The Connection Between Art, Science, and Religion

  • Discover the deep and clear relationship between art, science, and religion
  • Explore the impact of art, science, and religion on our minds
  • Uncover the significance of art, science, and religion in shaping our perspective
  • ベストアンサー


Apart from humility, he means that he does not find in himself a reasonably deep and clear feeling about the bearing upon one another, and upon his mind, of three things, among others : art, science, and religion. この文章です。 of three thingsとあるのでapart fromは「humility」「he means ~ one another」「and upon his mind」の3つにかかってくるのでしょうか? among以降の訳の入れる場所もよくわかりません

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

apart from ~ は、「~は別にして、~はさておき」 "apart from humility" というのは慣用句みたいですが、よく分りません。「傲慢な言い方であるが」みたいな訳になるんでしょうか? among others は「特に、とりわけ」という意味の挿入句。 upon his mind は、「彼の心の内」の状態のことか。 すると、「とりわけ次の3つの間の関係を(理解できない)」みたいな感じか。 "upon one another" とあるから、ここに示された文の前にでも何か示されているのでしょうか。 「互いの関係についての、なるほどと思えるような、深くて明瞭な感じを得られない、と云う。とりわけ、芸術と科学と宗教という3つの分野の間の関係がすっきりと飲み込めない、と」


  • この文の訳と構造お願いします。

    What people believe the duties of men and women to be differs from one country to another.

  • 英語のジョークと訳をお願いします!!

    Taboo Word Prepairing for the most important presentation of his life, a sales rep went to his psychiatrist and asked for help. 'I'll implant a hypnotic suggestion in your mind,'said the psychiatrist.'Just say 'One-two-three,' and you'll give the most brilliant presentation of your life. However, don't say 'one-two-three-four,' because if anyone says that, you'll freeze up, lose your train of thought and make a complete fool of yourself.' The sales rep was ecstatic.He tried it at home and gave his family a fabulous presentation.He tried it at work, and his colleagues replied with a standing ovation. Then came the big day. Everything was set up in the boardroom and the CEO signalled him to start.The sales rep whispered under his breath, 'One-two-three.' Then the CEO asked,'What did you say 'one-two-three' for? 宜しくお願いします!!

  • すごーく長いので、出来たら訳をお願いしたいです

    He is an interesting man, but there has been obscurity and misery in his life. He has faced some long and hard past ordeal, or unfavorable circumstances or darkness of spirit has shadowed him and dogged his footsteps. He is stalwart and hardened by the struggle, and a little fatalistic and guided often on his course by his instincts as to what will bring him luck and what wont. He knows what direction he wants to follow in life and struggles against adversities in a dignified way. But he is an unsettled man with a changing unreliable life and a restless determination to rise about him. One who is never at rest or at peace but always on the move. He has a receptive mind, a wild energy and life of much turmoil and contradiction. An ambitious man, but with many impractical dreams, who fools himself into thinking he is capable of achieving more than he can, and so no matter how hard he tries, how successful he is. his goals remain always distant, out of reach or just beyond his capability. He is one of life's takers, not one of life's givers. He takes what's given for granted and exploits it in any way he can, to get further gains. To heap up favours or wealth, a grasping nature, that when given something, extracts more, but gives little or nothing back. He ceases opportunities where he can. Lives by his wits exploits his own reserves, but fails to learn from his bad luck and failures. すみません。やはり長すぎますね・・

  • 日本語訳と文構造を教えていただけますか。

    An internationally-model person sees cultural variety of an enrichment to his life . He is open minded and makes an effort to be friendly to all people, regardless of race, creed, and color. He will not let one bad experience lead him to generalize about an entire people or race. He knows better than to believe that all Americans are hospitable, that all Englishmen are gentleman, or that all Japanese are polite. He judges people, then, ( )an individual basis.

  • 日本語訳を!c13-3

    お願いします!続き  The Ganga River may physically spring from the Himalaya Mountains,but according to some ancient South Asian beliefs,this deity cascades from the top of another deity's head.He is Shiva,lord of creation and destruction.Vishnu is the other major deity.These powerful deities represent the forces of the universe,according to some scriptures called the Upanishads:  Fire is in his forehead,the sun and moon are his eyes,the directions of space are his ears,the Veda is his voice,the wind that pervades the world is the breath which raises his chest,his feet are the earth.He is the inner self of all living beings.  Shiva is said to have three eyes.When he opens his third eye,a flash of fire destroys his enemies,and blesses the good with wisdom.Shiva holds a trident,a three-pronged weapon to kill evil demons,in one hand and a conch shell in the other.The conch shell comes from the bones of a demon named Shankhachuda,whom Shiva destroyed with the help of Vishnu.Not only does Shiva have one more eye than humans do,he is often described as having many hands that represent different aspects of his power.His hands may hold an axe to cut off the heads of evil demons; prayer beads; or a small drum for dancing.Shiva loves to dance,which represents the way the universe is always moving.Since he is responsible for death as well as life,he is often shown wearing the crescent moon,which represent the waxing and waning of life,in his piled and matted hair.

  • 訳と語彙のニュアンス

    When a friend cries in the course of intense conversation, we know among other things that a serious demand is being placed upon our attention: tears demand a reaction. 上の文で、後半の we know among other things that a serious demand is being placed upon の文法的・語彙的なものがイマイチ分かりません。 「(泣いている人からは)マジメな要求が発せられているのだが、それはリアクションを取ることだ。」 というような大雑把な意味は分かるのですが、 1、「among other things」という言葉があることでどういった意味とニュアンスになるのか。そして何を指しているのか。 2、be placed upon の正確な意味 の二つがはっきりと分かりません。 お願いします。

  • この文の構造を教えてください

    阪大の入試問題です。 まず以下のような前置きがありまして… Home is where heart is. But at the same time, home is so sad. Bland's attitude towards his flat was the somewhat shifting point at which these two attitudes met. When he was away from it he thought of it longingly, as the place which would always provide him with a refuge from the world. ここから下線部が引かれています。 When he was actually inside it, safe and warm and quiet, as he had always wished to be, it irritated him, precisely on account of those same qualities for which he had felt such intense nostalgia. 下線部を和訳せよという問題なのですが、意味はなんとなくわかるのですが、構造がよくわかりません。 特にsafe and warm and quietというくだりです。 どうかご教授下さい。よろしくお願いします。

  • 文構造を教えて下さい

    To be a kokusaijin definitely does not mean that one belittles one's own country or constantly expresses admiration for some other country. It means that one is able to understand people in other countries, ※and with this understanding see the virtues and defects of one's own with an eventual aim of devoting one's efforts to making both one's own country and the rest of the world more decent places for human beings to live. ※あたりからの文の構造を教えていただけないでしょうか?      後半のmake O C やboth A and Bは理解しています。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 訳や文構造を教えて欲しいです。

    (1)A "biological clock" seems to tick off the nighttime hours and "ring" an alarm in the brain to start the waking process. 後半の "ring" an alarm in the brain to start the waking process がよく分かりません。 「起きる過程が始まっている脳の中のアラームのリング」でいいんでしょうか? (2)These internal "clock" do not require the intricate action of muscles or nervous systems since they are found in most one-celled plants and animals. これも後半がよく分かりません。 since they are found in most one-celled plants and animals のmost one-celled が訳しづらいです。 「神経組織や筋組織は動物や植物のもっとも一つから細胞ができいているので」というめちゃくちゃな訳になってしまいます。。 (3)That biological clocks synchronize the natural rhythm --- the times of activity and rest --- of both diurnal(daytime) and nocturnal(nighttime) animals to ensure that peak activity occurs when food or prey is available. これは全体の訳が分からないんですが、後半のensureのところが特によく分かりません。 animals to ensure that peak activity occurs when food or prey is availableは 「食料やえじきが利用できるときに最大のピークを起こすことを確実にするために動物は~」というのはどうでしょうか? 全訳を知りたいです。。 (4)Under these conditions, the frequency, or time required to complete a cycle, of the rhythm was not exactly 24 hours. これはどこを主語として訳せばいいんでしょうか? the frequency, or time required to complete a cycle, of the rhythmが全部主語でしょうか? どうして、カンマできらないといけないんでしょうか? (5)Since these rhythms had a frequency not exactly 24 hours long, they were called circadian rhythms, from the Latin words circa, meaning "about", and dies, meaning "daily". 全訳が難しくてできません。。特に後半。。 それとnotの位置がおかしくないでしょうか? こういうnotの使い方はあるのでしょうか? (6)The great 18th-century Swedish botanist Carl von Linne grew a garden that told time. He planted flowers that opened or closed their blossoms an hour apart around the clock. that told timeとan hour apart around the clock がよく分からないので そこを中心に教えて欲しいです。 (7)When their cages are darkened and temperature is held constant, they maintain this circadian pattern in the laboratory, often weel after week. often weel after week がよくわかりません。 それ以外が「彼らのかごを暗くし、温度が一定に保たれたとき、彼らは実験室でのこのサーカディアンパターンを維持した」と、一応訳せます。 間違いがあったら教えて欲しいです。 長くなりましたがおねがいします。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Going to the shore on the first morning of the vacation, Jerry stopped and looked at a wild and rocky bay, and then over to the crowded beach he knew so well from other years. His mother looked back at him. “Are you tired of the usual beach, Jerry?” “Oh, no!” he said quickly, but then said, “I’d like to look at those rocks down there.” “Of course, if you like.” Jerry watched his mother go, then ran straight into the water and began swimming. He was a good swimmer. He swam out over the gleaming sand and then he was in the real sea. He saw some older, local boys — men, to him — sitting on the rocks. One smiled and waved. It was enough to make him feel welcome. In a minute, he had swum over and was on the rocks beside them. Then, as he watched, the biggest of the boys dived into the water, and did not come up. Jerry gave a cry of alarm, but after a long time the boy came up on the other side of a big dark rock, letting out a shout of victory. Immediately the rest of them dived and Jerry was alone. He counted the seconds they were under water: one, two, three… fifty… one hundred. At one hundred and sixty, one, then another, of the boys came up on the far side of the rock and Jerry understood that they had swum through some gap or hole in it. He knew then that he wanted to be like them. He watched as they swam away and then swam to shore himself. Next day he swam back to the rocks. There was nobody else there. He looked at the great rock the boys had swum through. He could see no gap in it. He dived down to its base, again and again. It took a long time, but finally, while he was holding on to the base of the rock, he shot his feet out forward and they met no obstacle. He had found the hole. In the days that followed, Jerry hurried to the rocks every morning and exercised his lungs as if everything, the whole of his life, depended on it.