• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文訳・・・)

The reconciliation of retributive and utilitarian justifications of punishment

  • The suggested way of reconciling the retributive and the utilitarian justifications of punishment seems to account for what both sides have wanted to say.
  • It follows that the actions which the criminal law specifies as offended are such that, if they were tolerated, terror and alarm would spread in society.
  • Retributionists can only deny that those who are punished deserve to be punished if they deny that such actions are wrong.


  • ベストアンサー

添削はかえって混乱しそうなので私なりに訳してみました。 The suggested way of reconciling the retributive and the utilitarian justifications of punishment seems to account for what both sides have wanted to say. 罪の報いと功利主義的な刑罰の正当化を調和させるよう示された言説は、両者が何を言いたかったのかを説明しているように見える。 It follows that the actions which the criminal law specifies as offended are such that, if they were tolerated, terror and alarm would spread in society. 刑法が罪と定める行為が ―もしそれらが容認されるとしたら― 、テロと恐怖が社会に広まってしまう結果となるだろう。 Retributionists can only deny that those who are punished deserve to be punished if they deny that such actions are wrong. 報復主義者たちができることといえば、刑罰を受けた者たちが罰を受けるに値するということを否定することだけだ。もし報復主義者たちが、そのような行為が間違っていることを否定するならばだが。



お礼が遅れてすみません、とっても参考になりました!!! ありがとうございました。


その他の回答 (1)

  • sukinyan
  • ベストアンサー率38% (119/313)

午後のティーブレイク中に軽くできるような添削ではありませんので、最初の2題のみ先ず。 1) 因果応報的処罰及び実用的処罰をそれぞれ主張する双方が妥協できるように提案されたその方法は、双方の主張をそれぞれきちんと踏まえたもののように思われる。 2) Itが何をさしているか不明ですので、正確な訳は不可能です。(このような質問は出来れば御遠慮願いたいところです。)強いて訳してみると: 刑法上、違法とされるそれらの行動は、もし容認されるならば、社会が脅威と警戒の渦に呑み込まれてしまうだろうと思われる。 あとは時間切れということで、他の回答者にお願いしてしまいます。 こういう法的文書の翻訳は、法律の知識がなければ出来ませんので、できれば一つずつ質問を投稿してくださると有難いです。



3つも連続はいけなかったですね。。すみませんでした。 でも大変助かりました!! ありがとうございました。



  • 英文の訳をお願いします。。

    But are such techniques in fact helpful to patients? It is of course important to assess any form of treatment, and given that patients vary enormously in their problems and their capabilities, group studies of mnemonic techniques are unlikely to be very satisfactory. Fortunately, there are techniques that were specially devised to investigate the effects of treatment on a single patient. Most of these originated in the operant conditioning laboratory; they have been adapted for clinical purposes by behaviorally minded clinicians, and are now being used to assess the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation. They tend not to be well known to cognitive psychologists, who are generally much more familiar with large group designs, or in the case of neuropsychology to single case studies that are concerned with assessing and describing the patient’s deficits, rather than evaluating treatment. お願いします。。

  • 英文訳をお願いします

    英訳お願いします>< (1)To form a society individuals must be related in a certain manner. For instance,if people do not communicate with each other, if they are perpetually in aggressive physical combat if they do not cooperate with each other, and do so routinely over a period of time,then their interactions are not social and they don`t constitute a society. (2)The fact that animals lose their knowledge of things as time goes by,and consequently their interest in them,accounts for their absurd behavior in many situations. They constantly interrupt one line of action to do something else,and they may come back to the first activity or forget it altogether . Human beings, on the other hand,thanks to language, are able to pursue one purpose or act in relation to a principle or to an ideal over long periods of time. お願いします

  • 次の英文の訳をお願いします

    Ordinary robts perform special tasks only in limited areas. Robots are different-they are designed to work together with people. Workers must still supply some force when working with an robot, but they can do so in greater safety. It is easy for workers to push objects directly in form of them. However , when moving heavy objects aside, workers must stretch and turn , which places terrible stress on their arms and backs. Even one of these actions can hurt a person's back, but more commom are problems caused by repeating such actions many times over a long period. Robots can prevent such problems. Just push it ,and the x-robot moves the object so you do not have to stretch and strain.

  • 英文を日本語に

    英文を日本語に訳してください。よくわかりません。よろしくお願いします。 Pedophiles are very familiar with the power of language. They would have us believe that child pornography is a free-speech issue. They know that if they succeed in placing "child prostitution" anywhere on the continuum of voluntary sexual activity, they will have established a beachhead from which to launch future assaults. We must understand that such language is no accident—it is the deliberate product of cultural lobbyists. There is a carefully orchestrated campaign to warp public perception, a perception that affects everything from newspaper coverage to legislation and even jury verdicts. If they can get us to accept that children consent to sex for money, it will be easier to sell the idea that they can consent to sex for "love." But an adult male who sexually abuses little boys is no more "homosexual" than one who victimizes little girls is "heterosexual." They are both predatory pedophiles. There is no such thing as a child prostitute; there are only prostituted children.

  • 英文訳お願いします

    Some of the fastest-growing scams involve website. One method is for the scammer to create a false identity and make contact through an online dating agency or a chat room. The scammer claims to be seeking romance or a soul mate;they try to convince you that you are in loving relationship and the next step is for them to come and meet you. The only problem is they don't have enough money to travel to see you. They then ask you to send the money through a money transfer agent, such as Western Union, so that they are untrceable. Other reasons they give for needing your financial help include:they are stranded abroad, and need money for plane travel or visa costs;or they require urgent surgery or treatment for a serious illness, and you are the only person who can help. 内容を理解したいので… お願いします。

  • 英文の日本語訳をお願いします

    意味はだいたいわかるのですが、訳すとなるのと上手に訳せません。 どなたか分かりやすい日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか。 1)1)They say that men have more responsiblities than women : a make the important family decisions, and therefore it is right for men to be paid more. 2)If women are encouraged by equal pay to take full-time jobs, they will be unable to do the things they are best at doing : making a comfortable home and bringing up children.They will have to give up their traditional position in society. 3)This is exactly what they want to give up, the women who disagree say. They want to escape from the limited place which society expects them to fill, and to have freedom to choose between a career or home life, or a mixture of the two. それから、下の文の最後のほうの being are のようなbe動詞が続いている文は初めて見た気がするのですが、どういう風に訳せばよいのでしょうか? They point out that the meaning of this sentence was "all human beings are created equal." 質問が多くてすみません。 1つでも教えていただけたら助かります。

  • 英文の訳

    knowing the relationship between internal design attributes and failures, we want to be able to identify modules at the design stage whose profile, in terms of measures of internal attributes, shows that they are likely to be error-prone or difficult to maintain or test later on. コンマが多く、訳せずに困っております。どなたかご教授お願いします。

  • 英文訳お願いします!

    When automobiles first began to appear on the roads and streets of this country they did not have horns of any kind. The noise they made and the moderate speed at which they went made horns unnecessary. But in time it was felt that a warning device was needed. The first such signal was a hand-operated horn consisting of a rubber bulb on one end of a brass trumpet. In 1908 an inventor secured a patent on a horn that was electrically operated. He coined Klaxon as the trade-mark for his new product, and this word has now become popular. Klaxon is based upon the Creek verb klazein, which is related to the Latin word clangere from which "clang" comes. The Greek verb means to make a sound of some kind, its precise meaning depending on the source of the sound. When birds are referred to, it means "to scream," as the eagles and herons do. When dogs are the source of the sound, it means "to bark or bay." If things such arrows in a quiver are being talked of, klazein means "to clash or rattle." If the wind is spoken of, it means "to whistle." If people are referred to, the verb means "to shout or scream." It would be difficult to coin a word that has in it more of the element of sound than does Klaxon.

  • 英文とその訳があります。訳は正しいですか?

    Japanese in mixed groups often appear as if they have nothing to say and as a result, Americans end up dominating the conversation. Part of the reason, of course, is that discussions in such groups are usually conducted in English, the native language of Americans. 和訳 色々な人が混ざったグループ内での日本人はしばしば、あたかも何も言うことはないように見えるので、その結果、アメリカ人が会話を独占することになります。勿論理由の一つは、通常そうしたグループ内でのディスカッションが、アメリカ人の母国語である英語で行われるということです

  • 化学英文の訳

    物理化学の英文和訳です。意味は大体わかるのですが、適切な訳し方がわかりません。熱力学における状態変化についての文です。 よろしくお願いします。 Special processes are used to model actual devices in attempt to predict the outcome of the actions of these debices.

  • 新しいインクタンクを入れたにもかかわらず、キヤノン製品で黒い部分が印刷されない問題について教えてください。
  • パターンチェックを行ったが、他の色は正常に印刷されるため、問題が特定できません。
  • 網目のようなパターンの確認の意味がよく分からないので、解決方法を教えていただきたいです。