• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:大学のレポート提出について)

Happiness in Community of Disney Fanatics in Japan

  • Disney fanatics in Japan are generally happy due to their love for Disney's contents, which bring positivity and optimism.
  • Being a member of the Disney fan community allows for social connections and a sense of belonging, leading to increased happiness.
  • The exhaustive security and cleanliness in Tokyo Disney Resort contribute to the overall happiness of Japanese Disney fanatics.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9914/12378)

以下のとおりお答えします。 …と申しましたが、本文は前便と同じですね。どうぞそちらをご覧ください。 タイトルは、 Happiness in Community of Disney Fanatics in Japan 「日本のディズニー熱狂者共同体の幸福」 のままでいいと思います。



  • 文法やスペルの間違い教えてください!

    My community, people who love Disney’s contents seem to be happy. Disneyland, Disney movies, Disney songs, and so on, generally give people a positive mind and we recognize it. There is research shows that people who love Disney can live longer. Disney fanatics have optimism. They live with happy and positive content produced by Disney company more than other people. This theory is shown in an article. (Bailee Abell “People Who Loves Disney Can Live Longer Lives, Study Shows” -Inside the Magic.com) Besides, there is another reason. Being a member of a community means to keep connected. Disney fanatics in Japan tend to make friends with each other. To socialize and keep close to people who have the same hobby makes them happy because they can talk about what they love. There is an interesting study that shows people who are more connected to the community are happier.(Robert Waldinger “About Happiness”) As another reason for considering that Japanese Disney fanatics are generally happy, exhaustive security and cleanliness in Tokyo Disney Resort can be mentioned. There is a lot of types of jobs in Tokyo Disney Parks. Workers in the park called 'casts'. Casts work after the visitors leave and before the visitors come even in the late night or the early morning. Thanks to these casts, people who come to the park can feel comfortable there. If there are elements of concern even just a little, people are there without relieves. People never see any trash on the roads, people do not have to beware of some crimes, but the casts secure the park so that everyone can have fun. It is clear to see why Japanese Disney fanatics are generally happy with these theories.

  • 英作文(大学の課題)点数低かった)次に生かしたい

    問あなたのコミュニティは幸せですか?ふこうですか? My community’s happy: Communication with each other My community, my part-time job at after school children's club, Sozen 1st and 2nd After School Children Club in Hiratuka, is generally happy. The reason I find my community generally happy is greeting each other. Studies have shown that greetings can produce hormones that reduce stress. In fact, my community is always greeting each other. Another reason I find my community generally happy is to play with children. Playing with children will make people fun and happy. According to the University of Illinois, exercising for 20 minutes will make you feel happy. In my community, people play with each other three times an hour each day. The last reason I find my community generally happy is smile. There is a study that shows when you smile, the happy hormone dopamine appears, and you become happy. In fact, my community people always happy because my community laughs constantly. From the above, my community is happy. という課題を提出したところ厳しいフィードバックをいただいたのですがあまり英語が得意ではないため指摘された点の理解があまりできませんでした。 先生のフィードバックを載せるので次にこのような課題の時どうすればいいのか教えてください Content (unity, details, originality) Topic sentence is confusing. Can a job be a community? Why did you ignore my advice on your first draft? Sentences 3, 7, and 10 are off topic. あとMLAすたいるの書き方でもないといわれました Language (clarity, word choice, style) Incorrect/repetitive: "I find my community generally happy" Incorrect/unusual/unclear usage/word choice: greeting, to play, fun, smile, community people, from the above 次に生かしたいのでよろしくお願いします

  • 18-5日本語訳

    お願いします。 Many people benefit from Q&A sites such as OKWave, as they help solve their problems. This is quite understantable. In fact, this is probably the raison d'etre of such Q&A sites; to provide a space where community members can both seek and offer knowledge to help eachother. Putting it another way, people "take advantage" of Q&A sites for their own benefit, be it for their personal enlightenment, professional gains, or for their academic ends. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with that. However, when "taking advantage" escalates to sheer "exploitation", I begin to wonder. Though a minority, there are those who through in a long passage/text of Japanese or English, hoping that someone will translate it for them. In Japanese, this act is known as "Marunage". It is astonishing that there are even people who do this Marunage repeatedly and continuously. I am in no position to criticize such people who routinely do Marunage, and in deed, there is always a generous, saintly person who responds to the requests. The truth is, however, that those throwing in Marunage questions are academic losers and those answering them, are the winners.

  • 大学の英語のエッセイの課題点数低いので助けてくださ

    問あなたのコミュニティは幸せですか?ふこうですか? 課題指定 A single paragraph of at least 7 sentences (1 topic sentence, 3 supporting ideas, and at least 1 detail sentence for each idea) Write in your own words. (Do not copy text.) Write in formal English (i.e., complete sentences; no contractions; no sentences beginning with coordinating contractions such as "and," "but," or "so"; avoid using first- and -second-person pronouns) Formatted in MLA style Use the Microsoft Word MLA Template and clearly identify which assignment, for example: Task_1_Draft.docx Write for a non-Japanese audience which might not know anything about Japan. Follow the attached "Writing Draft Submission Instructions." IMPORTANT: Before you submit, save a backup copy of your draft to OneDrive as explained in the instructions. Note: The MLA model demonstrates MLA formatting. Its topic is not the same as the Writing Task 1 topic. You need to write about your community. An entire country cannot be considered a community. My community’s happy: Communication with each other My community, my part-time job at after school children's club, Sozen 1st and 2nd After School Children Club in Hiratuka, is generally happy. The reason I find my community generally happy is greeting each other. Studies have shown that greetings can produce hormones that reduce stress. In fact, my community is always greeting each other. Another reason I find my community generally happy is to play with children. Playing with children will make people fun and happy. According to the University of Illinois, exercising for 20 minutes will make you feel happy. In my community, people play with each other three times an hour each day. The last reason I find my community generally happy is smile. There is a study that shows when you smile, the happy hormone dopamine appears, and you become happy. In fact, my community people always happy because my community laughs constantly. From the above, my community is happy. という課題を提出したところ厳しいフィードバックをいただいたのですがあまり英語が得意ではないため指摘された点の理解があまりできませんでした。 先生のフィードバックを載せるので次にこのような課題の時どうすればいいのか教えてください Content (unity, details, originality) Topic sentence is confusing. Can a job be a community? Why did you ignore my advice on your first draft? Sentences 3, 7, and 10 are off topic. あとMLAすたいるの書き方でもないといわれました Language (clarity, word choice, style) Incorrect/repetitive: "I find my community generally happy" Incorrect/unusual/unclear usage/word choice: greeting, to play, fun, smile, community people, from the above 次に生かしたいのでよろしくお願いします

  • 次の英訳の間違いを指摘し、文法的に説明して下さい。

    次の英訳の間違いを指摘し、文法的に説明して下さい。 よろしくお願いいたします。 <日本語> 最近、人前で自由に話せる若者が増えていますが、日本人は以前として英語を話すのが苦手です。 これは日本人は英語を話す時に間違うことを恐れるからです。 <英訳> (1) Recently the number of young people who can express their feeling free in public is increasing, although Japanese are not still good at speaking English. This is why Japanese people is afraid that they make mistake when speaking English. (2) Today there is more and more young people can talk to as they like in public, so Japanese people still have trouble speaking. It is because Japanese are fear to mistake on speaking English. (3) These days many young people can speak fluently in front of others, and the Japanese are still poor speakers in English. The reason of this is that the Japanese are afraid of committing error while they say English.

  • 英語の長文問題(大学受験)

    There are men who love out-of-doors who yet never open a book;and other men who love books but to whom the great book of nature is a sealed volume,and the lines written therein (1) made indistinct. Neveretheless among those men who I have known the love of books and the love of outdoors,in their highest expressions,have usually gone hand in hand.It is an affectation for the man who is praising outdoors to sneer at books.Usually the keenest appreciation of what is seen in nature is to be found in those who have also profited by the stored and recorded wisdom of their fellow men.Love of outdoor life,love of simple and hardy pastimes,can be gratified by men and women who do not possess large means,and who work hard;and so can love of good books (2)(3)-not of good bindings and of first editions, (4)(5)excelled enough in their way but sheer luxuries-I mean love of reading books,owning them if possible of course,but,if that is no possible,getting them from a circulating library. 出来れば全文和訳と(1)-(5)までに入る英語を一語埋めてください。 よろしくお願いします!!

  • 和訳が分かりません。

    下記の訳なんですが分かりません。 What you have って、きれいに訳せません。 それに続く訳も合わせて教えてください。 So today what you have is what I call the middle 40 percent, the people who are not in the top 10 and who are not in the bottom 50, and what you can view as the wealth middle class that owns 20 to 30 percent of total wealth, national wealth, whereas they used to be poor, a century ago, when there was basically no wealth middle class.

  • この英文の意味を教えてください。

    This graph also shows the percentge of hayaumare is higher for people who are younger 上の文なのですが、「 people who are younger」というところの意味を教えてください。 お願いします。

  • 回答お願いします。また使い方がいまいち解りません。解説付きですと助かり

    回答お願いします。また使い方がいまいち解りません。解説付きですと助かります。 quantity(of)number(of)amount(of)level(of)figure 1,There has been a decrease in the()fruit consumed by ..... 2,The graph shows the()tourists who visited... 3,Pollution()in industrialised countries increased... 4,The population()for developing counties are... 5,In summer the()ultraviolet in sunlight is .... 6,Large()plam oil are... 7,Solar panels and wind farms can generate a large()power 8,Increasing()schoolchildren are...

  • 英文を訳してもらえませんか? <part2>

      People in other areas also wanted to find ways to do something. Some of them actually gave a helping hand to the victims by ciearing the streets and serving hot meals. Millions of people have donated money and goods. Aid came from not only within Japan but from many other countries. There are lots of students who want to help people in need. You may not be able to take action right away, but there are many things that young people can do. Doing volunteer work during long vacations is one of them. Studying is another . It will help you to learn things to make this nation a safer place. 長い文章ですが、よろしくお願いします。

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  • ESETのセキュリティツール「すべてのブラウザを保護」をOFFにしてみましたが、変化はありません。
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