• ベストアンサー


Like many forms of market misconduct, scienter, or intent, has long been acritical component of market manipulation violations pursuant to either the Commodities Exchange Act or the Securities Exchange Act. 上記英文中1行目の scienter, or intentは名詞でしょうか,何でしょうか?意味が善く分かりません。ご指導願います。

  • jubu
  • お礼率86% (901/1042)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

1。上記英文中1行目の scienter, or intentは名詞でしょうか,  はい、名詞です。 2。何でしょうか?  抽象名詞が二つ、or で結ばれているので、動詞が単数になっています。 3。意味が善く分かりません。  scienter は、下記のように「故意」という意味ですが法律用語で、馴染みがない読者のために、普通の言葉の intent「故意」と言い換えているのでしょう。 https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=scienter





  • 英文の邦訳

    A member of a national securities exchange shall not be deemed to be a beneficial owner of securities held directly or indirectly by it on behalf of another person solely because such member is the record holder of such securities and, pursuant to the rules of such exchange, may direct the vote of such securities, without instruction, on other than contested matters or matters that may affect substantially the rights or privileges of the holders of the securities to be voted, but is otherwise precluded by the rules of such exchange from voting without instruction. 上記英文の邦訳をお願いします。

  • leverage interest ?

    ある文章中に In order to reduce leverage and future interest payments, the company may from time to time exchange shares of its common stock for the company's outstanding notes and debentures pursuant to the exemption from registration provided by Section 3(a)(9) of Securities Act of 1933, as amended. という文が含まれています。 leverage interest paymentsというものが何なのか、御教示ください。

  • 次の3つの英文の翻訳をお願いします。

    次の3つの英文の翻訳をお願いします。 (1)An open market operation which is defined as an exchange of domestic money base for domestic bonds or vice-versa. (2)A foreign exchange operation which is an exchange of domestic money for foreign bonds or vice-versa. Such foreign exchange market intervention in the foreign exchange market. (3)A sterilized foreign exchange operation which is an exchange of domestic bonds for foreign bonds or vice versa leaving the domestic money base unchanged. 特に3つの文章に共通して出てくる、vice versaという語句の訳し方に困っています。 「その逆もまた然り」というような訳し方でいいのでしょうか? 英語が苦手なもので大変困っています。どうか力を貸してください。

  • 以下の英文の意味を教えてください。

    neither the person showing his or her tongue nor the person at whom the display is aimed is aware of the intent or even the act itself.

  • 和訳お願いします

    The financal makers provide a marketplace through which funds are chan-neled from sectors with idle cash (lenders) to cash-short sectors(borrowers), and the types of financing arranged on these markets are divided in terms of intermediaries into indirect and direct financing. Indirect financing means a form of transaction in which a financial institution acquires a primary secure-ty (IOUs and notes,ect.) from a borrower with a fund raised by issuing an in-direct security(certificates of deposit and insurance policies,etc.). In direct financing, a borrower raises funds by issuing a primary security (equity and debt securities, etc) to lenders though a market intermediary. The market place on which direct financing is arranged is the securities market, which is divided into an issue market(where securities are issued and distributed) and a trading market (where securities are bought and sold). Generally, the term ”security” refers to instruments that give their legal holders the rights to money or other property. They are designed to facilitate the assignment of such rights and have the characteristic of combining rights and certificates. More specifically, they are issued in various form, such as stocks and bonds issued by business corporations; notes, checks, and bills of lading ;government securities issued by national governments; and municipal bonds issued by local public bodies. Of these, securities traded in the securities markets are balled “securities under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act(FIEA),” as defined in paragraphs 1 and 2, Article 2,of that law. Paragraph 1 defines securities whose interests are represented by securities or certificates that are physically issued as listed in the Securities and Exchange Law, new types of securities, such as mortgage securities and securities representing financial options contracts, have been included in the new definition. Item 21 of the paragraph provided that securities and certificates so designated by government ordinance, including bonds issued by educational institutions, shall be deemed to be securities under the law. Paragraph 2 of Article 2 sets forth the definition of deemed securities. First, interests represented by securities that are listed in the preceding paragraph are deemed to be securities by themselves in cases where no physical certificates are issued. For example, interests represented by bonds or stocks held under a book-entry transfer system are deemed equivalent of those securities listed in Paragraph 1. The latter part of the paragraph then goes on to define deemed securities as interests other than those represented by securities or certificates. The scope of the definition has been substantially widened compared with that of the former law, and specifically, there are comprehensive provisions in Item 5 of the paragraph for FIFA to be applicable to various types of collective investment vestment ordinance, including claims on loans o educational institutions, are provided for as deemed securities. In addition to securities, FIEA applies to derivative transactions in domestic financial instrument and over-the-counter markets and foreign markets.

  • 米国の成文法の名称

    米国では、成文法の名前に制定年/発効年(?)を加えて表示することが多いと思います。 例えば、 Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 という成文法があります。 この制定年/発効年(?)の表示(上記例では「of 1934」)自体は、成文法の正式名称の中に含まれるのでしょうか? また制定年/発効年(?)の表示は、正確に言うと、制定年/発効年あるいは別の意味(?)のいずれなのでしょうか?

  • 和訳についてのアドバイスお願いします。

    フィリピンDTIの書類を訳しているのですが、この部分がどうやって訳せばいいのかわかりません。 This certifies thatレストランA is a business name registerd in this office pursuant to the provisions of Act 3883, as amended by Act 4147 and Rebublic Act No.863, and in compliance with the applicable rules and regulations prescribed by the Department of Trade and Industry. 私は、これは、レストランA が、法4147により改正法3883、フィリピン共和国法第863の適用規則を遵守するという定めに従い、フィリピン貿易産業省により会社名登録されていることを証明したものです。 と訳してみたのですがどうでしょうか?アドバイス、修正お願いします。

  • 翻訳お願いします 英→日

    We have a Policy Guidance Note on Exchange Traded Funds available here https://bit.ly/3dJI9ak. Please read it to understand the requirements a promoter must meet to issue an ETF. These should not be reviewed in isolation. Please also review the Capital Markets Act, Capital Markets (Securities)(Public Offers Listing and Disclosures) Regulations 2002 -amended 2019 and Code of Corporate Governance Practices for Issuers of Securities to the Public 2015 all available at http://cma.or.ke. These Regulations will are integrated and important for an issuer to understand when making an application for our consideration.

  • 以下の英文の和訳を教えてください(>_<)

    Starbucks 10-K reports, along with all other reports and amendments filed with or furnished to the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”), are publicly available free of charge on the Investor Relations section of our website at http://investor.starbucks.com or at www.sec.gov as soon as reasonably practicable after these materials are filed with or furnished to the SEC. ※free of charge=無料で

  • 英文和訳をお願いします。

    Radiation protection Due to the wide range of radiation types and physical and chemical forms of radioactive materials, the type of monitor used, either fixed or mobile monitors, shall be specified by suitably qualified radiation protection personnel. 宜しくお願い致します。