• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:英文翻訳をお願いします。)

Improvement and Challenges in the Front Line

  • After three weeks of work, positions in the front line had been improved.
  • The ground became harder due to frost, but a thaw made it worse than before.
  • The 51st Division struggled with lost gum boots, chafed skin, septic sores, and swelling feet.


  • ベストアンサー
  • Nakay702
  • ベストアンサー率79% (10068/12612)

>After three weeks work, positions in the front line had been improved and a frost made the ground harder, until a thaw made the ground even worse than before. The 51st Division stores, obtained enough gum boots for a brigade of infantry but many were lost in the mud as men struggled to get free. ⇒3週間の作業のあと最前線の陣地は改善され、霜で地面が固くなり、雪解けによってそれがより悪化するまで続いた。第51師団の用品部は歩兵旅団にとって十分なゴム長靴を入手したが、兵士が泥沼にはまって抜け出すのに苦闘した際、その多くを失ってしまった。 >The division wore highland kilts, which left the top of the leg bare underneath and the edges of the boots chafed the skin and caused septic sores, until 6,000 pairs of trousers were issued. Wearing the boots and standing for long periods made men's feet swell, to the point that walking became almost impossible. Buses were brought up to Pozières to collect soldiers, as they straggled back from the front-line during a relief. ⇒この師団兵は高地用キルトを履いて足裏の表面は裸のままだったので、6,000本のズボンが出されたが、それまではブーツの端で皮膚がすりむけて敗血症性の痛みを引き起こした。ブーツを履いても、長い間立っていることで兵士の足は腫れて、歩くことがほとんど不可能になった。彼らは救援活動の間、前線から戻る際ばらばらになったので、兵士を集めるためにポジェールまでバスが招換された。




