Where to meet at Charles de Gaulles airport

  • When arriving at Charles de Gaulles airport, there are multiple terminals. You will be arriving at Terminal 2E, which is not crowded early in the morning. After going through customs, I will be waiting for you at the exit.
  • The temperature next week at Charles de Gaulles airport will be around 0 degrees. If there is anything you need or if you have any questions, please let me know.
  • I will think of something so that you can recognize me among the crowd of people at the airport. If there is anything else you need, please don't hesitate to ask.
  • ベストアンサー


Where to meet ... Charles de Gaulles airport has many different terminal. You will be arriving in 2E and since it's to early there won't be many people. And ... I would recognize you out of a million people ... hmmm maybe I'll think of something so you will recognize me. So after you take your luggage and go through customs will exit ... and I will be waiting for you there. Actually I don't think it's normal for this time of the year. But the temperature will be around 0 degrees early next week ... If there is something I still need to get for you ... or if you still have questions please ask me. 以上です。ありがとうございます。

  • puumii
  • お礼率62% (154/245)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

どこで待ち合わせようか…シャルル・ド・ゴール空港には違ったターミナルがたくさんあるから。君は2Eに到着する、そして時刻は早いから人はあまりいないと思うよ。 それに…百万人いたって僕は君が判るから…う~ん、もしかして僕が何か考え事をしていて、君が僕を見つけるかもね。 だから君が荷物を受け取って、通関を済ませてから、出てくる…そして僕はそこで君を待ってる。 実は一年のこの時期にしては普通じゃないって思う。でも気温は来週の頭は0度ぐらいだと思うけど… 僕が君のために買っておく必要のある物がまだ何かあれば…また君に何か質問があれば、尋ねてくれるよね。 *これからまた病院に戻ります。Have a nice flight to Europe!

その他の回答 (1)


パリへ行かれるんですかね?空港で働いていた事があるので、ピンときました。 えっと、早速の訳文ですね。 「会う場所は・・・シャルルゴール空港は色々なターミナルがあります。あなたは2Eというターミナルに着きます。早い時間なのであまり人はいないと思います。そして・・・多分あなたを見つけることは出来るでしょう・・・う~ん・・私を見分ける方法を考えた方がいいかもしれませんね。 それから、荷物を取って(荷物受け取り場で)税関を通ってから出口に来てください。私は、そこで待っています。 今年は稀な季節で来週は0度ぐらいになっています。 もし、何か質問や必要なものがあれば、聞いてください。」 以上ですね♪


  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    Any place were we can be together is a good place for me! I just wanted to make sure it's also convenient for you. See now I will be on holiday and I have enough time. I'll try to look for a hotel this afternoon. I was wondering do you still have your boarding passes? I think it's good if you would apply for a Air France frequent flyers card ... maybe you will fly to France a lot in the future ... I hope so :) When I'm in Tokyo I will arrange it for you ... it will be my pleasure to help you with this.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    こちらの和訳を教えてください! Even though I know about something. But I will still do it. It's not easy to change. Because you might leave me, forever. The 2 choices for me are: still here or leave out of your life but I know that there is not enough time for me to try. I just want to smile with you by my side for as long as possible. I hope that someday, you will understand the things that I have done. I love you so much. I do this because I don't want to lose you. if you had a chance to read this, you will know that I have good intentions. But since I love you. Only one reason is, I need you happy and you smile every day every time, My angel.

  • 和訳して下さい!

    It's not my birthday and I can't even be there to celebrate with you but I'm happy as hell only by imagining how awesome tonight's gonna be for you. happy birthday buddy! Have a great start of another one of the best year of yours.

  • 和訳のお手伝いお願いします。

    和訳のお手伝いお願いします。 自分でもやってみました。違う解釈だったら訂正お願いいたします! I just arrived at work :((今仕事に着いたよ) It's been very beautiful weather in Osaka. But a little bit hot.(大阪はすごい良い天気だよ。だけどちょっと暑い。) Ok I will try to take a weekend of in August. I will propose something next week is that ok for you? Mmmm ... too bad that can't each peach together :( But maybe it's still possible.(だけどまだ大丈夫) Oh 〇〇 is a competitor? Really I didn't know that.(それは知らなかった) What is the company you work for called? Do they have a shop in Oskaka?(大阪にもお店があるの?) I would like to see it.(見てみたいな) And maybe look at the commercial ... hahaha Don't worry ... I can recognize you out of 1000 people with no problem :) Enjoy the weekend,

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    s I'm writing this email right now ... you must still be sleeping. When I think of you ... how cute you look when you sleep ... I get such and empty feeling inside, because I want to be with you so much. That's why I just like to be with you. As you said, it doesn't really matter what we do as long as I'm with you. There is one thing I'm dreaming of ... that we don't have to do anything! That we have 1 day that we don't need to do anything. Sleep and lay in bed as long as we like, laze around, watch a movie together, ... …And I will leave for Osaka Wednesday the 5th of January early in the morning and I'm planning on coming back to Tokyo Friday the 7th in the evening. And Monday the 10th I will go back to Osaka and return to Tokyo on Friday the 14th in the evening. A

  • 英文の和訳をお願いいたします

    和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 2つの段落になっています。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Remember also that astrology may not show certain things or I may not be able to interpret them so very clearly, so occasionally something may not show, or there will be just a vague outline there, as though the pieces of fate have not quite formed their picture and there are gaps in the fog. We stand at the gate of eternity and try and get answers. I promise always to do my utmost to interpret the message of the stars and to guide you to happiness if I can... Your soul mate’s chart should fit together with yours like a lock and key, or like four pieces of a jigsaw. When you meet you unlock this special fate and karma of love, and everything you have gone through will have meaning.. I shall look forward to hearing from you again. I am always here to guide you, when ever your inner soul directs you to write to me, I wish you peace love and happiness.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたに。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1文節の前半となりますので、内容が分断していると思います。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The house you and your soul mate will live in together will be of an old or traditional sort. It will have a lot of woodwork. And you will first see it when it is empty, or vacant with a lonely bare or neglected look that wants you to love it. It will be a good house, that will seem to draw you both. There will be something about reminiscent of a past life together, a former era. But only vaguely so, as if it stirs some subconscious memory deep within you. There will be a tree close to the house. High walls and it is a little secluded. It will seem familiar to you, for all it is not so.. You and your soul mate will help each other struggle to achieve goals in and rise in this house; which is practical and serious It will seem to you that your soul mate is Career orientated and hard working.

  • 和訳お願いいたします。(所々文をカットしています)

    和訳お願いいたします。(所々文をカットしています) After reading your email, I went to check myself in the mirror ... I'm afraid I will have to disappoint you ... hahahaha Please excuse me for being so concerned. I know you will be fine, I just want to make really really sure everything is fine for you. You managed to take a late flight on Saturday. That's very good news! This way we can still do something nice on Saturday. Please go ahead and book the tickets. As for the train ... Is it ok if I come with my car and pick you up in Paris? It's really no problem for me ... otherwise you will have to wait quite a bit (in Europe trains are not as good as Japan) and it might be could. Trust me ... it's not nice to wait for a train after a long flight. I propose I come and pick you up at the airport and on the way back you can take the train. Not that I don't want to drive you back to the airport ... but since it's quite a distance and with weekend traffic ... I think it's safer to take the train. It's better to book a ticket in advance. It's probably cheaper as well. All my sisters's tests were negative. So that means there is nothing wrong with her. That was a big relieve for all of us. Especially my mother was very concerned. Thank you for being so considerate.

  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

    Finding a new apartment is really slow but I am trying to do everything I can to make it go faster. Now I have to wait about 2 weeks again until I can continue the search because after I sent an application to one place, they said they need 1-2 weeks until they can actually receive it. But after that, I think I might be able to find someting quite soon.. It's a "more expensive" way of doing things, kind of. Before they let you move into one of their rental apartments there is a certain amount of money that you need to pay first. And because it is alot of money, not money people do it this way and that's why there should be more apartments available for me. It's about 15 000-20 000   but my parents said they can lend the amount to me, because they don't want me to borrow money from the banks. And this money is something I will get back if/when I move, so it's not like I would actually loose th ose 15000-20000  Q__Q Ah, I don't know if you understood, but yeah, Finland likes to complicate things. I still love you and miss you so much. And I don't think sending e-mails will change what I feel and think about you. But I'm sure that when we meet again in real life it will be ever better than before.

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    和訳お願いいたします。 ・ I hope you had a good night's sleep and that I'm not giving you too much stress. Am I giving you stress with your flights? Sorry if I did. Please choose whatever is easy for you. And if there is something I can do to help, I only try to make you happy :) Today I heart that I might have to visit 3 potential customers in China. It would be a very short visit ... just a few day. Hmmm it's almost like your visit to Belgium .. hahaha. If I need to go to China, I would be back before the 1st of December. Don't worry I will be here when you come. Actually I told my boss a friend from Tokyo is coming to visit Belgium ... so he knows I need to be in Belgium then. And Jents (do you remember him) told my boss and all my colleagues ... "and it's a very pretty friend" ... hahaha