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The Fascinating History of Soba: From Ancient Grains to Modern Noodles

  • Discover the rich history of soba, a traditional Japanese food that dates back over 9,000 years. From its humble beginnings as a staple food to its evolution into the beloved noodles we know today, soba has undergone significant changes throughout history. Learn about the different cooking methods, the rise in popularity during the Edo period, and the birth of local variations.
  • Soba, a staple food in Japan, has a long and fascinating history that spans thousands of years. It was first discovered in the ruins of Kochi Prefecture, where buckwheat flour was found over 9,000 years ago. Over time, soba evolved from being consumed as a grain in rice gruel to being enjoyed as noodles. During the Edo period, soba became increasingly popular, thanks to the development of boiling cooking techniques that brought out its delicious flavors. Today, soba is not only a beloved dish in Japan but also a highly regional food with unique variations.
  • Uncover the ancient origins of soba, a traditional Japanese food that has captivated the taste buds of millions. With a history dating back thousands of years, soba has played a vital role in Japanese cuisine. From its early days as a simple grain to its transformation into the noodle dish loved today, soba has evolved with the changing times. Explore the different cooking methods used throughout history, the rise in popularity during the Edo period, and the development of local variations. Discover why soba continues to be cherished by both locals and visitors alike.


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15297/33016)

1。「9000年以上前に高知県の遺跡から蕎麦の実の花粉が発見された」  というのが原文ですが、この原文を見て発見した時が九千年以上前と思う人はいないでしょう。ところが英訳はそうも読めます。  また花粉が  flour になっていますが、これは(蕎麦などの)粉のことで、下記のように pollen にしないと誤解を招きます。  https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=pollen  英訳では「高知県の廃墟」となり「コーチケンという荒れ果てたお城」のようです。ここでは archaeological site と一語付け加えたほうがいいように思います。  In Kochi Prefecture (on the island of Shikoku) at a site dated more than 9,000 years ago archaeologists found some buckwheat pollen とも。 2。第二文  Soba was a familiar plant and food.> Buckwheat became a part of daily food.とも 3。第三文 a は要りません。 4。第四文  At that time, they were eating buckwheat grains as we eat rice gruel today without grinding them into flour. とも。 5。第六文  原文は「その調理方法は現在と違い蒸していた」ですが。  That cooking method was different from what it was today.ですと最後の一番大切なところが抜けています。 Unlike today's cooking method of boiling the noodles were steamed in the Edo period. とも。 6。第十文  ご当地そばには「にしんそば」などがある、が原文ですが  There is a place like [Shin-soba] near here. では誤訳です。  「にしん」は鰊で、下記のようにかけそばに身欠き鰊の甘露煮を乗せたものです。鰊は北海道が原産ですが「鰊蕎麦」は京都でできたという説もあります。  http://soba-ya.com/syokuzai/1380.html  ニシンそばは、下記などをごらんください。  https://www.google.co.jp/search?q=%E3%83%8B%E3%82%B7%E3%83%B3%E3%81%9D%E3%81%B0&tbm=isch&source=hp&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjs5vX1s7DkAhUOW60KHXMNBtAQsAR6BAgEEAE&biw=1920&bih=852  One of the regional specialty soba is "Nishin-soba" with a herring in it. とも。  https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=%e9%b0%8a 7。他に色々訳し方があるでしょうから、これはほんの一例です。

