• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9770/12171)

以下のとおりお答えします。 >HR 5, operations identified where the right to exercise freedom of association and collective bargaining may be at significant risk and actions to support these rights; HR 6, operations identified as having significant risk for incidents of child labor and measures to contribute to eliminate child labor; SO 5, public policy positions and participation in public policy development and lobbying >上記英文のHRとSOは何の略で意味は何でしょうか? ご指導願います。 ⇒まず、本文の内容は、 HR 5:「(結社の自由を行使する権利および団体交渉の権利が重大な危険に曝される可能性があると判断される)業務と(これらの権利を支援するための)措置」。 HR 6:「(児童労働の発生が重大な危険に曝される可能性があると判断される)業務と(児童労働の撤廃に貢献するための)措置」。 SO 5:「(公共政策の位置づけおよび公共政策立案への参加とロビー活動の)実施」。 ですので、その骨子はカッコを外してみれば一目瞭然ですね。つまり、 HR 5:「(○○と判断される)業務と(○○を支援するための)措置」。 HR 6:「(□□と判断される)業務と(□□するための)措置」。 SO 5:「(△△の位置づけおよび△△活動の)実施」。 といった感じになりますね。 このことから推測するに、HR 5, HR 6, SO 5は、一般的な意味を表す頭字語でなく、例えば「テキスト内の特定の小節もしくは条項」を代表するような語句を頭字語化して簡略な方法で示したものと推測されます。



いつも有難うございます。 さて,「テキスト内の特定の小節もしくは条項」を代表するような語句,が見当たらずに困っています。お察しはつきませんか? 尚ご指導頂ければ幸いです。 宜しくお願いします。


  • 英語 この文脈における、soについて

    Electricity often fails and so do computers. この英文ではand soが使ってありますが、どのように訳しますか? また、toの方が適切に思うのですが、and soの方が適切な表現になりますでしょうか? 引用元 http://learningenglish.voanews.com/content/malawi-hospital-expands-use-of-electronic-records/1629614.html

  • so long as の意味

    コンサルタントの経費精算について書かれた文章です。 When traveling on behalf of the A project staff may opt to drive to the project location instead of fly, so long as the cost of doing so does not exceed the cost of standard 14-day advance airline ticket between the project teeam member's home city and the project location. 文中にある、so long as... と、 so does not exceedのところがよくわかりません。何かの用法なのでしょうか?お願いします。

  • 長い英文なのですが、どなたかよろしかったら翻訳をお願いします。 

    長い英文なのですが、どなたかよろしかったら翻訳をお願いします。    A more accurate assessment of the national situation might also point to the failure to generate a coherent policy framework, a determination to exclude rather than incorporate foreign labor despite economic evidence to the contrary, and the failure to broaden the scope of protective legislation to include undocumented workers, particularly in the case of female labor which constitutes an increasing proportion of the total migrant labor force.

  • so that の意味

    Birth Control It’s no accident that abortion and contraception are often mentioned in the same context; and the providers of contraception are also the providers of abortion. Abortion is the fruit of contraception. Once a society accepts contraception, it has basically said that sex is for recreation and one need not take responsibility for one’s actions in this area. Once that is an accepted mindset, the floodgates are open to a number of aberrations like abortion because it is simply a continuation of the "no responsibility" mindset. If I get a girl pregnant, I can just "get rid of" my responsibility by abortion. When condoms are passed out in high schools, the message being spoken is "Here kids, go mess yourselves up emotionally and catch an incurable disease while you’re at it." When married couples contracept, the language being spoken is, "I love you and give myself entirely to you and accept you completely in everything that you are – almost; I don’t want your fertility." Bishop Fulton Sheen said, "The love between spouses is so real and so tangible that in nine months, you might have to give it a name." Spouses should realize that marital love is a participation in God’s creative act and that babies are good, not burdens to be avoided at all costs; especially the cost of poisoning women with dangerous chemicals so (1)  they can be available for sexual pleasure. Medicine is for sick people, not healthy people. Pregnancy and motherhood are not diseases. お世話になります。 上記文章で(1)の部分にはthat が省略されているものと思いますが、soと組み合わせてどう訳したらいいでしょうか?宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語論文の添削をお願いしたいのですが・・・

    以下の文がアカデミックライティングに即して正しいかどなたか添削してください。つたない英文すみません。  The past sports labor migration studies put the cases of international movements of the athletes of various sports aiming at wealth like salaries or scholarships (Bale and Maguire ed., 1994). Expansion of sports from the advanced countries as “core” to the developing countries as “periphery” related to capital and the movement of athletes to the opposite direction comes to the surface here (Magee and Sugden, 2002). In this context, the key factor of sport labor migration often assumed to be the economical one (Maguire and Stead, 1998; Chiba, 2004).  In the Migration Studies, however, it is already said that it isn’t enough understanding that international movements of labors arise from simple factor such as acquisition of wealth. The reasons of international flow of people are mixed factors which economic, historic and cultural ties and transformations of social structures of both sending countries and accepting countries were cross-wired (Sassen,1988; Castles and Miller,1993). Sport Labor Migration is transforming its figure in accelerated progress of globalization. The past studies of sport labor migration about soccer (Maguire and Pearton, 2000), rugby football (Chiba and Jackson, 2006) or baseball (Takahashi and Horne, 2006) points out their various factors. Maguire (1996) analyzes movement of ice hockey players and categorizes the sport labor migration into four types; “Pioneers” whose main purpose is the mission of the sport, “Mercenaries” who assume to get money, “Settlers” who settle down in the destination country after retirement, “Nomadic Cosmopolitans” who cross the border with their sport skills, and “Returnees” who identifies their born places as the results of their movements.

  • 英文についての質問

    「タフト・ハートリー法」についてのことをまとめました。 The Taft-Hartley Act, an amendment to the Wagner Act of 1935, was designed to benefit all parties to a labor agreement—the employer, employees, and the labor union. The Act was amended to protect employees' rights from these unfair practices by unions. The Taft-Hartley Act reserved the rights of labor unions to organize and bargain collectively, but also outlawed closed shops, giving workers the right to decline to join a union. The Taft-Hartley Act also placed significant limitations on the union rights to strike and boycott. この最後の2文でまとめることできますか? なんとなくですけど、言っていることが似たようなことな感じがするので1文にまとめられないかな?と思うんですが、どうでしょうか? 覚えないといけないので、簡単にしていただけると嬉しいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • この英語の意味とは?

    この英語の意味は、どちらの少女が本当に自分を好きなのか分からなくて困っていると言うような意味なのでしょうか? These days, also, I am scared and I have a fear of which girl can truly love me, but I am sure not so sure what to think of it. 違う解釈があれば教えて下さい。

  • 意味が分かりません

    次の英文の意味が分かりません According to the first digits of the waste code a source of generation can be identified and than to address the waste a relevant code listed in Annexes I, II, and VIII. 廃棄物コードの最初の数桁によって、発生源が確認され、附属書I,IIおよびVIIIに掲げる関連あるコードーーーーーーーー than to address とはどういう意味でしょうか

  • Time and place, so a...

    Time and place, so all-important to the documentary picture maker, are of less interest to these cameramen. so all-importantが分かりません。soとallについて解説してくださいません か。

  • 英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    英文の翻訳をお願いします。 翻訳サイトや辞書などを使ったのですがおかしな翻訳になってしまいます。 According to the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry, the town of Asahi, Toyama Prefecture, the village of Awashimaura, Niigata Prefecture, and five towns in Hokkaido became the first municipalities to make the monthly ?13,000 payment per child aged 15 and younger. ニュースの内容だと思うのですがよろしくお願いします<(_ _)>