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blogに乗せるので正しい表現、文法を教えて下さい。 内容の大まかな筋は憶測で結構です☆ また、どうしてそうなるのか詳しく解説して頂けるとありがたいです。。 I went to Chineese restruant with my co-worker and my boss who is my boyfriend. The name of Chineese restruant, Veni-Tora is lacated at Ginza was excellent to eat jiao-zi (gyo-za). We ate a lot of food such as shrimp chili ( ebi-chili), ma-bo-tofu, Chinese vegitable and so on.. Then, we went to a bar which located 42 floor of a Shio-tome centre building in Tokyo. You must be facisnated with the beautiful night view of there. And we had a great time talking with some delicious wine, especially I love to drink a Kir Royale. The Kir Royale is a sparkling cocktail only containing two ingredents they are Sparkling wine and Champagne mixed with Casis. When I was just start to go out with my boyfried, he told me the wine "Kir Royale" that really moved me. I want to go the bar with only my boyfried next time:)


  • ベストアンサー
  • Chicago243
  • ベストアンサー率38% (401/1043)

I went to Chineese restruant with my co-worker and my boss who is my boyfriend. The name of Chineese restruant, Veni-Tora is lacated at Ginza was excellent to eat jiao-zi (gyo-za). ->I went to a Chineese restruant, Veni-Tora with my co-worker and boss who is my boyfriend. a Chineese restruant, Veni-Tora としてここで名前も紹介してます同格って言うんですかね The restruant was lacated in Ginza, and served delicious jiao-zi (gyo-za). atは銀座というあるていどの領域を示すと言うよりもっとピンポイントな感じがします 餃子を食べるにはうってつけのと言う感じでexcellent to eatjiao-zi(gyo-za) と書いたのだと思いますがちょっとシンプルにしました 英訳で詰まったときは日本語の表現にとらわれず何が言いたいのかをもう一度考えてみるのが言いと思います Then, we went to a bar which located 42 floor of a Shio-tome centre building in Tokyo. -> And then, we went to a bar which was on 42nd floor of the Shio-tome centre building in Tokyo. Andを入れた方が自然かなと思いました。ビルの名前とか特定の物を示すときはtheが使われたりします。 You must be facisnated with the beautiful night view of there. ->The night view from the bar was so beautiful that it blowed us away. You must see it! いきなりYou mustはちょっと分かりにくいかなと思いました。 janetyさんの考えた訳になっているかどうか分かりませんが "とっても夜景が美しくて感動しました(blowed us away)。あなたも是非この夜景を見るべきだと思います"と言う英語にしました。mustは是非**して下さいっていういみがあります。 And we had a great time talking with some delicious wine, especially I love to drink a Kir Royale. ->And we had a great time talking over some delicious wine. I really enjoyed my favorite cocktail, Kir Royale. 食事や飲みながら話すというのはoverを使うのが一般的かなと思います The Kir Royale is a sparkling cocktail only containing two ingredents they are Sparkling wine and Champagne mixed with Casis. -> Kir Royale is a sparkling cocktail only containing three ingredents, Sparkling wine, Champagne, and Casis. カクテルの調合は私が誤解してるかも分かりませんが何が入っているか分かればあとま混ぜるのは分かっているので省略しました When I was just start to go out with my boyfried, he told me the wine "Kir Royale" that really moved me. ->When we stood up to get out the bar, my boyfried said " I was moved by the cocktail, Kir Royale." I was just start to go out は具体的に書かないと分かりにくいと思いました I want to go the bar with only my boyfried next time:) -> I can't wait to go to the bar with only my boyfried next time:) わざと少し大袈裟にしてます。次にかれと来るのがまちどうしいみたいな感じですが, いずれにしてもgoのあとにtoがひつようです



とても分かりやすく解説していただいて、目からウロコです(><) When I was just start to go out with my boyfried, he told me the wine "Kir Royale" that really moved me. ->When we stood up to get out the bar, my boyfried said " I was moved by the cocktail, Kir Royale." ここなんですけれど、「彼と付き合い始めた頃に、彼が教えてくれたのがキール・ロワイヤルで、その時とても美味しくて感動したんです!」ってな風に言いたかったのです。どういう感じに英語に直したらいいのか無茶苦茶悩みましたm(__)m もう一度教えてください。お願いしますm(__)m

その他の回答 (3)

  • Chicago243
  • ベストアンサー率38% (401/1043)

「彼と付き合い始めた頃に、彼が教えてくれたのがキール・ロワイヤルで、その時とても美味しくて感動したんです!」 Soon after we started dating, he suggested drinking Kir Royale. It was so delicious and got to me. そういえば 餃子を食べるにはうってつけのと言う表現なら This is a perfect place to enjoy gyoza.って言えると思います




  • Forum8
  • ベストアンサー率29% (27/92)

気づいた点だけ 1. I went to (a) Chineese restruant 2. The name of Chineese restruant (is) Veni-Tora (and) lacated at Ginza. They serves an excellent jiao-zi (gyo-za). 3. Then, we went to a bar which located (on the) 42(nd) floor of (the) Shio-tome centre building in Tokyo. 4. You must be facisnated with (a) beautiful night view there. 5. And we had a great time with some delicious wine, especially I love to drink a Kir Royale. 6. The Kir Royale is a sparkling cocktail containing (only) two ingredents (which) are Sparkling wine and Champagne mixed with Casis. 7. When I was about to (I was just) start to go out with my boyfried, he told me the wine (that) "Kir Royale" really moved me. ご参考までに





かなり間違っていますよ。 冠詞系がでたらめ。関係代名詞がめちゃめちゃです。 目的語と前置詞もほとんど間違ってます。 まずはlocateとwithを中心に勉強されたらいかがでしょう。



ご指摘ありがとうございますm(__)m 関係代名詞と冠詞。。。そしてwith。。接続詞。。勉強し直します。ありがとうございました。
