Should my roommate round down utility bill payments?

  • I live with two other women and handle the utility bills, which are in my name. When I text my roommates about the amount we owe, one of them always rounds down to the nearest dollar when sending me money. Shouldn't she be sending the full amount?
  • In my shared living arrangement, I have the responsibility of handling the utility bills. However, one of my roommates consistently rounds down the amount she sends me for the bills. Is this fair, or should she be paying the exact amount?
  • Every month, I inform my roommates of the utility bill amounts and collect the money from them. One of my roommates has a habit of rounding down the payment to the nearest dollar. Is it appropriate for her to do so, or should she be paying the full amount without rounding down?
  • ベストアンサー


I live with two other women. I'm the one who handles utility bills; they're in my name. Every other month, when they come due, I text my roommates to let them know how much we all owe. They send me the money via an app. Without fail, one roommate, "Tracy," always rounds down to the nearest dollar when sending me money. So if it's $82.64, for example, she just sends $82. Sure, it's only 64 cents, but it's the principle of the thing. Shouldn't she be sending me the full amount? rounds down to the nearest dollarとprinciple of the thingはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • corta
  • お礼率76% (4131/5367)
  • 英語
  • 回答数2
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9728/12102)

>rounds down to the nearest dollarとprinciple of the thingはどのような意味でしょうか? ⇒以下のとおりお答えします。 ☆rounds down to the nearest dollar:「1ドル未満を切り捨てる」。 rounds downは、「でっぱり(端数)を取り除いて丸くする」という意味です。 ☆principle of the thing:「物事の原則(=道理・筋)」。 「(光熱費がいくら半端な金額でも、切り捨てたりせずに、請求どおりの金額を送ってくるのが)物事の道理ってもんじゃないですか?」と憤慨しているところですね。




その他の回答 (1)


rounds down to the nearest dollar: 端数を切り捨てる principle of the thing: 全額払うのが当然でしょ





  • 英語の質問です。和訳お願いします。

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  • よろしくお願いします

    I'm a teenager living with parents who I would hesitate to describe as abusive, but they are difficult, often angry, and they can be really mean. I swear I try not to be a brat. I am going to the college they told me to. I am majoring in the major they told me to. I am going into the career they told me to. A lot of my life is spent trying not to upset them and trying not to show that I am upset. They don't like my expressing negative emotions. I have one thing I want that requires their assistance. It is a hobby. They don't like to say no, but they like to indicate in other ways that this is a burden and I am burdensome for wanting it. At this point, it's the only thing I am doing that isn't specifically a thing they told me to do. I try just to ask them, but they say yes and then sigh and mutter and eye-roll me into retracting my request because I feel guilty. I disagree with this whole martyr routine designed to trick me into feeling bad because if they don't want to do it, all they have to do is say no. ここでのbratは「わがままなガキ」といったところでしょうか? eye-roll me into retracting my request の意味を教えてください。 martyr routineの意味を教えてください。 以上、よろしくお願いします

  • お願いします!!

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  • お願いします!!

    When I took off my hat, (nearest/backed/me/those/away/to)in terror. 並び替えです。 一応解いてみましたが解説をなくしてしまい答え合わせが出来ません。 どなたかよろしくお願いします!!

  • anotherとthe other

    We keep two cats ; one is black, and the other is brown. の様な文だと最初に二匹のと書いてあるのでthe otherというのはわかるのですが、 To learn is one thing,to teach is(the other,other thing,another).の文だとanotherとthe otherで迷ってしまいます; どういう風に見分ければいいのでしょうか? 違いは何ですか?

  • earmarkについて

    In the interview, Mr. McCain said, referring to tax cuts, “Whether they actually pay for themselves dollar for dollar, obviously there are differences in opinion.” pay for themselves dollar for dollar,の構造を教えてください。 During his campaign, Mr. McCain has focused much more on spending than on taxes. He has called for the end of earmarks, which are pet projects inserted into spending bills by legislators. 専門的でなくて結構なのですが、end of earmarksとは何を指しているでしょうか。 earmarks are pet projectsというつながりになるようですが。 They are “a very small part of the budget,” he said, “but so symbolic” -- because they prevent politicians from having any credibility when they try to persuade the public about other budget cuts. when they try to persuadeのtheyはpoliticiansのようですがThey are “a very small part of the budget, because theyのtheyはpet projectsでしょうか。 Pet projects prevent politicians from having any credibility when politicians try to persuade the public about other budget cuts. の内容がいまひとつ分かりません。

  • 翻訳をお願い致します!

    Duff McKagan recently spoke on the Standard Ass Rock Show to support the DeLeo bros (and Kretzel's) decision to boot frontman Scott Weiland from Stone Temple Pilots. “The Stone Temple Pilots guys, they had to do what they had to do. I completely [chuckle]… I understood what they had to do. I think they got a lot of backlash from STP fans, but what are you gonna do? They did the thing they needed to do, and good for them – they're healthy guys and good fellows, guys you pull for if you know them and you understand what they went through. “I went through the same thing with their singer and it's really frustrating. It's utterly frustrating when things are going good and one guy's kind of dragging it down. Or dragging it sideways at least … Sideways … I'll say sideways.”

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    訳して下さい。 Other questions are questions that people asked me when they learned I lived in Japan.