• ベストアンサー


英語Iの教科書に載っている英文なのですが、 She was carrying both the Australian and Aboriginal colors.They were tied together.Behind them was her strong desire for unity and equality among the people in the country of the Southern Cross.と、ここまでが訳せません。 1つ1つの単語を調べたりはしたのですが、まとめようとすると、どうも意味の通らないものになってしまいます。 Southern Crossというのは南十字星、等と訳して良いのでしょうか…? 全て訳したわけではないので、完璧にはわからないのですが、今までの文章はキャシーというランナーが大勢の国民からのプレッシャーの中オリンピックで優勝した、という内容でした。 もし何方か訳して頂けると幸いです。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数5


  • ベストアンサー

>Southern Crossというのは南十字星、等と訳して良いのでしょうか…? まず、これについてですが南十字星で合っています。 the country of the Southern Cross 南十字星の国 と云う事ですが、これはオーストラリアの事を指しています。 参考URLにはオーストラリアの国旗についての説明があります。 Australian National Fragのユニオンジャックに見える連邦の星として南十字星が描かれています。 これは1901年にオーストラリアがイギリス連邦から独立して1つの国になった事を示しています。 さて訳です。 >She was carrying both the Australian and Aboriginal colors. colorsは国旗です。 [彼女は、オーストラリアと、アボリジニの両方の国旗を持っていた] アボリジニは通例オーストラリアの原住民の事を指します。 >They were tied together. [それらは、固く結ばれていた] >Behind them was her strong desire for unity and equality among the people in the country of the Southern Cross. [その背景には、彼女の、オーストラリアの国の人々の、統一そして平等に対する強い希望があったのである] アボリジニの人々は、原住民と云う事で冷遇されていたりするので 彼女はオーストラリアの人々が一致団結し、またみんな平等である事の願いを込めて2つの国旗を掲げたと云う事なのでしょう。いい話ですね。



丁寧に説明して下さってありがとうございます^^ 大変わかり易かったです。サイトの方も参考にさせて頂きます。ありがとうございました。

その他の回答 (2)

  • d-y
  • ベストアンサー率46% (1528/3312)

She was carrying both the Australian and Aboriginal colors. 「彼女は、オーストラリアとアボリジナルの旗を両方持っていた」 colorsは、一瞬「肌の色」とも思いましたが、後の文を見ると「旗」の意味に取る方が良いようです。 They were tied together. 「それ(二つの旗)は、一緒に結び付けられていた。」 Behind them was her strong desire for unity and equality among the people in the country of the Southern Cross. 「その後ろにあったのは、南十字星の国における人々の調和と平等を望む彼女の強い願いだった。」 いわゆる倒置の構文です。 “Behind them”の“them”は「二つの旗」を指しますが、意味的には「彼女が二つの旗を結び付けて持っていたことの意図としては」のような感じになります。



やはりcolorは国旗と訳すようですね^^ 倒置構文というのですか。とても参考になります。 御解答くださってどうもありがとうございました。

  • coco1
  • ベストアンサー率25% (323/1260)

carrying the ~ colorsの部分ですが、colorsは皮膚の色、顔の表情も表しえますが、定冠詞がありますので、国旗のことでしょうか。アボリジニの国旗というのがあるのか知りませんが、もしかしたら民族衣装等のことを象徴的に言っているのかもしれません。 その上で意訳しますと 彼女はオーストラリアとアボリジニ両国の国旗を携えていた。二つの旗は強く結ばれていた。 そこには、南十字星の国の国に暮らす人々の一員として、連帯し・結束しようという彼女の主張があった。 desire=要求では文意がつかみにくいので、「~しようという主張」と訳しました。 あとは、前後の文章と照らし合わせて、適当な訳にしてみて下さい。 参考までに。



御解答ありがとうございます。 話の流れから、国旗であっていると思います^^ 私の方は単に”色”と訳していたもので…。大変助かりました。どうもありがとうございました。


  • 英語の問題

    問題について Greg Martin gained some ground today in his attempt to be the first New Zealander to win at the Sea Pines Open with some fine putting that put him just two shots behind the leader , Jamie Sullivan , with a three-day total of 196 . Martin started the day tied with Australian Alex Waters at five shots behind , and the Australian was overtaken by his fellow countryman Tony Robinson , who played an impressive round with four birdies , to put him one shot ahead of Waters and four shots behind the leader with 198 . この文から 結局、Sea Pines Open では 誰が先頭車なのでしょうか? またリーダーのトータルポイントは198であってますか? 何度もすみません。回答お願いします。

  • 英文を和訳して下さい。

    Immediately after the battle, she was ordered to carry Lord Kitchener from Scapa Flow on a diplomatic mission to Russia via the port of Arkhangelsk. Due to the gale-force conditions, it was decided that Hampshire would sail through the Pentland Firth, then turn north along the western coast of the Orkney Islands. This course would provide a lee from the strong winds, allowing escorting destroyers to keep pace with her. She departed Scapa Flow at 16:45 and about an hour later rendezvoused with her two escorts, the Acasta-class destroyers Unity and Victor. As the ships turned to the northwest the gale increased and shifted direction so that the ships were facing it head on. This caused the destroyers to fall behind Hampshire. As it was considered unlikely that enemy submarines would be active in such conditions, Captain Savill of the Hampshire ordered Unity and Victor to return to Scapa Flow.

  • 英文翻訳をお願いします。

    The retiring force was pursued by the Anzac Mounted Division between 6 and 9 August, during which the Ottomans and Germans forces fought a number of strong rearguard actions against the advancing Australian light horse, British yeomanry and New Zealand mounted rifle brigades. The pursuit ended on 12 August, when the German and Ottoman force abandoned their base at Bir el Abd and retreated back to El Arish.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    By December, construction of the infrastructure and supply lines had sufficiently progressed to enable the British advance to recommence, during the evening of 20 December. By the following morning a mounted force had reached El Arish to find it abandoned. An Ottoman Army garrison in a strong defensive position was located at Magdhaba, some 18–30 miles (29–48 km) inland to the south east, on the Wadi el Arish. After a second night march by the Anzac Mounted Division (Australian and New Zealand Mounted Division), the attack on Magdhaba was launched by Australian, British and New Zealand troops against well-entrenched Ottoman forces defending a series of six redoubts.

  • 日本語訳をお願い致します。

    Wilson wanted no mandates for the United States; his top advisor Colonel House was deeply involved in awarding the others. Wilson was especially offended by Australian demands. He and Hughes had some memorable clashes, with the most famous being: Wilson: "But after all, you speak for only five million people." Hughes: "I represent sixty thousand dead." (While the much larger United States had suffered fewer deaths – 50,000.Maintenance of the British Empire's unity, holdings and interests were an overarching concern for the British delegates to the conference, but it entered the conference with the more specific goals of: Ensuring the security of France Removing the threat of the German High Seas Fleet Settling territorial contentions Supporting the League of Nations with that order of priority. The Racial Equality Proposal put forth by the Japanese did not directly conflict with any of these core British interests. However, as the conference progressed the full implications of the Racial Equality Proposal, regarding immigration to the British Dominions (with Australia taking particular exception), would become a major point of contention within the delegation. Ultimately, Britain did not see the Racial Equality Proposal as being one of the fundamental aims of the conference. The delegation was therefore willing to sacrifice this proposal in order to placate the Australian delegation and thus help satisfy its overarching aim of preserving the unity of the British Empire. Although Britain reluctantly consented to the attendance of separate Dominion delegations, the British did manage to rebuff attempts by the envoys of the newly proclaimed Irish Republic to put its case to the Conference for self-determination, diplomatic recognition and membership of the proposed League of Nations. The Irish envoys' final "Demand for Recognition" in a letter to Clemenceau, the Chairman, was not answered. Britain had planned to legislate for two Irish Home Rule states (without Dominion status), and did so in 1920. In 1919 Irish nationalists were unpopular with the Allies because of the Conscription Crisis of 1918. David Lloyd George commented that he did "not do badly" at the peace conference, "considering I was seated between Jesus Christ and Napoleon." This was a reference to the very idealistic views of Wilson on the one hand and the stark realism of Clemenceau, who was determined to see Germany punished.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 This observation was not lost on the CDU either. Even in Adenauer’s own party there was opposition to his one-sided policy. Adenauer carried the day by raising the spectre of the Communist danger and by the assurance that he was not in favour of carrying out ‘any experiments’, and gained the support of the citizens of the Federal Republic. In the second Bundestag elections on 6 September 1953 the CDU/CSU achieved an increased number of votes and in 1957, as already mentioned, even gained an absolute majority. Adenauer placed notable emphasis on the establishment of ties with representatives of the state of Israel, tied above all to the recognition and readiness to make reparations

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    On 13 March, a document revealing the plan and the code-name Alberich dated 5 March, was found in Loupart Wood. On 24 February Lieutenant-General Hubert Gough defined the boundaries of the three corps making the advance and ordered them to regain contact with the German armies, using strong patrols supported by larger forces moving forward more deliberately behind them. The German front-line was being maintained along the rest of the front and the possibility of a sudden German counter-offensive was not discounted. On 25 February, the 2nd Australian Division advanced on Malt Trench, found it strongly held and was forced to retire with 174 casualties. The Fifth Army divisions advanced with patrols until they met German resistance, then prepared deliberate attacks, some of which were forestalled by German withdrawals, which by 26 February had abandoned the ground west of the R. I Stellung apart from small detachments.

  • 英語の文章を日本語訳して下さい。

    On 18 October 1914, a convoy of ten troopships carrying the New Zealand Expeditionary Force was escorted by the Imperial Japanese battlecruiser Ibuki out of Wellington. It joined a group of twenty-eight ships carrying the First Australian Imperial Force, and the total convoy, with Ibuki and the Australian cruiser HMAS Sydney, crossed the ocean, which was being patrolled by the Japanese protected cruiser Chikuma. While Sydney was sidetracked, and ended up in the Battle of Cocos, the rest of the convoy reached Aden on 25 October. On 9 November 1914, a small landing party, numbering five officers, one surgeon, and forty-seven petty officers and men, under Lieutenant Hellmuth von Mücke, was separated from their ship, the SMS Emden during the Battle of Cocos, and piloted the Ayesha to the Dutch port of Padang on the west coast of Sumatra. There von Mücke arranged a rendezvous with the German freighter Choising, which transported him and his men to the Ottoman city of Hodeida in Yemen. Once on the Arabian Peninsula, von Mücke and his men experienced months of delay securing the assistance of local Turkish officials to return to Germany. At last he decided to lead his men on an over-water voyage up the east coast of the Red Sea to Jiddah. Ultimately, Von Mücke and forty-eight of his men returned to Berlin.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    The Hindenburg Line was unfinished on the Fifth Army front and a rapid advance through the German rearguards in the outpost villages, might make a British attack possible before the Germans were able to make the line "impregnable". The village eventually fell on 2 April, during a larger co-ordinated attack on a 10-mile (16 km) front, by the I Anzac Corps on the right flank and the 7th and 21st divisions of V Corps on the left, after four days of bombardment and wire-cutting. The British official historian, Cyril Falls, described the great difficulty in moving over devastated ground beyond the British front line. Carrying supplies and equipment over roads behind the original British front line was even worse, due to over-use, repeated freezing and thaws, the destruction of the roads beyond no man's land and demolitions behind the German front line.

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    Aerial reconnaissance found Ottoman forces moving their headquarters north from Beersheba, while the garrison at their main desert base of Hafir El Auja was slightly increased. Other Ottoman outposts at El Kossaima and Nekhl remained, along with their strong defensive system of trenches and redoubts at El Magruntein, defending Rafa, on the frontier between Egypt and the southern Ottoman Empire.[Chauvel's force had left El Arish the previous night, carrying one water bottle per man.