• ベストアンサー


ある映画の話です。 「ハンターたちはお金や名誉のためではなく、自分の信念のために戦う。これは最高の(優れた)アクション映画でもあり、人間ドラマでもある」 Hunters does not fight for money or honor, but fights for his own beliefs. This is an excellent action movie and also a human drama. こちらの文を添削して欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数1


  • ベストアンサー
  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

Hunters do not fight for money nor honor, but fight for their own beliefs. This is not only an excellent action movie but also a profound human drama. 「ハンターたちはお金や名誉のためではなく、自分の信念のために戦う。これは最高の(優れた)アクション映画であり、奥深い人間ドラマでもある。」



”奥深い”人間ドラマ。 追加していただいたprofound、嬉しいです! 添削もしていただきありがとうございます。 こちらの文を使わせていただきます!


  • 添削してください

    アシタカとサンが人間の手によってシシ神の首を返す事に成功した後、(シシ神は 消えてしまったけれど)森の緑が戻った。しかし、シシ神の首は戻っても、自然や動物たちと人間の共存、「生きる 為の闘い」の問題は、根本的に何の解決もしてはいない。 おそらく人や動物は、純粋に「自分が生きる為」に戦っていくのだろうと 思う。 After Ashitaka and San succeeded in returning the head of Shishigami by the hand of human, (although Shishigami gone faded away) returned the green of the forest. However, even though the head of Shishigami returned, the problem of coexistence between nature and animals, and humans, "fight for survive" has not fundamentally solved anything. Perhaps, I think that eventually humans and animals will purely "fight for their own survive". ・自然や動物たちと人間の共存をどのようにすればいいいかわからず…。 自然と動物はひとくくりで、それらと人間、というふうに表現したいです。 ・その他も、英文の添削をして欲しいです。 よろしくお願いします。

  • よろしくお願いします

    (自分はいい友達を持っている、という文脈)But whenever we have a conflict, she does something I find frustrating and immature. She tells all our mutual friends about our disagreement -- and from her own biased perspective. I've picked up on this over the years because these mutual friends have let slip things that she's told them about our fights. I've also put it together for myself because whenever she fights with another friend, she tells me all about it. I've picked up on this over the years because these mutual friends have let slip things that she's told them about our fights. の和訳と、put it together for myself の意味をよろしくお願いします

  • 文構造を教えて下さい

    To be a kokusaijin definitely does not mean that one belittles one's own country or constantly expresses admiration for some other country. It means that one is able to understand people in other countries, ※and with this understanding see the virtues and defects of one's own with an eventual aim of devoting one's efforts to making both one's own country and the rest of the world more decent places for human beings to live. ※あたりからの文の構造を教えていただけないでしょうか?      後半のmake O C やboth A and Bは理解しています。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文標準問題精講より(p.222)

    The civilized man is distinguished from the savage mainly by prudence, or, to use a slightly wider term, forethought. He is willing to endure present pains for the sake of future pleasures, even if the future pleasures are rather distant. This habit began to be important with the rise of agriculture; no animal and no savage would work in the spring in order to have food next winter, except for a few purely instinctive forms of action, such as bees making honey or squirrels burying nuts. In these cases, there is no forethought; there is a direct impulse to an act which, to the human spectator, is obviously going to prove useful later on. (質問1)to the human spectatorはどういう意味か。 解答には「人間の目には」と書いてあるが、なぜそういうふうになるのかが分かりません。意訳でしょうか?それとも辞書(ジーニアスなど)を使って理解できるものなのでしょうか?さらに、これを別の英語で言い換えるとどうなるでしょうか? (質問2)"when a man does something towards which no impulse urges him," を別の英語で言い換えると以下の通りでよろしいでしょうか。 "when a man does NOT do ANYthing towards which impulse urges him," もし駄目な場合は代案を教えていただけると幸いです。 誠にお手数ですが宜しくお願い致します。尚、高校生にも分かるレベル(私は高校生ではありません)での説明でお願いします。

  • 英文の添削をお願い致します。

    158 - Although I doubt I'll take that title to the grave. しかし 墓にその称号を刻むとは思えない ハリーがテロリストに捕まったところです。 516 - I don't have a way to Qasim - I never did have. - 私はカシムの場所は知らない まさか 538 - They got to Vass's apartment ahead of us,and planted the evidence. 彼らは私達より先にヴァースのアパートに着いて証拠を置いた 539 - I tricked Vass into running. 私はヴァースを騙して逃がした 543 we don't have to like them.- Old-fashioned blind obedience. キートン女捜査官 彼らを好きである必要はない 昔ながらの無批判の服従 544 - I know my duty.I'm the only one here who does. 私は義務だと知ってる ここには私しかいないけど 548 - But I wonder if Miss Keaton is so sure about me? だが ミス・キートンが私について確信してるかどうかは疑問だな? 559 - Sudden attack of agoraphobia. - 広場恐怖症の急襲 587 あそこに倒れてた 588 - What was? 何が? 589 - Where your father died. 君の父親が死んだ場所 590 - Don't fucking play me, I'm warning you. クソからかうなと忠告してるんだ 591 - I'm not working you...not this time. 君と働かない...今回は見送る 592 - Was it quick?- Two to the heart. - あっけなく?- 心臓に2発 601 - Sorry - you'd of brought backup, otherwise. - 済まない 支援は連れて来なかったの でないと 602 - Who says I didn't? - 誰が連れて来ないと言ったの? - I do. 私が 606 - "Do good or do well", hey? 「役に立つかうまくいく」ねえ?女性捜査官 609 - They're near in position.Anything? 彼らは位置の近くにいる 何か? 610 - Not a sausage. 全く いない 615 - Give me something - As soon as he realises we're playing him, he's gone. 何かあったら教えろ 騙したと気付いたら彼は逃げる 743 テロリストが局に乗り込んできます。 - By the time we've finished,you'll be a drunken, 我々が終わる頃にはお前は泥酔してるだろう 局長 771 ここからは最後のシーンです。 - If we'd had cover that morning,Qasim would never have got away. 我々がその朝 援護していればカシムは逃げなかっただろう 778 - Sacrificing your own Service so it could be absorbed by a foreign power. それが外国勢力によって吸収されたように君の部局を犠牲にする 779 - The Americans would have made you Director-General, no doubt. 間違いなくアメリカ側は君の局長になるだろう 782 all you did was buy it a little more time. あなたがしたことはもう少し時間を稼ぐことだった 783 - But if I'd given up the fight the moment I realised I was on the losing side, my career would have been a short one. だが 負け組みにいると気付いた瞬間戦いを諦めたら私のキャリア不足だろう 793 - That's why I've taken the decision out of your hands. そういう訳で私は君の手から結論を出された 794 - It's not your pub-lunch that's making you queasy. 吐き気がするのはパブ・ランチのせいじゃない 798 多分、ハリーはジェラルディンに毒を飲んで死ねといっているかもう毒をもったのかもしれません。 - It's been four hours already, Geraldine.You can spend the last two in a hospital bed, 既に4時間経ってる ジェラルディン病院のベッドの最後の2つを使える 813  - The good ones tend not to last, Will. 良い人は長生きしない傾向がある ウィル 815 - The one's like me. 私のような人 何卒、宜しくお願い致します。

  • イギリス人俳優に手紙を書きました。添削お願いします。

    英文が出来ず原文も削り唐突で変な文章ですが宜しくお願いします。 全ての"ハリーポッターシリーズ"の原作を読み、5本全ての映画を見ました。私が想像していたキャラクターより貴方が演じているほうがはるかに良かったので、私は貴方に惹きつけられました。そして貴方のファンになりました。 I have read all the books of "Harry Potter series", and saw five of the films. You have been far to more excellent that I have got imagined the character of the book. Your act on those films totally captivated me. I became your greatest fan. 貴方の演技には表情の変化が色々あって見て楽しいです。それは"ロン・ウィーズリー"の喜怒哀楽や、細かな気持ちの表現です。何回も見てます。性格俳優で素敵です。 I enjoy your acting facial action as its expression changes. I felt delight, anger, sorrow, and pleasure at you have got of "Ron Weasley". Beside, detailed his own feelings. I have enjoyed the film on five DVDs many times. You are a character actor and very charming.

  • 英文の説明をお願いします

    以下の英文はサマセット・モームの『サミング・アップ』の17章の冒頭部分です。 I have been called cynical. I have been accused of making men out worse than they are. I do not think I have done this. All I have done is to bring into prominence certain traits that many writers shut their eyes to. I think what has chiefly struck me in human beings is their lack of consistency. I have never seen people all of a piece. It has amazed me that the most incongruous traits should exist in the same person and for all that yield a plausible harmony. I have often asked myself how characteristics, seemingly irreconcilable, can exist in the same person. I have known crooks who were capable of self-sacrifice, sneak-thieves who were sweet-natured and harlots for whom it was a point of honour to give good value for money. The only explanation I can offer is that so instinctive is each one's conviction that he is unique in the world, and privileged, that he feels that, however wrong it might be for others, what he for his part does, if not natural and right, is at least venial. 最後の部分の「The only explanation ~」にso thatの関係性が今ひとつ理解ができません。 【疑問】so instinctiveはどのthatにかかっているのか?   「each one's conviction that ~」のthatなのか、もしくは、このthatは前のconvictionの同格で     その先の「that he feels」のthatが該当するのか・・・ 私にとっては非常に難しくご教授を宜しくお願いいたします。 また、可能であればそのように判断した根拠も添えて頂けますと後学の参考になります。お手数かけますが、何卒宜しくお願いいたします。

  • この英文を和訳するとどうなりますか?

    Can I take it That you don't need my help And I am finally absolved a value I can face it, but I don't need anyone else Nobody does it like you do And for all the others There'll be better days ahead And while I recover I'll be wishing I was dead I've lost myself along with everyone else And now the safest place is here in my head But I've been left on my own to survive But I'm wishing I was dead Well I'd like to know what I'm doing wrong I plan to stay back, but not for long The time has passed and other things has changed So I gotta grow wings or die I don't need another reason not to die in life Tell me if I'm doing it right this time But let me know, what did you change Do you feel the same? Did it ease your pain? I've lost myself along with everyone else And now the safest place is here in my head But I've been left on my own to survive But I'm wishing I was dead You say you hate it, but you can't really tell The future is smiling right at you I'm not gonna make it, so you should save yourselfs There's no time to tell you I miss you You lack for new a frontier But I decided to stay back here Inviting my time by waiting it out Looking up to the sky this fight These weakly wings that will never take flight I don't even have the lungs to shout But I need to know, what did you change Do you feel the same? Did it ease your pain? I've lost myself along with everyone else And now the safest place is here in my head But I've been left on my own to survive But I'm wishing I was dead

  • この英文を訳してください><

    Many Americans believe that disputes should be settled by the disputing parties without outside help. Parents often send their children back to the playroom or playground with instructions to settle fights for themselves. Relatives and friends can be heard to say, "It's between the two of you. I'm not getting in the middle." Even psychologists tend to regard it as a sign of maturity when someone settles disputes without third parties, Whose participation may be regarded as unhealthy. Yet many peoples of the world expect conflicts to be resolved by third parties. This reflects an emphasis on harmony and interdependence:the tendency to see individuals as located in a social network,in contrast to the American tendency to over-emphasize independence and see the individual as the fundamental human unit. To manage disputes ranging from quarrels between family members to conflicts between villages, cultures develop informalrules and formal proceedings,just as Americans have assumptions about fairfights as well as legal trials.In contrast to the American Why of settling disputes, however,the participation ofthe community is an important part of the proceedings. Americans cannot simply adopt the rituals of another culture, but thinking about these rituals can give them ideas for devising their own new ways to manage conflicts. In native Hawaiian culture,there is a word, ho'oponopono ("to setthings right"),for a ceremony in Which family members invite an older person or a respected member of the community to watch overthe resolution of a dispute. The leader invites the disputing parties to talk about their feelings and encourages them to apologize to and forgive each other. The leader calls on a higher power -God and Church - to offer forgiveness, too. On the island of Tanna in the South Pacific, conflicts among villagers or between villages are discussed publicly by groups of adult men at special meetings that last all day. These meetings are very different from the American idea of conflict resolution in thatthey are not designed to reconcile the individual accounts of disputing parties and draw from them the truth of what happened. These meetings are not competitions or battles among opposing interests;they are joint journeys in Which all travelers reach the same destination. All the people present, disputing parties as well as others, come to a public agreement about what happened and how the conflict should be settled Usually, one party is not blamed;instead it is shown that both parties are somewhat responsible. These meetings do not always settle disputes once and for all, but atleast they offer an opportunity for settlement.

  • この英文を訳してください!

    Everyone knows what biology is because We have all studied itin high school. Literally,it means the study oflife. Butif you were asked What biotechnology is, What answer Would you give ? Biotechnology is taking the knowledge that we have from our study of biology and adapting it to our own needs and to those of the earth around us. It means not merely understanding the forces of life, but using those same forces to improve our own surroundings. Such a statement sounds very vague. More specifically, biotechnology is applying industrial know-how to biologicalfunctions in orderto achieve certain goals on a large scale. For example, we can use our knowledge to take vegetables and grow larger ones Which have more nutrition and better flavor.In other words, we can improve on nature. Another aspect of biotechnology is called fermentation engineering. Fermentation is the process used in making bread, wine, and various types of whiskey. Through biotechnology we can learn to control this process carefully, so that we can learn to expect the same results every time. There is also medical engineering, which uses an understanding of biological functions to create new medicines. An important new branch of biotechnology is called genetic engineering. By altering the structure ofthe DNA of a cell, we can control heredity itself. Theoretically, people could decide in advance What their children are going to look like.In other ways, it may be the solution to finding cures for cancer and for hereditary diseases such as hemophilia. Some people think this is good and others think it is tampering too much with nature. Certainly this knowledge must be used wisely and not foolishly. Perhaps you have heard the word 'clone.'It is a word which is often heard these days, and simply means a copy. One aspect of genetic engineering is called cloning and, theoretically at least,it means the ability to produce identical organisms in quantity. Perhaps it could be used to produce animals or vegetables for food, but some people are frightened ofthe idea. They think it could be used to produce unthinking and obedient armies of human robots. They also think it is playing with nature too much. What do you think of genetic engineering ? Does it frighten you or amuse you ? In what ways do you think it might be dangerous ? Do you think itis playing with nature too much ?