• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:翻訳をお願いします)

Manifest Your Marriage: Find Your Soul Mate and Shine in Love

  • Discover the possibility of finding your soulmate beyond social castes and wealth
  • Invest in your relationships and make marriage a focal point of your life
  • Seek a partner who is worthy, ambitious, and admired by others


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率80% (9822/12245)

以下のとおりお答えします。「なるほど、そうなるかもしれない」、という感じの(つまり、「バーナム効果」を意図した)文章、という印象を受けました。 あなたの心の友は、あなた自身の社会的身分や階級より上の男性である、という可能性があります。あるいは、結婚の後で手に入れる富、人気、生活状況での上昇ぶりが、あなたを凌ぐ可能性があります。あなたは、価値の高い、野心的な、威厳のある円熟の名士、人々が見上げて賞賛する男性と結婚するでしょう。結婚式の日は、あなたの誕生月の1か月前か後の範囲内の月になるでしょう。 あなたは、どんな関係においても、輝く必要があります。それであなたは、多くの仕事と努力をそれにつぎ込んで、結婚を人生の焦点としましょう。あなたご自身の本務を、妻・主婦とみなして、相当に大きな重要性を結婚に置きましょう。 あなたは、本物の心の友を見つけるまでは、人生が不完全であると感じるかもしれません。たとえあなたに、多くの関係や(一緒の)時間を満たす安定したボーイフレンドがいるとしても、あなたは何かが不足していることに目ざとく気づくことでしょう。あなたは、無意識のうちに、自分自身に似つかわしい人を捜しているのです。あなたは、結婚相手については、他人の見解、アドバイスあるいは批評を無視して、よりたくましい有能なパートナーを捜すことでしょう。



確かに言われてみればバーナム効果の言い回しかもしれませんね。 パートナーを探すのに自分より劣っている人を探さないでしょうしね((+_+)) せっかくなのでこんな感じな方なのねと受け止めておきます。( *´艸`) 今回も翻訳ありがとうございました。



  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか 抽象的かもしれませんが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 You tend to worship your soul mate with dedication and will always choose someone you can look up to him. Even if you choose below you, you will see something in him, you can look up to, in a way that no one else can. Your relationship will meet with respect and the approval of others, someone no one can criticize. A man who will make you stand tall. But you lack confidence in yourself and so have doubts in love, or will doubt if you are loved at all, timid moody and unsatisfied; fears of being abandoned may make you put your own needs last. In love and marriage, your home will become your world. You will marry for love regardless of what difficulties stand in the way. With Virgo often there is more than one deep love or marriage and usually the second is happier than the first. Or the future happier than the past love.

  • 翻訳をお願い致します

    英文の和訳をしていただけるかたのみで お願いできますでしょうか? 多分難解な部分は少ないとは思いますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Your future union will be happy, secure and stable. A union of true souls. There is no suggestion in your chart of separation, unhappiness or serious destructive and dire marriage problems. It will be a good close and loving union. Your future partner will heal all the wounds of the past. All the loneliness and pain will just melt away under the power of knowing him. You’ll feel calm, happy and more contented in your life than you have done for years. It will be like reaching an oasis in a storm or desert. A place and time in life where time seems to stand still and you can be happy.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 1段落の前半部分となりますので、中途半端だと思いますが、 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The ruling planet of your marriage house indicates that your soul mate will be an asset to you. You will feel possessive as though you own this person, and will be proud to be seen with him, as though he is also an accessory to show off, or to wear o your arm when you walk down the town. The future marriage will create a deep change in your income and in your financial status over a long period of time. As the relationship goes on money matters and the gaining of wealth and substance will be deemed of great importance. It will be a match from a material standpoint. It will be secure. Your partner will have money, although one of you may rely rather too heavily on the other financially.

  • 翻訳をお願いいたします

    以下の文章を和訳していただけるかたのみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? ここは定型文ではないと思いますが、 抽象的な章かもしれません。 どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 The Dragon in your chart shows a permanent union. But the crisis when it comes will be dire and connected with money. If you have spent the past in poverty the future will be in comparative wealth, and visa versa. This area of your life will undergo a severe reversal in the years of marriage or living together. If in the past you have been financially inadequate and dependant on others, the role will gradually but harshly be reversed, There is a decline and you will end up the provider, with heavy responsibilities and others not pulling their weight It will in the end or later years seem to be you who is the breadwinner, or who is learning to be self sufficient. The karma of the relationship will gradually force you to be the one who has either to work, or who has to find strength to manage the money and make the husband work harder. It is a relationship for life maybe, but not an income for life.

  • 翻訳できるかた、お願いします・・

    長くてすみません。翻訳できるかた、どうかお願いします。 The chart does show that there will be an obstacle in the future, that will slow down or seem to block the courtship, or the future marriage between you and your future soul mate, It will make one or both of you very cautious and pessimistic about getting involved., even though the relationship will be irresistible, fated and you'll have no choice either of you. But this obstacle will make you or him slow to make the moves or changes in life that are necessary to bring a marriage and permanent future about. But this aspect shows that in the long term the difficulties will be overcome with perseverance and patience. So don't give up.

  • 翻訳をお願いします

    何度もすみません。どなたか日本語に直していただけたら嬉しいです。 宜しくお願いします。 The ascendant is in Virgo and there are no close conjunctions from his chart But he will have a strong influence over your every day life, your thoughts, your feelings. Discrete like daylight in a room, this aspect causes sexual attraction and the potential for a marriage that will also advance your position in life. The unknown frightens you, you like to have some connection, some knowledge of the man first, and you like to know exactly where you stand in any relationship. This is a rational relationship. During the course of the relationship you may become fretful, anxious, but well groomed, may dress better look neater, but it will affect you health, you may not sleep so well, forgetful, your face will take on a tranquil aspect, your skin will become more pure. The eyes more expressive. You may feel inwardly anxious but will look outwardly serene and modest. Your. eating patterns may alter., hygiene and nerves, especially when there are tensions or difficulties in the relationship. This is likely to show in anxiety, nerves, colds. shortness of breath, a change in bowl habits, cramps in the feet, absent mindedness and inability to concentrate. Corns and calluses on the feet. There can be psychosomatic or psychic effects in this relationship. always ailing, full of maladies Virgo is an earth sign and in many ways this makes it a very practical and logical aspect because of that. A marriage that if it comes about, wont be rushed, passions and infatuation wont run away from practicalities This can make for a tight and rigid pattern, or fairly traditional roles and routines. It may not be a modern marriage.. Such a marriage is usually financially reasonable. Though money may have to be accounted for. Sometimes with this combination the finances and material side of the marriage are run frugally, as there is a mutual dislike of waste.. But it will be a loving partnership if marriage comes about. We cannot tell from this part of the chart if it will come about or not, but if it does it will be a whole heartedly commitment. Virgo is about work and about health, both things will dominate the relationship like a theme, or thread running through the future pattern of your personal life with him. knitting the relationship together.

  • 日本語に訳してください!

    翻訳できる方宜しくお願いします。 The house of courtship shows that you will have a long slow rather traditional and conservative courtship, which will be neither wildly passionate nor very unusual. You have great control over your feelings, or they may be difficult to awaken to the fullest extent. However when your affections are awakened you will become remarkably attached. There is sometimes with this sign a delay or hindrance to the marriage. But a conventional marriage and engagement is always offered. Even if one has to wait for the hindrance to cleared. You are ambitious in love, and may dream of bettering yourself through love and marriage. You are careful about honor and reputation in the courtship, and the courtship will lead on to a traditional marriage, which will advance you in some practical way or will make you more popular or accepted socially, in the circle you want to move in. Your life and fate will be strengthened in some way by the courtship marriage.

  • 和訳をお願いいたします

    以下の英文を和訳して いただけるかたのみで、 お願いできますでしょうか? またお金の話題かもしれませんが・・ どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Your marriage chart shows that your future partner will be giving and will sustain you emotionally, giving you what you need in a person. He will feed your dreams, your ambitions and soul. He will take your loneliness with fill it with security. The ruling planet of your house of marriage also suggest that money will have an important influence on the future of the marriage and courtship. This could be either in a negative or positive way, as money can make the path smoother, and the marriage quicker, but lack of it can cause the path of love to be delayed or harder or cause it to take much longer to be able to actually afford to get married or live together. So the material side of the relationship will have an influence in the beginning. But don’t worry money will come to you through your future marriage. You’ll will either marry a wealthy partner, who can provide or help provide for you, or else your partner even if poor in the beginning will become wealthy later on in the marriage and you’ll both benefit,

  • 長文ですが翻訳をお願いできませんか?

    長文ですが翻訳していただけると嬉しいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 The element on your seventh house is water. This means your first impression will be on a subconscious intuitive level, an emotional impression, that your day to day mind may not recognize. Your first impression may be of a sympathetic person whom you can feel a kind of comforting affinity with. Feel that he is like you, the same sort of person deep down, however different he is on the surface. He will feel familiar to you someone you can be at ease with.. You’ll feel secure, safe underneath with him. He will make you feel cared for, and so the initial meeting on the everyday level will go much easier and smoother than you could probably envisage, almost before you notice it or are preoccupied with other things, it will materialize and become part of your life. He wont rush into the relationship but he will expect it to be lasting. To him you will look the faithful lasting type. His first impressions of you will be that he will see you as feminine looking and rather serious, you make take remarks he makes in jest too seriously. He will see you as a person of integrity and someone he could live with or marry. You will both have a feeling of kinship towards you. There will be a bit of magic too in these first impressions, he will seem sympathetic to you, and inspirational.

  • 翻訳希望

    自動翻訳では、意味がわかりません どなたか翻訳お願いできますか? どうぞよろしくお願いします Looking at his chart, I think it will be difficult for him to end his marriage, He has Saturn in his seventh house. This makes for ties of duty, habit, practicality. He is not happy in his marriage. He feels his life is limited or restricted by his marriage. Feels very tied. There is some hidden problems in his marriage that he finds hard to cope with, periodically he wants to end this, but the practically prevent it. These problems and feeling of limitation wont go away very easily. I don’t think he will leave his wife or end his marriage. You also have Saturn in your seventh house in your own chart, so I don’t think you will end your marriage either. But looking far into the future, what I think will happen is that this man will drift out of your life, there will be time spent apart or not close, you may feel the relationship between you ends altogether. Yet strangely he returns. There may be a gap of years, then he returns when his marriage is over, and the love begins again, and you will at that time have a choice whether to end your marriage or not. This theme takes place not immediately but over many years. Nothing is certain, but that is how I think it will go because of the pattern in your individual charts, But remember our own actions and choices can influence the future fate too.

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