The next day,there were more people around his house He sent atelegram to the Foreign Ministry,
He asked foy permission to issue visas, but permission was refused, He fried again dut received
the same answer, After 10days, Sugihara finally decided to help them, He toid Yukiko that he was
going to issue visas to the people yukiko knew the risks but told him that she agreed with his
decision, Ill support you, she said, On July 29th, he announced to the crowd around his house,
You will all get your visas! There was a short silen a big cry of joy, For the next 30 days, Sugihara
wrote visas day and night, He smiled and said, The world is like a big wheel, We re all connected,
We shouldn t fight each othel, We should join hands, Take care and good luck!
On August 27th, he received a telegram from the Ministry, Close the office now and go to Berlin,
On September 4th, Sugihara and his family got on a train for Berlin,Some people followed them to
the platform, He continued to write visas even as he got on the train, He handed them out through
the window, The dell rang and the train started to move, With tears in his eyes, Sugihara said,
I cannot write and more, Forgive me,I will pray for your safety, One of them cried, Thank you,
Mr,Sugihara, We will never forget you, The war ended in 1945, Sugihara returned to Japan and
started working as a trader, Years later, in Angust 1968, he received a phone call from the Israeli
Emdassy,It was from Mr, Nishri , an Israeli diplomat, Nr, Nishri met Sugihara and took out an old
piece of paper, It was Sugihara s visa, You won t temember me, but I have never forgotten you,
he said, Sugihara issued 2,139 visas to Jewish people in Lithuania, His actions saved more than
6,000 lives in total,
以上です 長くてすみません
どうかお助けくださいm(_ _)m
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