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すばやい回答ありがとうございました。 大変参考にいなりました。 またよろしくおねがいします。


  • 解読お願いします。

    読解力が足らないせいか、以下のメールがよく理解できません。 Can I ask you to go out with me at least once a week? Where? I'm a girl so please let me choose, OK? But I want you to come with me. I know you will enjoy Dr. Tanaka. Don't worry we don't do anything tiring, just lie down on a couch and listen to his beautiful stories. I truely believe you can use his entertainment, because I know you. このメールの Can I ask you to go out with me at least once a week? Where? I'm a girl so please let me choose, OK? But I want you to come with me. I know you will enjoy Dr. Tanaka. Don't worry we don't do anything tiring, までの部分は以下のような意味と思います。 I'd like you to take me out to my favorite place at least once a week. We're gonna have a fun with Dr. Tanaka. ☆誘っておいて But I want you to come with me. は何か別の意味があるのでしょうか。 しかし、以下は解読できません。 just lie down on a couch and listen to his beautiful stories. I truely believe you can use his entertainment, because I know you. ☆lie down on a couchって..... どういう意味なのでしょうか。 「2人でカウチに横になって田中先生の美しいお話を聞きましょう」 でしょうか。 "enjoy Dr. Tanaka." と言うのも引っかかります。 ☆you can use his entertainment, は、どういう意味なのでしょうか。 "entertainment set"の事で、音楽や映画を観ると言う意味でしょうか? ご教示ください。

  • her enemies

    She never forgives her enemies and will go to extremes to get back at them. 彼女は敵を絶対に許さず、恨みを晴らすためならどんなことでもやりかねない。 こういう文があって、私が疑問に思う部分は、her enemiesという部分で、どうしてわざわざherをつけるのかということです。今は、すぐに思い出せないのですが、例えばbiting his nailなら 彼の指の爪なので彼のものというか、体の一部なのでhisがつくのは おかしくないですが敵は、ものでもなんでもないのにherがつくということが、疑問です。  また、will go to extremesのextremesの単語の意味はわかりますが この文の場合は、どういうふうに訳せばいいかわかりません。 アドバイスをお願いします。

  • 倒置?

    Only when his wife entered his life and imposed her will upon him did he decide to rebel. がどういう構造をしているのかわかりません。。 おそらく、倒置だと思うのですが…

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    My husband and I went to visit our oldest son and his wife. They have three children, ages 6, 9 and 11. The youngest girl screams at the top of her lungs when she does not get her way. She also hits her mother when her mother tries to correct her. The oldest child baits the others to stir up trouble. 最後のセンテンスの訳をよろしくお願いします

  • her(と人名):英語

    Honest Abbie reacts to Dishonest John’s orders and reveals her preferred volume and price points. 上記英文でAbbieもJohnも共に男子の呼び名です。ですが,後半にherが出てくるのは何故でしょうか?hisではないでしょうか? ご指導宜しくお願いします。

  • 日本語訳を!!

    お願いします (21) Augustus was a hard-working emperor. He traveled to many of the provinces under his care, but he was sickly and didn't expect to live very long. After his military campaign in Spain, Augustus returned to Rome and, in 23 BCE, became quite illand began thinking about a successor to follow him as Rome's ruler. His first choice had been his nephew Marcellus, but Marcellus had died young─not long after he had married Julia, the emperor's only daughter. (22) Julia played the key role in her father's search for a successor. After Marcellus died, she had to marry again, to a man of her father's choice. For her next husband, Augustus chose his general Agrippa, his closet friend and advisor. Although Julia was much younger than Agrippa, she dutifully married him, and the couple had five children. Then Agrippa died. (23) Although Augustus adopted his young grandsons as his heirs, he still needed a husband for Julia to protect the boys in the event of his own death. So he forced his stepson Tiberius to divorce his wife, even though Tiberius loved her very deeply. (He used to follow his former wife on the streets, weeping.) The marriage between Julia and Tiberius was a disaster: Julia was unfaithful, and Tiberius went into exile on the Greek island of Rhodes. Augustus was forced to banish his own daughter from Rome for her crime of adultery. (24) Julia must have spilled many tears over her father's marriage choices for her─especially the last one. She hated Tiberius, and he felt the same way about her. Even so, she would never have questioned her father's right to select her husbands. This was a parent's duty, especially if dad happened to rule the Roman Empire.

  • 高校英語 短文3題お願いします!

    (    )内より間違いのある箇所を指摘して頂き、正しい形に訂正して頂いて   訳して頂きたいです! she became (exhausting) and had to ( be pulled ) out of the water by a group of her friends. After (taking) to( his )accountant , Mr. Tajima regretted ( to spend ) so ( much ) money on his new house. You ( should post ) this letter ( weeks ago ) if you wanted her (to receive it) and answer you (much sooner).

  • Japan timesの翻訳

    Japan timesの記事を読んで英語力を向上させようと日々読んでいるのですが、翻訳=解答がないため自分がどれほどの精度であっているのか不安です。 精度の向上のため皆さんのお力添えをよろしくお願い申し上げます。 Clearly Caroline Kennedy, an important early supporter of President Barack Obama, is in the third category. Her backing for Obama in the Democratic Party primaries in 2008, when he was still a relatively unknown senator from Illinois, gave his campaign credibility among party insiders who remain loyal to her family’s legacy. Kennedy’s address to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee during her confirmation hearing elicited bipartisan support — a rare occurrence nowadays, given America’s highly polarized national politics — and she received unanimous approval. Although she lacks formal political or diplomatic experience, her personal connections, particularly to Obama, will have great significance for U.S.-Japan relations. And there are pressing issues that need the new ambassador’s attention. For example, there are security questions related to strengthening the alliance between Japan and the U.S., including the relocation of the Futenma Air Station, the base of operations for the U.S. Marine Corps on Okinawa. There are also issues related to economic cooperation, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), the proposed mega-regional free-trade treaty covering Pacific Rim economies. こちらの記事になります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳、できれば文法的説明もお願いします

    She looked up as she heard his footsteps, and the gracious smile which her lips put on, was an invitation to make himself happy in a seat beside her. But he resisted the blandishment, and lifting his hat as he passed, with a smile in return, he soon disappeared from her presence, and joined the two who awaited him. 上の文の和訳をお願いします。 the gracious smile which her lips put on (彼女の唇がおいた優しい笑顔・・・?) an invitation to make himself happy in a seat beside her 等々よくわからないのです。

  • どう訳せばいいでしょうか。

    以下の英文はどう訳せばいいでしょうか。 His words and attitudes owe something to his admiration for her. 特にsomething をどう訳せばいいのか、またどうしてこの単語が目的語の位置に出てくるのかよく分かりません。解説してくださると助かります。