- ベストアンサー数
- 401
- ベストアンサー率
- 38%
- お礼率
- 88%
- 登録日2006/01/26
- 大腸菌の培養時間について
今、タンパクの発現のサンプルを作るための大腸菌の前培養をしていてその培養時間が12-15時間でやっているのですが 先日、先生にその時間でやってる理由を聞かれました。 増殖曲線など色々な言葉で調べたのですが答えが分かりません。 培養温度は37°です。 初歩的な質問かもしれませんがよろしくお願いします。
- 英文解釈について(><)
下記の英文解釈について教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 1. It has been found that such standings almost always occur on gently sloping sandy or muddy bottoms, where whales cannot get the same sharp echoes they can get from rocky coasts. → bottoms, where whales のように、,whereと続くのはいつでしょうか? 2. A newly hatched butterfly, for example, can fly immediately, and a ducking can make a perfect drive into the water only two hours after being born. →なぜ、after being bornとなるのでしょうか? 3.As a tadpole in the egg, it displays wriggling motions; after it hatches, wavy swimming motions; and when it is full grown, the jumping motions of a frog. →; を使うときは、いつでしょうか? 4.If a species cannot leave offspring that can adapt to an environment, that species will sooner or later disappear. →, environment, thatのように、, thatと続くのはいつでしょうか? 5.He traveled up the California to meet Coronado, never thinking to explore what wealth might lie and west from Florida became bogged down in that region's huge failed to use as a waterway. →to explore what wealthのように、whatを使うときはいつでしょうか? 6. Failing to recognize the natural wealth of the land, the conquistadors inadvertently added to it by introducing horses, which would multiply into wild herds galloping across the landscape. →failing は、なぜ~ingから始まるのでしょうか?
- 締切済み
- tapiocamilk
- 英語
- 回答数2
- 英作文チェックしてください!!
Although the reading section claimed that it is possible to evaluate people’s intelligence by simply taking IQ test, the lecture said that human intelligence is too complex to evaluate. First, human intelligence is multiple. There are a variety of intelligence exist in the human world. For example, someone has linguistic intelligence and the other people have mathematical intelligence. Second, all human intelligence are not related each other. As I mentioned, a linguistic intelligence and a mathematical intelligence is totally different type of intelligence. So, it can’t evaluate people by just simple test such as IQ test. In addition, the balance of intelligence is not the same. For example, someone has a high score of IQ test, however, it is not simply connected with mathematical skill. ところでHumana intelligence って可算名詞なんですか? a linguistic intelligence かlinguistic intelligenceどっちですか?
- ベストアンサー
- nagatomosann
- 英語
- 回答数2
- 英文解釈について(><)
下記の英文解釈について教えていただきたいです。 よろしくお願いします。 1. It has been found that such standings almost always occur on gently sloping sandy or muddy bottoms, where whales cannot get the same sharp echoes they can get from rocky coasts. → bottoms, where whales のように、,whereと続くのはいつでしょうか? 2. A newly hatched butterfly, for example, can fly immediately, and a ducking can make a perfect drive into the water only two hours after being born. →なぜ、after being bornとなるのでしょうか? 3.As a tadpole in the egg, it displays wriggling motions; after it hatches, wavy swimming motions; and when it is full grown, the jumping motions of a frog. →; を使うときは、いつでしょうか? 4.If a species cannot leave offspring that can adapt to an environment, that species will sooner or later disappear. →, environment, thatのように、, thatと続くのはいつでしょうか? 5.He traveled up the California to meet Coronado, never thinking to explore what wealth might lie and west from Florida became bogged down in that region's huge failed to use as a waterway. →to explore what wealthのように、whatを使うときはいつでしょうか? 6. Failing to recognize the natural wealth of the land, the conquistadors inadvertently added to it by introducing horses, which would multiply into wild herds galloping across the landscape. →failing は、なぜ~ingから始まるのでしょうか?
- 締切済み
- tapiocamilk
- 英語
- 回答数2
- なぜ朝鮮総連が朝鮮総連本部を売りに出さないといけな
なぜ朝鮮総連が朝鮮総連本部を売りに出さないといけない事態になったのでしょうか? 朝鮮総連本部が売りに出された理由って税金が払えなくなったからですか? 私が思うに在日朝鮮人は税金を日本政府から免除されているんじゃなかったでしたっけ? 土地家屋の固定資産税を税金を払う必要がない朝鮮総連が固定資産税の支払いに困って手放したとは考えにくいです。 それとも在日朝鮮人は税金を免除されていないのでしょうか? では、なぜ巷で朝鮮人は税金を払っていないと言われているのでしょう?
- ベストアンサー
- cawbridge2013
- ニュース・時事問題
- 回答数4