• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー

私はキモノを収集しています。 今日ちょうどあなたがキモノを売りに出しているのに気づきましたが、 もう入札できる期間が終わるようなので、入札の期間を延長するか、 この商品を再度、売りに出してもらえるでしょうか。 是非、購入したいと思っています。 それから、この商品を決まった価格で売るとしたら、いくらになりますか。 私は、商品を競り落とすのが得意ではありません。 最低価格をつけるとしたら、どのぐらいでしょうか。


  • 質問に対する答えの英訳について

    If YOU would be buying this blade for you, which one would you choose? and why? Comparing this one to the german knife that you are selling. I see that they both have the same price. between the puma and this heart columbia, if you can only afford one razor? ----以下の文章です。よろしくお願いします---------- 私はどちらのナイフもおすすめです。 現在、他の在庫はありません。

  • ebay掲載した商品が削除され管理者からメール

    下記のメールは何をいっているのでしょうか? 商品がダメだから削除されたのか?それとも、カテゴリがあっていないから削除されたのか? 1.なぜ削除されたのか?理由を教えて下さい email (Free shipping)Photo will be sent by email と書いてあったのがダメだったのか? 2.またどう対処すればいいのか、書いてあるようであれば その対処方法も教えて下さい Unfortunately, we had to remove your listing because of the following: I know this was not your intention and don't worry I will be happy to explain this to you. Our decision to remove the listing is because of the way it was listed. To sell digital goods on eBay, the listings should be listed under the correct category and format. The guidelines on digitally delivered goods help create a safer place to buy and sell by prohibiting sellers from using eBay in a way that might infringe on the intellectual property rights of others or violate the law. Here is a part of your description : email (Free shipping)Photo will be sent by email The benefits of using a Classified Ad format is that the listing would be on the site for 30 days, there is no Final Value Fee when the item sells and your interested buyers would be able to contact you directly. A Classified Ad format is like a regular listing. Feel free to revise and relist the item as long as it would be listed on the correct category with the right listing format. You can list most digitally delivered items -- meaning things that people download or receive by email -- as long as you use the Classified Ad format and list your item only in the Everything Else > Information Products category. Here's more information on our policy: http://pages.ebay.com/help/policies/downloadable.html Important: The next time you sell, you may be asked to take a tutorial. Once you've completed the tutorial successfully, please review your account status for any other possible concerns. If there are no other issues, you should be able to sell again. Please note: violation of this or other eBay policies may result in forfeit of eBay fees on cancelled listings, limits on account privileges and account suspension. You can review our listing removal policies and seller rules by clicking the links at the end of this email. Make sure your future listings follow these guidelines. If they don't, they may be removed, and you may be subject to a range of other actions, including restrictions of your buying and selling privileges and suspension of your account. We appreciate your understanding.

  • EBAY 質問内容についてご教授ください。お願いします。

    Let me know the price for shipping (including handling) to Japan by airmail and also the delivery schedule. と質問しましたら Sorry but I don't wrap an item unless it is sold so I can't give you that price until the auction is over. It is too much trouble to go to if the item doesn't sell. Sorry. と返答がありました。落札してから包んでみないと、なんともいえないというニュアンスの回答だと思うんですが、EBAYから Do not respond to the sender if this message requests that you complete the transaction outside of eBay. This type of offer is against eBay policy, may be fraudulent, and is not covered by buyer protection programsという自動メッセージがきています。 私はオークション外の取引きをするつもりはないのですが、私の質問内容は聞いてはだめだったことなのでしょうか?ご教授願います。

  • 英語問題 質問

    When Jennifer asks her son Thomas what he would like to be when he grows up , he answers that would like to be spiderman. She is surprised and says: Are you really ( )( )( )( )( )( )? (1)to be (2)sure (3)that's (4)want (5)what (6)you この場合どう並び替えるのが適切でしょうか?

  • 次の文章を日本語にしてください。

    I would be happy to start the book over with I would be happy to start the book over with you if you'd like. I can come up with some text to share with you. I think this book is awesome and I really like how it has the definition of the words. In my opinion learning the words of what you are saying is a great idea and will help you be able to speak with other people and have conversations. I look forward to our lesson today

  • 英語の質問がうまく訳せません

    英語の質問されたのですが、うまく訳せません。 わかる方よろしくおねがいします。 You enter a warehouse. Their is ittle light, but you are able to find you way around. The sound of music draws you to corner of the warehouse. The are FIVE GHOUL CLOWNS, playing a dancing video game. The have razor sharp teeth and scary weapons. Magic can not afect them, They sense your presence and turn facing you. The run to you to attack. Time to fight! What character would you want to be to defeat them and how would you handle the situation? If you had to be chained with a character for one year, what would be the character and what would you do? You can have dinner with your favorite character. And at this dinner you may ask one question. Who woud be the character and what would be your one question? What's number 1 on your bucket list? (Something you want to do before you leave the planet). What advice would you give to people getting started in ××? ××は趣味の内容です

  • 英訳(長文です)お願いします(eBay編)

    アメリカのeBayで欲しいベース(楽器)を見つけました。 日本への発送の可否の確認とちょっと予算オーバーだったので値引き交渉をしようと 以下のような文章を送りました。 ===================================== Hello. I am interested in your bass. How much for shipping to Japan? And could you please give me a discount? ===================================== そしたら以下のようなメールが立て続けに来たのですが・・・ 長文でちょっとわからず・・・。たぶんFedExだとこのぐらいでUSPSだとこのぐらいで うんたらかんたら~って感じだと思うのですが。 あと値引きの可否がどうなのかも良くわからず・・・。 どなたか訳していただくことはできませんでしょうか? ===================================== Hi. Thank you for your interest. I sincerely do not know how much it would be to ship to Japan. I can try to get an estimate only, but I will not know until I take the bass in the case and box to FedEx or UPS. That is why if you want the bass I suggest you purchase it knowing you'd have to spend a few hundred dollars in shipping, which you'd have to pay separately. To Japan it would not surprise me if it were in the $200-$400 range. I will try to get an estimate though. The starting bid is already below my break-even. The Buy-It-Now price is barely above it, so I cannot go below what it already is. Thanks again - ===================================== OK, based on the following dimensions: Weight: 25 lbs (11.4 kg) Length: 51 inches (129.54 cm) Height: 17 inches (43.18 cm) Width: 7 inches (17.79 cm) the FedEx website is quoting $435 for International Economy and $505 for International Priority. UPS' prices are similar: UPS Worldwide Expedited is $443 while Worldwide Saver is $514 (makes no sense). I prefer FedEx anyway. Keep in mind that they will require me to submit an Invoice/Receipt (showing value), Shipper's Export Declaration and Certificate of Origin. If these prices are acceptable to you, you can go ahead and make the purchase adding either $435 or $505 to the total for shipping with the understanding that (1) these are only quotes based on shipping today and if they end up charging me more that $20 for shipping than was quoted (and you paid) you promise to submit a second payment for the difference, and (2) that you also understand I have to declare the actual value/purchase price of the bass and that you will probably have to pay import duties (I do not know the laws in Japan, so I only assume you will have to, and if you do, I have an idea how much). Let me know what you think. Either way thanks for your interest, ===================================== Hello again. More info for you to consider: I went to a nearby FedEx store, and given the dimensions, the price was a little better: $420 for International Economy. This price includes insurance for the value of the bass. Without insurance, the price is $361. It could still change slightly if the dimensions or weight are different, but no unlikely. I would still ask to get a separate payment if the difference is greater than $20. Likewise, if I get charged an amount cheaper by >$20 as quoted, I will reimburse the difference. If you want the bass and want to save some $$, then the option to ship without insurance (loss or damage) is yours, but it would be a risk I would not take or recommend; again, the choice and risk are yours. Let me know - =====================================

  • 英訳お願いします

    落札できなかった人がこんなメッセージを送ってきました。 You're bidding restrictions suck. I really wanted to buy this option as well and would have been much more than what it sold for. 出品者に文句言うのはお門違いだと思うのですが。 「おまえの出品のやり方が悪いんだよ。ホントに欲しかったんだ、落札価格よりもっと高い値段をつけたよ」 こんな感じでしょうか? 私の方がお門違いなら、どうぞご指摘ください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の質問です。

    ( )内の近い意味を持つ語を答えなさい。1.This part of the processing cannot be automated and needs to be done (by hand). (1)handly (2)manually (3)artificially (4)craftily 答え(2) ( )に入るもっとも適切なものを選びなさい。 2.I don't know that Tom had read War and Peace. ( ) surprised me most was the fact that he had read it in two days. (1)That (2)Who (3)Whoever (4)What 答え(4) 3.The man ( ) was my friend has betrayed me. (1)how I thought (2)what I thought (3)who I thought (4)whom I thought 答え(3) 4.Is this ( ) you said you bought in France? (1)as (2)that (3)what (4)which 答え(3) 5.Things are not ( ) they used to be. (1)while (2)what (3)when (4)that 5.This encyclopedia is very informative and, ( ) is more, inexpensive. (1)which (2)it (3)that (4)what 答え(4) 自分で解いてみたのですが、 訳ができずに困っています。 訳を教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • eBayについて分からないことがあります。次のような英文が出てきました・・・・

    eBayについて分からないことがあります。次のような英文が出てきました・・・・↓↓↓ Attention Seller: Thank you for choosing eBay. In order to help maintain a safe trading environment, selling limits are occasionally placed on listings. At this time, you are limited as to the listing of certain items. Please do not attempt to relist this item for 30 days. Sellers who have a consistent positive selling history of such items may be eligible to have these limits raised. If you would like eBay to review your limits or if you have any additional questions, please email us at Customer Support. We sincerely value you as a member of our trading Community and look forward to a continued successful relationship with you. Click here for a window with more information on eBay’s listing guidelines. どのような対策をとればよいのでしょうか? お願いします。