• ベストアンサー


One time, I was sitting on the edge of the bath with my feet dipped in the water while Mum sat in it. ある時、私は足を水に浸けてバスタブの縁に座っていた、そのときママは(も)座っていた。 この ”sit in it ”の itは何を表しますか?the edgeでしょうか。 the bath(room)でしょうか。 the edge だとすると、Mum sat in it too とかしないとおかしいような気がしますが。

  • 英語
  • 回答数3
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • 21s-a
  • ベストアンサー率40% (160/398)

bath またはwaterでしょう。 sat IN it.なので。 the edgeを指すならば While Mum sat on it.になるべきでは? 日本の銭湯のような場所をイメージすれば子供が縁に腰掛け足だけをつけ母親は風呂(水の部分)に浸かっているのは容易に想像できます。 この文がそれを表しているかは前後文脈がないとわかりませんがwaterは冷たい水以外も意味しますので。 ちなみにwhile Mun sat in itとして前の文との対照性を押し出しているので 「母が浸かっているいるあいだ、(対照的に)私は座って足をつけていただけだった」というニュアンスをもっとだすべきでは? わざわざwhileを用いているのに。。 日本の英語教育ではニュアンスを無視することが多々ありますので少し難しいかもしれませんが。。 くれぐれも参考意見です。



回答ありがとうございます。想像ついてすっきりしました! これはケリーオズボーン(オジーオズボーン)の自伝なんですけど、ネイティブの方が文法的には あまり気にしないのでしょうか??ちないに彼女は難読症で、口頭でテープをとって自伝を仕上げたそうです。

その他の回答 (2)

  • litsa1234
  • ベストアンサー率28% (230/795)

>One time, I was sitting on the edge of the bath with my feet dipped in the water while Mum sat in it. この英文はどなたがお書きになったのでしょうか。 重大な間違いがあると思いますが、、、。「残念!過去進行形と接続詞の関係斬り!!!」(ギター侍)ならこう叫ぶでしょうね。(LOL)!!




  • inopy7426
  • ベストアンサー率57% (143/247)

・it=the water ・それよりも was sitting(一時的状況)と sat(それより長い時間)の使い分けの方が重要でしょう。 ・ある時、母がお湯に浸かっているとき、私は両足をお湯に入れて風呂の縁に座っていた。



回答ありがとうございます。sat inでお風呂に浸かっているとは気づきませんでした。


  • 翻訳してくださいm(__)m

    翻訳機だと変になってわかりませんでした(>_<) Yess (heart)(heart)(heart) But I want it to take a long time like over 30 minutes And I dare you to do 2 things while you sit on my face. 1 I dare you to take a picture of yourself while you are sitting on my face, make sure no one can see me in the picture and use it as a profile picture. 2 I dare you to talk to someone on the phone while you are sitting on me はどういう意味ですか?

  • 英語翻訳のわからないところお願いします。

    My mum was determined that we'd have a normal upbringing. For a start, there was absolutely no swearing in our house. My father's got terrible table mannter. He just gobbles it all in and wipes his mouth on the tablecloth. While my father was behaving the way he was, my mum was busy creating this protective bubble that she kept us all in. She was amazing at giving us security. ママは普通の教育をすることに決めた。 はじめに、家の中で罵り言葉完全に禁止された。 パパのテーブルマナーひどい。 ただガツガツ食べてテーブルクロスで口を拭く。 パパがそんなふうに振舞っている間、ママはOOOOOOOOで忙しかった。 彼女はOOOOOOOOO。 OOOOOのところが分からないので(とくにprotective bubble?) よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳してください(*・人・*)

    Cool in an ice-water bath to room temperature. この文なんですが…

  • [英語]()に当てはまるもの教えて下さい><

    1. Under no circumstances () it without her permission. (1) you should not do (2) you should do (3) should you not do (4) should you do 2. The man () we believed was a murderer proved to be innocent. (1) who (2) whose (3) whom (4) what 3. You can use my bike () you bring it back tomorrow. (1) as long as (2) as far as (3) as well as (4) as much as 4. This computer needs (). (1) to fix (2) to have fixed (3) fixed (4) fixing 5. The store is open () on Fridays. (1) faster (2) late (3) lately (4) sooner 6. I was () to suggest a satisfactory solution to him. (1) unable (2) difficult (3) necessary (4) impossible 7. Roy, Ben and I went out together, but I went jogging while () played tennis. (1) other (2) some (3) the other (4) the others 8. Mr. Kaufman was a strict teacher and gave his students (). (1) too much homework (2) many piece of homework (3) too many homeworks (4) a lot of homeworks 9. I () in my room for the past half an hour wondering how I'm going to begin this work. (1) had been sitting (2) was sitting (3) would sit (4) have been sitting 10. This watch () three minutes a day, so I'm going to have it fixed. (1) delays (2) recedes (3) loses (4) slows

  • 英語の手紙を翻訳してください!

    アメリカにいる知り合いの外人から手紙が届きました。 よく分からないといえば、ほとんどなのですが、自分で分かりそうなところは自分で考えるので本当に分からないところだけ質問させていただきます。 ※外人さんなので独特の表現が使われているかもしれません・・・。手紙なので間違いがあるかもしれません・・・。 下の分を翻訳してください! 1.We are getting ready to put a new floor down in the kitchen and bath room. 2.Well write when your able to and let us know how you have been. 3.I'll be going into 10th grade in September too. 4.Hope you have a lot of fun! 3は9月に高校一年生になるという風なことだろうと思いますが、 学校制度の違いもあるので正確な翻訳ができません・・・。 つたない文章で見づらいかもしれませんが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 翻訳をお願いします!

    毎回お世話になります! 癖のようなことがかいてあるみたいなのですが、翻訳していただけませんか? 宜しくお願いします(*'ω'*) When he is drawn into conversation and forgets himself, his mannerism change subtly as he tends to unconsciously mirror the person he is talking to. Thus if he is talking to someone who’s rather glum, he too will soon take on a glum stance, or gloomy expression in his face. If the person crosses his legs, then he will soon follow. or if he is chatting to someone jovial, he too will adopt the persons jovial moments and expression.. This is an unconscious copy, a kind of an affinity struck up with strangers, that he in unaware of. As though he reflects the other person, rather than imprinting himself on the person or situation. When he sits he tends to slump down or relax himself, rather than sitting erect, stretches the legs and feet out when sitting. Tends to moon around when standing. He doesn’t like to stand still for long, it is difficult to get him to do so. He can walks well and long distances on his feet, but doesn’t like to be standing around. He must sit down, or keep moving. Difficulty waking in the mornings, its as if he dreads daylight an wants to sleep again.

  • 和訳お願いします!

    (1)The study, published in a magazine called the Archives of Internal Medicine,found adults who sat for more than eleven hours a day had a 40 per cent higher risk of dying within three years, compared with those who sat for fewer than four hours a day. (2)We sit while eating our breakfast, we sit as we drive,we sit behind our desk all day, we’re always sitting down and this is a health risk.

  • 旅館の英語案内

    旅館で働いているものです。外国の方むけの簡単な文書のご案内を作ろうと思ったのですが、不安な部分があるので、どなたか内容の添削をお願いします。 A tea serving set and a thermos with hot water are provided in your room. Please enjoy tea anytime. If the hot water of the thermos empty, please contact it to the front desk. You can go out of your room wearing “Yukata.” You can have dinner and breakfast wearing “Yukata” if you like. Please bring the bath towel and the hand towel in your room when you go to Daiyokujou (public bath). There is the Daiyokujou (public bath room) in the first floor. When you took the drink of the refrigerator, please report it at the time of check-out. We prepare for dinner in “*****”. We prepare for breakfast in “*****”. Please come to the “*****” at the time you selected. There is the “*****” in the first floor. We will prepare futon during a dinner in this room. When you hoped for going out by the bus, please contact it to the front desk. (night : If you hope,please contact us until 9:00 p.m.) Your room is “511” in the fifth floor. Room style is Japanese-style. There are restroom and bath in the room. Have a good stay! The check-out until 10:00 a.m. Front desk : dial[9] (telephone) 簡単な和訳 お茶セットとお湯の入ったポットはお部屋にあるので、好きなときにお飲みください。ポットが空になったらフロントまで連絡してください。 浴衣を着て部屋の外に出ても良いです。食事も浴衣で良いです。 大浴場へ行く際はタオルとバスタオルを持っていってください。 大浴場は1階です。 冷蔵庫のお飲み物を御飲みの際はチェックアウト時に連絡してください。 夕食は「*****」で、朝食は「*****」でご用意させていただきます。 お選びになった時間に「*****」にお越し下さいませ。 夕食中に布団をご用意させていただきます。 送迎バスでの外出を希望される場合はフロントに連絡してください。 (夜:9時までにご連絡下さいませ。) お部屋は5階の511号室で、和式のお部屋になります。お部屋にトイレとお風呂があります。 よい滞在を! チェックアウトは10時まで。フロント電話9番

  • 急いでいます、英語メールの翻訳をお願いします!

    急いでいます、英語メールの翻訳をお願いします! ロシアの高校生の子とメールをしています。 一度自分なりに翻訳しています。しかし、教科書のような英文ではないので訳すのが難しいです。 なかなか自分が言いたいことが伝わらず、悪戦苦闘中です。そして、今ゆっくり訳す時間がないので長いのですが、翻訳をお願いします。 忙しくて返事が遅くなってしまっているので焦っています;; Japanese difficult fo' me too,and it's really interesting 'coz doesn't look like other languages ^_^ So study it,i'm sure if you'll want it you'll get it! (ロシア語難しいけど話せるようになりたいな、と前回送りました。) Sooo,it's normal in Russia xP Aand it's so cool,snow in sunny March,Wooahh,now i envy u!Snow so obvious and so boring xD When u see it every day Noo,i was here in spring\summer one time,it's sucks xD Too much mosquitos %_% STOP!It's still spring now,so i'm here all spring X_X Were're u in spring? :) Maybe next letter with song?Pleeeease -.- Sea U_U From my town to the sea so fucking much,just Arctic Sea near xD (Or smth cold i'm not strong in water-geography :]) I like pool too,but going not so often,i'm swim in the bath ^_^ lol Me and my friends makin' rap babe xD Sure i'll send u our track if i'll make it to your next letter ^_^ I'll try <3 What music do You like? J-Pop?j-Rock? ;P I know some Japenese music stars I like sushi and tea(green,white and mint much much (=) Alcohol?Ohh it's biggest Russia problem.Soo in some shops u can buy it if you're from 0 to 99 xD You can buy it everywhere,but our law say-DON'T GIVE DIS SHIT TO THEM IF THEY'RE NOT 18! Smth like that ^_^ I drink it :P Every kind of it X_X ***But i'm not an alcoholic*** xD We're drink it fo' fun (日本ではアルコールが入っている飲料は20歳からだよ、と教えました。) This letter so fucking boring :( Sorry,I PROMISE next will be with video,photos and mp3. =* I'm live in Internet from one your letter to another <3

  • 英文添削のお願いです。

    英文添削お願いします。 文書が長いので部分的でも結構です。 よろしくお願いします。 She gives you a short tour in my house. There are 2 bedrooms and a bathroom, a lavatory on the 1st floor. A place you use is the bathroom and the lavatory. Here is the lavatory. There is one on the 2nd floor, too. Here is a light switch. It’s hard to make out a little. After you use it, pull or push this lever to flush the lavatory with only this paper. But be careful not to flush anything else, Here is a bathroom. We Japanese do not only take the shower, sit in the bathtub. But only sit in the bathtub, never put a soap into the bathtub. This lever regulate a temperature of water from shower. And this lever give you a water. When you sit a bathtub, if you do not feel a hot in the bathwater, push this button to make it hot. You have to cover with this panel, before you go out of the bathroom. There are a living room and a dining room, a lavatory on the 2nd floor. We have an every meal in this dining room and feel at home in this living room with my family. This lavatory is same as 1st. There are 2 bedrooms on the 3rd floor. One is your room. You’ll have lived here with her. That’s all. Do you have any question?