• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の穴埋め)



  • ベストアンサー

1. 正解。 2. 正解。 3. (To)(live) is an adventure (to) (develop) one's abilities. live は life「命」という名詞に対し,「生きる」が原義です。 そこから,動物が「棲む」,人間が住居をかまえて「住む」の意味で用いられるようになりました。 4. 正解。 5. They left home, (never)(to)(return). 不定詞の副詞的用法の一つ,結果を表す用法。 never to ... で「...して,そして二度と...することはなかった」 6. They have no house (to)(live)(in). live in a house とつながりますので,in が必要。 7. Give me a chair (to)(sit)(on または in). これも sit on/in a chair で「いすに座る」



回答・解説ありがとうございます^^ 助かりました!


  • 英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします!

    1)Once you meet her, you'll find that she is nice to (talk). 2)Eddy is only thirteen. He is (not old enough) to get a driver's license. 3)Nobody likes to be (made) fun of in public. 4)"John (seems) to like the fried rice." "He sure does! That's his third helping." 5)Tom did not tell the truth (so as not to) hurt his mother. 6)You need not give it to me, if you don't want (to). 7)It is hard to please my grandfather. =My grandfather is ( ) ( ) ( ). 8)We can't complete this task in a day. =It is ( ) (for) us (to) (complete) this task in a day. 9)They need some instructions to tell them what to do. =They need some instructions to tell them what they ( ) ( ). 10)It is said that the mayor practiced kendo very hard in his youth. =The mayor is said (to) (have) (practiced) kendo very hard in his youth. 11)You were so kind as to drive me to the airport. =It was very kind ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) me to the airport. 12)People say this house was built 100 years ago. =This house is ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) built 100 years ago. 問題文が多くてすみません。()内の穴埋めです。 解説や日本語訳を付けてくださると助かります。 添削よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

  • 英文の穴埋めの添削をお願いします!

    1)I didn't know why they told me (to wait) on the corner. 2)The teacher made the students (left) the school immediately so that they could return home in safety before the rainstorm got heavier. 3)Keiko looked so (pleased) when she got her birthday present. 4)A college education will (take) you to get a broader view of the world. 5)My grandfather didn't know about my parents (wanting) a divorce. 6)How would you like to have your eggs (cooked)? 7)The audience were all made (cried) by the sad movie. 8)His parents did not (allow) him to study abroad. 9)In spite of her illness,Nancy found (her to enjoy) the sports event. 10)We won't (get) our son drive our new car,even if he wants to. 11)In Europe,everywhere you go,you hear people (to speak) different languages. ()内の添削をお願いします。 解説や和訳を加えてくださると助かります。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文が正しいかどうか教えてください。

    I used to watch television. The song was able to know, thanks to television. I decided to go to high school after all. I have to teach my sister. After all, she is an only child. We can read book, for all we know the words. While was glad hear the news, my sister was sad. I was glad hear the news. In contract, my sister was sad. Tough I have gone to early bed yesterday, I couldn’t get up early. Is it true I had gone to early bed yesterday, but I have couldn’t get up early. です。 変な文や、こうした方がいい、というアドバイスなどがあれば教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくださる方はいませんか?

    Another problem is that the finding was based on a conception of “intelligence” that most developmental psychologists now reject. Specifically, the finding was from studies in which a single global IQ score was the only measure of a person’s intelligence. It is now known that intelligence is not a single unitary trait, but rather consists of several distinct and relatively independent skills or abilities, such as verbal fluency and numerical ability. The fact that these abilities are relatively independent suggests that they should not be limped together into one global score. Another reason not to combine them is that they seem to depend to different degrees on heredity. Finally, and of most importance to developmental psychologists, different abilities exhibit different patterns of change through the life span. お願いします。

  • 英訳が分かりません

    どの国の人がしゃべる英語が一番聞き取りやすいですか? を英文にするとどうなりますか? Which country people speak English is easy to hear? でしょうか

  • なぜ不定詞になるのか?

    They say that the house is haunted.(その家は幽霊が出るといわれている)という文章があるのですが、別の形で It is said that the house is haunted.とThe house is said to be haunted.というのがあります。 It is~のほうは解るのですが、the house is~のほうがなぜ不定詞になるのかわかりません。 文法書によるとthey say~が受動態になりit is said~となるところは解るのですが、 it is said~からなぜ不定詞を用いた用法ができるのかわかりません。 なぜそうなるのかと to不定詞の用法名(名詞的用法など)を教えてください。お願いします、

  • イギリス人とのメールで・・・

    イギリス人とメールで先日(スウェーデンで行なわれた)イベントに関して意見交換していましたが、 Glad to hear you had a Great time in Sweden, Englands not that bad neither lol. とあり、 意味が判らず lol とは?と質問しましたら、 lol is English internet speak for 'laughs out loud' と言われ、 更に文章の意図が判りませんでした。 どう解釈すべきかアドバイスをお願いします。

  • わからない英文があります

    下記の会話でSethが言っていること(両方)を訳してください! Seth: oh really...ok Ryan let me present exhibit A to you. she opted to forgo sailing to go to the crab shack. Ryan: so, not everyone likes sailing. Seth: ok lets take it to exhibit B here...intense. some would even say smoldering eye contact at the dining room table, she was mad dogging you and finally the clincher, last night in the pool house she chose to sit on your bed even though there was an empty chair available.

  • 英文について

    Students study English in my country. However, most students can't speak English. They have to study English at junior high school. So they learn English for three years. Why many people can't speak English? If they had study foreign a language as soon as start at the school, they could know how enjoy studying. (もし彼らが学校が始まるとすぐに外国語を学びだしたら、彼らは勉強することを楽しむ方法を知れた) Children enjoy play anything. (子供たちは何でも楽しんで遊ぶ) So I suppose that same English.(英語も同じだと思う) I think that we should know enjoy study a foreign language when children. (わたしたちは子供のときに楽しく外国語を学ぶことを知るべきだ) We can become speak English. (そうすれば、わたしたちは英語が話せるようになる) I suppose that children have hart what adults don't have. (子供たちは大人は持っていない心を持っていると思う) It is to be interesting things or enjoy play anything. (それは興味をもつことや、なんでも楽しく遊ぶことだ) おかしな箇所があれば教えてください。 ()は日本語訳です よろしくお願いします。

  • 下の英文のおかしいところ、不自然なところがあればおしえてください。(改

    下の英文のおかしいところ、不自然なところがあればおしえてください。(改行がおおいですがわかりやすくしてあるだけなので、きにしないでください。) Some students are looking forward to a new school year because they can get a new boyfriend or girlfriend, and others are looking forward to it because it is the start of the football season. But there are some students who don't hope for school to start again. It's because they think of a boring class or a class with a lot of homework. How about you?Are you hoping for school to start again after summer is over? To my surprize and still now what I'm surprized at is that the atmosphere varies greatly from class to class in Japan. This doesn't mean there is no difference between classes in America. The only thing is, the difference is not so much. In Japan there are some classes where it's so quiet and nobody trys to express his opinion, and other classes where it's noisy and many students speak as they like. Of course most classes belong to the middle of these, that is, it consists of a few students who speak nothing and a few who always speak their minds and most other students who sometimes speak and sometimes keep silent.