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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文の意味が分かりにくい)



  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

彼女の胸の奥で ー 彼女のシャツを通して感じ取ることが出来るほどとても奥深いところで ー 何かが揺れ動いたのか、かすかな鼓動を僕は確かに感じた。それはまるで、彼女の胸ほどの、小さな翼による羽ばたきのようだった。いくら翼が小さくても僕には気にならなかった。ショートヒルズの夏の夜にこれほど心地よい涼しさをもたらす、ニューアークとのしがない180フィートの標高差を舞い上がるために、鷲の翼は必要ないのだから。 so far back は「それほどまでにも(表面から)奥の方」という意味でしょう。 so far in her back とは違うと思います("back" は「背中」を指していません)。 私にとってこのパッセージの最も難解な部分は、 it would not take an eagle to carry me up those lousy 180 feet that make summer nights so much cooler in Short Hills than they are in Newark. のくだりです。 No.1 (SPS700) さんの解釈には成程なぁ、と思わず納得しましたが、ここは敢えてこの名答を読む前の、私独自の解釈を紹介させてください。 180 feet の標高差については、第一章の中盤で、 ...as though the 180 feet that the suburbs rose in altitude above Newark brought one closer to heaven,.. と、「...まるで天国に近付いたようだ...」と述べています。 それで、 「彼女のかすかな鼓動(小さな羽ばたき)」を感じたことが、まるで天国に上ったようだった、と比喩的に表現しているのかなぁ、と思ったわけです。 このように、読み方によっていろいろな解釈ができることも、文学の面白いところだと思います。



いつも回答ありがとうございます。 物理的なものの描写でも理解しにくいのに、無形のものを描写している英文は更に理解しにくいです。果たして自分の理解が正しいのかどうか、雲をつかむような感じです。 cbm51901さんは文学がお好きなようですね。別の機会でいいですから好きな作家があれば教えて下さい。その作家のどこが好きなのかも良かったら教えて下さいませんか。でも、私がその作家を読もうとするかどうかは、勿論私に決めさせて下さい。 ありがとうございました。


  • この英文の意味を教えてください

    この英文の意味を教えてください "I stuck with the accomplishments I was sure of: I rode my bicycle sitting backward on the handle bars, I made up poems, I played selections from Aida on the piano." "I wanted to do these things but did not have nerve. What I finally did manage to do, hoewver, and what is the subject of this memoir, was far brassier. As an exhibit of teen-age courage and ineptitude, it never fails to amaze me in retrospect."

  • 英文について

    長文で申し訳ないんですが、下の文をざっくりでいいので翻訳・解説してくれませんか? 自分で翻訳サイトなどに掛けてみても、意味がよく分からなくて、、、 I am a 59-year-old Japanese, born in 1941 (Showa 16). When I was a child, many of my teachers were very scary, probably because they had experienced the war. Unlike today, corporal punishment was allowed, so it was common to be slapped or punched. This was when I was in the sixth grade of elementary school (11-12 years old). One of my classmates was a girl whose family was poor, so she and her sister shared gym clothes for gym class. One day, however, her gym class coincided with her sister's class, and she didn't have any gym clothes because she had given them to my sister. I think it was an unavoidable reason, but the teacher did not allow the girl to not bring her gym clothes even though she had such a good reason. He ordered her to take off her plain everyday clothes , telling her that she was not allowed to take gym class in plain clothes. She took off her everyday clothes and attended the PE class in her underwear, that is, wearing only a pair of panties. Her classmates pointed and laughed at her shameful appearance in just her panties. Perhaps she was poorly nourished because of her poverty, her bare breasts weren't bulging at all. The girls made fun of her flat breasts, calling it "look like men". Also, a stupid boy took down her panties and tried to show everyone where her part which must be never seen(Fortunately, this ended in an attempt) She remembers feeling so embarrassed and humiliated that she almost started to cry. But she never gave in and gave her gym clothes to her sister on another day when the classes overlapped as well. It must have been an unbearable humiliation for a girl of her age to go to class almost naked and be seen by boys and girls of her age. She was a strong girl and was able to endure it, but an ordinary girl would not have been able to. I can only hope that there will never be another educator who gives this kind of education again.

  • 下記の英文を教えて下さい

    I am out of the country at the moment and it is my colleague you are speaking to. I am back on Friday and will make sure that the labels MADE IN USA will go on all of the bags and purses. Please bare with me till this Friday.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。発送のことでメールが来たんですがいまいちわかりません。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 I am so sorry I was out of the office so I was not able to get back to you. Normally you can expect responses right away so I am sorry about this. We had one AAA that was in production from the popularity of it so it was received yesterday I also asked them to send you some additional purse hooks as a gift for being late. They are a nice gift for your customers I hope, but I wanted to give it to you as a gesture and apology for my late response. I also don’t have the final size of the box since they had to wait to add another bag to the order they have not packaged it, I will let you know once the office is back today and also the tracking. It should get there in about 2 days. Also the address you gave is a remote area for fedex do you have another address, normally it is an additional $25 but I asked them to waive the out of remote fee this time so we will pay for it. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns and I will update you later today.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を注文しています。いつも購入する店なんですが担当者が辞めて引き継ぎの件でメールが来ました。すみませんが意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 I have been communicating with Tin who was working closely with Becki and contacting her for me. Unfortunately as Becki has left the company and is busy nowadays, getting all the answers sorted in a short time is a bit tricky. Therefore, I apologise for the delay in getting back to you. The exclusivity terms have already been explained to you in this email by my manager. As for the discounts, stickers or country of origin on your invoice, we will do it all for you. Becki got back to us regarding your discounts, and I know now what discount to apply to your orders. If you have an order ready please email it to me and I will deal with it for you.

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しました。発送の事でメールがきたんですがすみませんが意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 Your additional order is still being packed. I am hoping to get it back today so that I could email you the invoice. Our warehouse it sorting our the 'made in USA' labels too. I will let them know to send me a photo and I will forward it to you. Thank you,

  • 意味を教えてください

    Yesterday my boyfriend’s mother offered to pay for some classes in cake decorating for me so that I can further my experience in baking to get a better job. I’m unemployed looking for a bakery job right now, which is why she offered to pay, and she wants me to pay her back by doing housework for her over the weekends. As much as I would love to take this opportunity, our relationship has been strained because of the circumstances of how her son and I came to be. strainedとhow her son and I came to beの意味を教えてください。よろしくお願いします

  • この英語の意味とは?

    この英語の意味は、どちらの少女が本当に自分を好きなのか分からなくて困っていると言うような意味なのでしょうか? These days, also, I am scared and I have a fear of which girl can truly love me, but I am sure not so sure what to think of it. 違う解釈があれば教えて下さい。

  • 英文の意味

    下記の英文のIt requires a very lively passion...のitが何を指しているのかお教えください。 I did not see Strickland for several weeks. I was disgusted with him, and if I had had an opportunity should have been glad to tell him so, but I saw no object in seeking him out for the purpose. I am a little shy of any assumption of moral indignation ; there is always in it an element of self-satisfaction which makes it awkward to anyone who has a sense of humour. It requires a very lively passion to steel me to my own ridicule. There was a sardonic sincerity in Strickland which made me sensitive to anything that might suggest a pose. itが指し示しているのは前文の(1)moral indignation(2)an element of self-satisfaction(3)to steel me to my own ridiculeのいづれでしょうか。また、このtoは(1)名詞的用法(2)形容詞的用法(3)副詞的用法のいづれでしょうか。それとも各々(1)~(3)いづれにも当てはまらないでしょうか。 お手数かけますが、ご教授いただければ幸いです。なにとぞ宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップでクリスマスの飾り付けセットを買いました。発送の事で相手から連絡がありました。すみませんが英文の意味を教えて下さい。お願いします。 it was shipped out yesterday via DHL, since I was so late in getting your order to you, I went ahead and shipped it expedited so you can have it sooner. The tracking is 0000 and you should get it early next week. Also we just restocked a lot of the AAA you were interested in with our site and right now, if you are interested in anything let me know and I can get you better pricing and a cheaper shipping service