものの、その時点でのquotaは1000台なのかなど書き漏れている点が多く、完全な形にはできません。 Company A (herein called "A") and Company B (herein called "B") will enter into an exclusive selling agreement for a period of 18 months, beginning on February 25, 2012 and ending on August 25, 2013. During this period, B will only sell its products through A and with not authorize anyone else to sell its products either directly or indirectly in Japan. In return, A will make every effort to sell a minimum of 1000 units of the products ("the quota") manufactured by B. As long as A satisfies the quota, this agreement will automatically be extended for another year. In the event A fails to satisfy the quota, B will have an option to either renew or terminate this agreement, provided that in either case A will be able to continue purchasing the products from B in order to service its customers. A will only lose the exclusive selling rights to sell the products. This agreement can only be terminated prior to the termination date by a mutual consent. Should a dispute arises with regard to the condition(s) of this agreement, both parties promises to use every available means to settle the differences. The jurisdiction of this agreement is ............................. In agreement, the CEO of both parties should sign hereunder with its legal company name and the date. Company Name: Company B Company Address: Name of CEO Company Name: Company A Company Address: Name of CEO







  • drmuraberg
  • ベストアンサー率71% (847/1183)

昔を思い出しながら参考に纏めてみました。 In regards to the sales of XXX®XX (hereinafter (referred to as)* “Product”) manufactured (またはproduced) by Company B, address XY, (hereinafter (referred to as )*“BB”) and Company A, address YZ (hereinafter (referred to as)* “AA”) agree as follows: 1.AA shall have an exclusive right to sell and distribute Product in Japan. 2.AA shall sell at least 1000 units of Product within a period agreed by the parties. 3.The first period shall be 18 months starting on 25th of February 2012 and will end on 24th of August 2013. 4.In case AA achieves the target described above, this agreement will     automatically be extended for further one period. 5.In case AA fails to achieve the target, BB will decide whether this agreement shall be renewed or terminated. 6.Even after the termination of this agreement by BB’s decision basing on the preceding clause, AA may buy Product from BB and supply it to the users of Product in Japan on non-exclusive base. 7. In case of any dispute arising in regard to this agreement, the parties shall settle such dispute by good faith-negotiation. If there is no satisfactory settlement even after the negotiation, the dispute shall be submitted for binding decision to the Tokyo District Court in Tokyo Japan. (Applicable law shall be the Commercial Code (Law) of Japan.) 8. If either of the parties will terminate this agreement, a written notice shall be given to the other ZX months in advance. In witness whereof, this agreement has been prepared in duplicate originals and, upon signing by (the authorized representatives of ) ** the parties, each shall retain one original thereof. Date Company Name: BB Name (& title) **of CEO Company Name: AA Name (& title)** of CEO (referred to as)*は省略しても良い。 The penalty for Company B will be determined by the outcome of breach of the agreement by Company B. この条項の意味が不明です。削除されたら? 裁判所は「東京地方裁判所では」? (& title) ** ,(the authorized representatives of ) ** サインの欄にCEOと記して 有れば不要。 Bon voyage!

