
  • Q&Aサイトは多くの人々にとって有益な存在であり、問題解決に役立つ。
  • 一部の人々はQ&Aサイトを利用して自分の利益を追求しているが、それ自体は問題ではない。
  • しかし、一部の人々はQ&Aサイトを利用してマルナゲ行為を行っており、これは学術的な敗者となり得る。
  • ベストアンサー


お願いします。 Many people benefit from Q&A sites such as OKWave, as they help solve their problems. This is quite understantable. In fact, this is probably the raison d'etre of such Q&A sites; to provide a space where community members can both seek and offer knowledge to help eachother. Putting it another way, people "take advantage" of Q&A sites for their own benefit, be it for their personal enlightenment, professional gains, or for their academic ends. In my opinion, there is nothing wrong with that. However, when "taking advantage" escalates to sheer "exploitation", I begin to wonder. Though a minority, there are those who through in a long passage/text of Japanese or English, hoping that someone will translate it for them. In Japanese, this act is known as "Marunage". It is astonishing that there are even people who do this Marunage repeatedly and continuously. I am in no position to criticize such people who routinely do Marunage, and in deed, there is always a generous, saintly person who responds to the requests. The truth is, however, that those throwing in Marunage questions are academic losers and those answering them, are the winners.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数4


  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

 多くの人々が、問題を解決するのを手伝ってくれる、OKWaveのようなQ&Aサイトから利益を得ています。 これは、全く理解に難くないことです。 実際、このことが、おそらく、このようなQ&Aサイトの存在理由と言えるでしょう; コミュニティ・メンバーが互いを助けるために知識を捜し、知識を提供することができるスペースを提供するからです。  別の言い方をすれば、個人の啓発のためであれ、職業的利益であれ、はたまた、学術的目的であれ、人々は彼ら自身の利益のためにQ&Aサイトを「利用しています」。 私の考えでは、それに関して、何も問題はありません。 しかし、「利用する」ことが全くの「搾取」に拡大するとき、私は懐疑の念を抱き始めます。 少数派かも知れませんが、誰かが彼らのためにそれを翻訳してくれることを期待して、日本語もしくは英語の長文を投稿する人たちがいます。 日本語では、この様な行為は、「マルナゲ」として知られています。  繰り返し、また、連続的にこのマルナゲを行う人々さえいることは、驚くべきものです。 私は、常習的に、マルナゲを行うこの様な人々を非難する立場にありません、また、実際、その要請に応じる、気前のよい、聖人のような人が常にいます。 しかし、真実は、マルナゲ質問を投稿する人々は、学問的な意味の敗者であり、彼らに答えている人々が勝者であるということです。 ☆ cbm51901さん ご忠告ありがとうございます。私も、いつの日か、cbm51901さんの様な達意の英文が書けるよう勉強を続けようと思っております。このサイトは、優秀な回答者の方々から勉強させていただき感謝しています。丸投げをする人も丸投げに答える人も学問的敗者です。聖人などではありません。



☆ saysheさん 不毛な試みに付き合って下さりどうも有難うございました。 今後ともsaysheさんのご活躍をバネに、私も少しでも質問者様の役に立てるよう、精進したいと思います。 ☆ 他の回答者の皆さん 削除されてしまいましたがどうも有難うございました。



☆ saysheさん ”忠告” など、とんでもありません。私は質問の内容にとらわれることなく、質問者様のために労力を惜しまず常に最良の回答を提供しようとする sayshe さんの姿勢にいつも感服しています。 「私が山を登るのは、山がそこに在るからだ。」などという名言がありますが、sayshe さんの場合、質問ひとつひとつがある意味チャレンジたる存在なのでは...、などと勝手に思ったりもします。


  • 日本語訳お願いします><

    Haisla artist,Lyle Wilson:“This process of doing sculpture today is quite different from the past in the sense that today the buildings are so finely designed that the people who carve are actually requested to do a scale model that is exact.Whereas in the old days when they do a house post or a totem pole they do it entirely from memory or their experience,so there are no scale models there are no drawings as opposed to today where every thing is really finely tuned.”“This piece has been commissioned by the First Nations House of Learning,which is a center for aboriginal people at the University of British Colombia and it’s made out of red cedar.And it will be two figures that are half-human and half animal.And one side will represent the Eagle and the other side will represent the Beaver Clan,which is on this side.And the reason why I picked them was because the Beaver is my Mother's crest and Eagle is my Father's crest.So I wanted to present both of those on this post because it dose represent myself and my family from Kidamount.”Thatcertain pride in its ethnicity has given Vancouver a multicultural atmosphere.The Chinese arrived in this area in 1858.The attraction was the Fraiser River gold rush and all who came hoped to strike it ribh.Today Vancouver is enriched and enlivened by its substantial Chinese population. Early in the morning,people gather to practice Tai Chi.The teachings and techniques have been handed down from generation to generation.

  • 日本語訳を教えて下さい。

    この英文の訳を教えて下さい。 Responders who reject small offers show that even when dealing with a complete stranger, they would rather punish unfairness than gain money. Why would people act in ways that seem contrary to their own interest? The most reasonable answer is that moral intuitions like fairness developed because they improved the reproductive fitness of those who had them and the groups to which they belonged. Among social animals, those who form cooperative relationships tend to do much better than those who do not. By making a fair offer, you signal that you are the kind of person who would make a good partner for cooperating. On the other hand, by rejecting an unfair offer, you show that you are not going to put up with being treated unfairly, and thus you discourage others from trying to take advantage of you. There are also social advantages to such intuitions. A society in which most people act fairly will generally do better than one in which everyone is always seeking to take unfair advantage, because people will be better able to trust each other and form cooperative relationships.

  • 日本語訳を!!c7-8

    お願いします!!続き Do you feel that you get to know the people who lived in the places you are excavating?You really do.For one thing,there are fingerprints all over everything.You know,they're patting the clay and them it gets fired.And even though Harappa is a pretty disturbed site,every once in a while you stumble on something that is obviously just the way someone left it.We were digging in this little alley behind a house and found a little pit someone had dug,with some river mussels in it.It was their leftover lunch.And the Harappa are very creative people.Their figurines have a lot of character.It's hard to see humor across the centuries,but I certainly see people having a lot of fun with those figurines.Or maybe having a connection would be a better way to say it,since some of them are scary.Plus,my colleague is very good at that sort of thing.We'll find a pendant and he'll say someone must have been really upset to lose that. If you could have one question answered about the sites you've excavated,what would it be?I think I would probably want to know how the five great cities of the Indus were connected.Were they independent?Did the same family rule them all?That's what I'd lile to know. I think the really important thing about archaeology is that it connects people with the past.It's something we all share.No one in my family came from South Asia,but now I feel like that's a part of my heritage,too.Knowing about how those people solved their problems of living together in cities makes me think about the ways we try to solve a lot of the same problems in our cities today.The Indus people were so creative.I feel a lot of respect for them.And I feel like I share something with my colleagues in Pakistan.I think people need to appreciate each other's history.

  • 訳をお願いします

    内容がよくわかりません なので訳をお願いします (1)Individuals differ greatly in the degree in which culture shock affects them. Although not common, there are individuals who cannot live in foreign countries. Those who have seen people go through a serious case of culture shock and on to a satisfactory adjustment can discern steps in the process. (2)It is then that the second stage begins, characterized by a hostile and aggressive attitude toward the host country. (3)Their sense of humor begins to exert itself. Instead of critizing,they joke about the people and even about their own difficulties. They are now on the way to recovery. (4)Only with a complete grasp of all the cues of social communication will this strain disappear.

  • 至急日本語訳お願いします。

    Since parents control who sleeps where, it is their everyday beliefs that dectde sleeping arrangements. In those cultures in which the prime parental goal s to integrate children into the family, the household, and society, babies are close at hand, even during the night. It is primarily in those societies (mostly in the industrialized West, especially in the United States) where a premium is placed on independence and self-reliance that babies and children sleep alone. Underlying this unconscious societal even more damental assumption made by Americans and some other groups- how we that children from day one has a major effect on how they turn out as adults. This philosophy is not shared by all cultures. The Mayans; for example, see mother and infant as one until that cannot be separated, and believe offspring are not ready for guidance until they can speak and reason, when they are older children. Newborns in their culture are not capable of being trained, and, they feel, should just be cared for. Sleep, in other words, can take nuance. And the basis for that morality is, of course, culturally constructed. American parents believe it is morally "correct" for infants to sleep alone and thus learn alertness ). They view child-parent co-sleeping as strange, psychologically unhealthy, and even sinful. Those in co-sleeping cultures see the Western practice of placing an infant alone as wrong and a form of child neglect or parental irresponsibility. Parents in both kinds of cultures are convinced that their moral structure is "correct" .

  • より適当な日本語に訳をお願いします

    If that is the golden rule, then the platinum rule is to always, at any given opportunity,laugh at yourself. If there is one horror that people from that country have, it is the horror of people who take themselves too seriously. Individuals who are pompous are universally derided, hated and avoided like plague. This also combines well with their innate and somewhat baffling distrust of anyone who is too intelligent. 「もしあれがゴールデンルール(黄金律?)なのだとしたら、プラチナルールはどんな機会が与えられても、常に自分自身を笑うことだ。もしあの国からの人々が持つある恐怖があったら、それは彼ら自身をとても深刻にとらえる人々の恐怖だ。うぬぼれた人間は一般的に、疫病のように、ばかにされ、憎まれ、避けられる。これはまた、彼らの生まれつきで、とても頭の良い誰かへの不信感の不可解な何かとよく結びつく。」 自分なりに上記の英文を訳してみましたが、日本語が不自然でわかりにくいものになってしまいました。添削し、自然な日本語に直していただけますでしょうか。宜しくお願い致します。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    In much of the world, authority is not challenged, either out of respect or out of fear, and, sometimes because a hierarchy of rank has been fixed for so long that people have been trained for generations never to challenge it. In such countries children are not expected to question their teachers in school, and brilliant young scholars or inventive industrial geniuses are hampered in technical research because they hesitate to disagree with their "superiors." Clever researchers may be considered too young to have any right to present findings that contradict the knowledge and wisdom of their elders. The American is trained from childhood to question, analyze, search. "Go and look it up for yourself;’’ a child will be told. In many schools tasks are designed to stimulate the use of a wide range of materials. An assignment to "Write a paper on the world's supply of sugar," for example, will send even a young child in search of completely unfamiliar ideas. Even in the primary grades children are taught to use libraries and to search for new ideas. By the time they are 14, 15, or 16, many young scholars are making original and valuable contributions in all fields of science. Industry is so aware of this untouched resource that each year, through national competitions, it offers awards to teenagers in order to seek out (and later employ) young people with brilliant, inquiring minds.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。選択肢もお願いします。

    空欄のA.B.C.Dは下の選択肢から選んでください。 Is there nothing that interests us all? Is there nothing that (A) everyone- no matter who they are or where they live in the world? Yes, there are questions that certainly should interests everyone. They are precisely the questions this course is about. What is the most important thing in life? If we ask someone living on the edge of starvation, the answer (B) . If we ask someone dying of cold, the answer is warmth. If we put the same question to someone who feels (C) and isolated, the answer will probably be the company of other people. But when these basic needs have been satisfied- will there still be something that everybody needs? Philosophers think so. They believe that man cannot live by (D) alone. Of course everyone needs food. And everyone needs love and care. But there is something else- apart from that- which everyone needs, and that is to figure out who we are and why we are here. (A) ( surprises, concerns, pleases , changes) (B) ( life, dream, food, house) (C) ( lonely, happy, sick, angry) (D).( meat,milk, rice, bread)

  • 日本語訳

    次の文章を日本語訳してくださいお願いします。 What better way is there to invest in Japan than to create programs that train young Japanese , to show them abroad at their best , and to aid people and the environment?

  • 日本語訳を!!c7-1

    お願いします!! Archaeologist can't read the records the people of the Indus Vally left because they haven't decoded the script. So they have to use other clues-like trash. What's left of people's ruined basements,garbage,and sewers tell us a lot about what it was like to live in the Indus Valley 4,000 years ago. Sometimes ancient cities are buried through tragic events such as an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.But usually cities get buried bit by bit,while people are still living there.Old buildings fall down and are covered with dust and garbage.Because it's easier,people build on top of the old buildings rather than clear them out and start from the ground again.As this happens,the streets are repaved and get higher and higher over time. The cities of Mohenjo Daro and Harappa,located in what is now Pakistan,had enough room for 40,000 to 80,000 people.That's about as many eople as can fit into the huge Olympic stadium in Athens.But no one is sure if that many people actually lived there full-time.How many of those buildings were empty during the farming season,when people may have gone home to their family farms to help with planting and harvesting? How many of the buildings sheltered merchants or pilgrims who were just passing through?Or people who had come to celebrate religious festivals? The streets of Indus towns and cities in India and Pakistan are strangely similar.Each has streets that run north and south and east and west.Why?No one knows,although religious beliefs might have had something to do with it.For example,Christian cathedrals face the rising sun in the east and Muslims pray facing their sacred city,Mecca.