• 締切済み



  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)



  • 英語の問題なのですが・・・

    He knows little of mathematics,() of physics. 選択肢 ・still more ・still less ・as well ・no less than という問題なのですが、答えは no less than で間違いないでしょうか? 英語が苦手で、イマイチ自信が有りません この選択肢だとすると、訳は 「彼は物理と同じ程にしか数学が分からない」 というようになると思うのですがどうでしょう これもあまりしっくりきません・・・

  • 和訳をお願い致します。

    宜しくお願い致します。 The above described Soybean variety is not genetically modified.The shipment described above has been identity preserved during harvest, storage, processing and transporting. I hereby certify to the best of my knowledge and belief, the said shipment, while in my possession, has not been mixed with genetically modified seed.This is not a purity guarantee and contamination may have occurred unbeknownst to me.Every attempt has been made to insure that no stones, metal or other harmful materials have contaminated this shipment.The above lot has been sold to:

  • この英文を訳してください!!

    The greatest scientific contribution of the Greeks was their approach. From about 800 B.C.,the Greeks searched for general principles that would describe how nature works. In contrast to earlier thinkers,the Greeks applied human reason to the understanding of the processes of nature. The Greeks developed theories based on What they could prove. Unlike the great cultures that had come before them,the Greeks separated science from religion and mythology. As a result,their studies of astronomy produced results that went far beyond the knowledge of earlier times.In the fifth century B.C.,the Greek philosopher Philolaus suggested thatthe Earth moved and was not atthe center ofthe Universe.In the fourth century B. C.,the Greek astronomer Heracleides claimed that atleast some planets moved around the Sun. The Greeks were also the firstto think of mathematics as something more than a practical means of calculation and measurement. Over a period of eight hundred years, the Greeks developed methods of reasoning in geometry and algebra that form the basis for modern mathematics. Practical applications, of course, were also of interest to the Greeks. Among the many discoveries of Archimedes (287 ?-212 B.C.) was an explanation of the principle of buoyancy. Perhaps the greatest Greek scientist was Aristotle (384-322 B.C.), Who made many practical contributions. He not only laid out a system of rational thought we calllogic, but he is also recognized as the father of the life sciences. Aristotle examined and classified more than five hundred species of animals, and his student Theophrastus did the same for a similar number of plant species. The practical approach ofthe Greeks also led to advances in medical science. The fifth-century B. C. Greek physician Hippocrates is called the father of medicine because he rejected the idea thatillness Wれs the result of supernatural causes. Greek physicians were the firstto dissectthe human body, beginning about 500 B. C.,in order to learn how the body really functioned. By 100 B.C., Greece had declined, and Rome was supreme in the Mediterranean world. The Romans found many uses for Greek knowledge, especially in engineering and construction. As the Roman Empire spread, so did the extent of Greek learning. When the empire collapsed toward the end ofthe fifth century A D., scientific inquiry came to an end in Europe for nearly a thousand years. The Dark Ages had begun.

  • 和訳希望

    以下の英文を和訳していただける方に。 お願いできますでしょうか。 1文節を半分に分割した前半部分ですので、内容が中途半端かもしれません。 どうぞよろしくお願いします。 You have Aries on the house of love and romance. You will meet you future partner in a capital city. Or in the main central city of the district. Your soul mate will be Handsome. Someone you can look up to and admire. This sign means in love you will set your sights high and will aim above your station. A stage of character change, a new beginning comes through this love is a fire that can also burn you. This sign can cause fervent romantic attachments, that are sudden, stormy obsessive. The kind of love and passion that provokes extremes of emotions, but doesn’t move fast enough for you. With Aries on this house cusp, jealousies and rivalry is always a danger. The tendency to feel lost and helpless in the absence of close attachments or when they go suddenly wrong. To grasp at straws of love, or sometimes sadly to think, any love is better than no love.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On May 15, 1916, 2,000 Austrian artillery guns opened a heavy barrage against the Italian lines, setting Trentino afire. The Austrian infantry attacked along a 50 km front. The Italian wings stood their ground, but the center yielded, and the Austrians broke through, reaching the beginning of the Venetian plain. With Vicenza about 30 km away, all the Italian forces on the Isonzo faced outflanking. Cadorna hastily sent reinforcements to the First Army, and deployed the newly formed Fifth Army under Pietro Frugoni to engage the enemy in case they succeeded in entering the plain. The situation was critical. However, on June 4, the Russians unexpectedly took the initiative in Galicia, where they managed to enter Austrian soil. Although they were effectively countered by German and Austro-Hungarian troops, Hötzendorf was forced quickly to withdraw half of his divisions from Trentino. With that, the Strafexpedition could no longer be sustained and the Austrians retired from many of their positions. Italian troops in the region were increased to 400,000 to counter the Austrian positions. Although the Strafexpedition had been checked, it had political consequences in Italy: the Salandra Cabinet fell, and Paolo Boselli became the new Prime Minister.

  • これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。

    これらの文がうまく訳せなくて困っています。助けてください。よろしくお願いします。 This observation was not lost on the CDU either. Even in Adenauer’s own party there was opposition to his one-sided policy. Adenauer carried the day by raising the spectre of the Communist danger and by the assurance that he was not in favour of carrying out ‘any experiments’, and gained the support of the citizens of the Federal Republic. In the second Bundestag elections on 6 September 1953 the CDU/CSU achieved an increased number of votes and in 1957, as already mentioned, even gained an absolute majority. Adenauer placed notable emphasis on the establishment of ties with representatives of the state of Israel, tied above all to the recognition and readiness to make reparations

  • 和訳

    こちらの文を和訳していただける方がいましたら よろしくお願いしますm(__)m But his thoughts did not appear on Albert Edward's clean-cut and distinguished features. He stood in 20 respectful but not obsequious attitude. He had in service before he was appointed to his ecclesiastical office, but only in very good houses, and his deport. ment was irreproachable. Starting as a page boy in the household of a merchant prince, he had risen by 25 due degrees from the position of fourth to first footman, for a year he had been single-handed butler to a widowed peeress, and, till the vacancy occurred at St Peter's, butler with two men under him in the house of a retired ambassador. He was tall, spare, grave, and dignified. He looked, if not like a duke, at least like an actor of the old school who specialized duke's parts. He had tact, firmness, and self- s assurance. His character was unimpeachable. The vicar began briskly. Foreman, we've got something rather unpleasant to say to you. You've been here a great many years and I think his lordship and the general agree with me that you've fulfilled the duties of your office to the satisfaction of everybody concerned. The two churchwardens nodded. 'But a most extraordinary circumstance came to my knowledge the other day and I felt it my duty to us impart it to the churchwardens. I discovered to my astonishment that you could neither read nor write.' The verger's face betrayed no sign of embarrass- ment. "The last vicar knew that, sir,' he replied. "He said a it didn't make no difference. He always said there was a great deal too much education in the world for 'is taste.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The shorter intervals between attacks since then had several effects, allowing less time for either side to prepare and the Germans had to take more risks on the rest of the Western Front, to replace tired and depleted divisions in Flanders. German troops and ammunition trains overloaded the rail network in west Flanders, while more German artillery escaped British counter-battery fire and less time was available for wire cutting and pillbox destruction, although the Germans generally left these to give battle in the open. The British artillery preparation before Polygon Wood on 26 September, began 24 hours before the infantry attack. No formal artillery preparation was conducted before 4 October, except for the normal heavy artillery counter-battery fire and destructive fire on German strong-points. To mislead the Germans as to the date and time of the infantry attack, when a hurricane bombardment was to be fired at zero hour, "practice" barrages were begun on 27 September and increased to two barrages a day from 1 October. Despite the ruse of using practice barrages, "a very reliable agent" informed the Germans that an attack was coming from as early as 1 October. The battle was almost called off when heavy rain began again on 2 October, turning parts of the ground into a morass. British military intelligence predicted the German defensive changes after the defeats of 20 and 26 September, in an intelligence summary of 1 October which led to the British being ready for Unternehmen Hohensturm (Operation High Storm), a big German counter-attack to recapture the area around Zonnebeke on 4 October. The attack aimed to complete the capture of the Gheluvelt Plateau by the occupation of Broodseinde Ridge and Gravenstafel Spur. This would protect the southern flank of the British line and permit attacks on Passchendaele Ridge to the north-east. The attack was planned for 6 October, to give the II Anzac Corps time to prepare. Haig was anxious about the possibility of deteriorating weather and on 26 September, was able to order the date to be advanced by two days, because of the quick relief of V Corps by the II Anzac Corps north of the Ypres–Roulers railway.

  • 和訳お願いいたします!

    下の英文を和訳してください! 自然な訳にしたいので、翻訳ソフトや、アプリはなしでお願いいたします! The only problem with common sense is that it is based on our preconceived notions in most cases rather than on evidence. For example, common sense suggests that better lighting reduces crime. If I were going to commit a crime I would look for a dark spot. But as it turns out, I am not a criminal. And in the case of lighting there is some evidence that common sense is not completely right. A recent headline contained these words: Street lighting is said to affect crime-little. The article contained this report : "A government-funded study has concluded that although well-light streets may lessen the fear of crime, there is no statistically significant evidence that the lighting actually reduced crime. The study says that crime increased in certain well-illuminated area because the thieves could see what they were doing better. Another finding was that the lighting displaces crime. In addition to increasing in the newly lighted areas, in neighboring places where the lighting has not yet been installed crime goes up." Perhaps you have visited a friend recenty in a hospital. If you are old enough to remember visiting people in a hospital 30 or more years ago, perhaps you will recall that in the surgical wards there were few patients walking. Common sense used to dictate that movement right after surgery was harmful. Whether by design or accident, patients are now almost forced out of bed the first day after surgery in most cases. Healing takes place more quickly with immediate movement. Common sense reasons were replaced with reasons based on evidence in this particular case. Until we evaluate the effects of our common sense notions in the same way increased lighting and movement after surgery have been evaluated, we can hardly hope to learn if what we do is worthwhile, let alone improve what we do. 長いですがよろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    こちらの英文を日本語に 訳していただきたいのですが、 長文のため、断片的部分と ポイントを訳して教えて いただけると助かります。 彼女は家族と14才のときに Greeceに行っている Creteというところから スタートした 宿泊先のオーナーが 良かった、奥さんも美しい ハウスキーパーたちのこと、 トイレットペーパーを流さない ように言われた 主人をミック・ジャガーと 間違えた など簡単な部分は訳せました。 彼女はそのバケーションに ついて素晴らしいところだと 記述しているのでしょうか? I had been to Crete as a hormonal 14-year-old with my family, and this year I decided to revisit, my own hormonal teenagers in tow. My memories were probably more than a little tinged by nostalgia: renting scooters and getting lost in olive groves, managing to crash a Greek wedding to which we promptly got invited, sweating through ruins of Spinalonga, the former leper colony island, which in my 14-year-old mind loomed as a horrific tragedy but also carried a whiff of fear of contagion, and the Palace of Knossos, where a handmade sign posted over a doorframe announced " The labyrinth of the Minotaur is closed." And then there were the pebbly beaches that hurt my feet, but where the Greek boys made me feel beautiful long before I thought I could be. But first I had to convince my husband that Greece, and especially the Greek Islands, were not a third world country despite everything on the news. And maybe this time the labyrinth would finally be open. This time I had rented a house above Paradise beach, formerly known for nude sunbathing and hippies. The owner of this house, also named Yannis, proudly showed us the house of his own design, and as we got to the bathrooms, pointed out that no toilet paper should be thrown into the toilets. So that's what the signs meant! No TOILET paper. I was simultaneously offended and relieved. So what exactly does one do with soiled toilet paper? In Greece, one throws it into a receptacle that ought to be near the toilet. And if there isn't one? Does one put it into ones handbag? Why the hell would anyone provide a toilet with toilet paper next to it but without the ability to flush it? Didn't the Greeks INVENT plumbing, for Christ's sake? But it was good to know they weren't attempting to use toilets as paper recycling bins. I resolved to start looking into vacations in Senior homes in Florida for next year. Lying there, feeling old, I realized that what I wanted from Greece was not so much the tactile experiences, but rather my ability to be excited by them. The excitement of the unknown. The days filled with unlimited potential. I wanted to recapture the feelings of a fourteen year old. Having realized this sad little fact about myself, I came to terms with not being fourteen pretty quickly. Greece hadn't disappointed. We'd had a wonderful rich vacation -- which I spent apparently married to Mick Jagger. 長文ですが訳して おおよその内容を 訳して いただけると 助かります。 http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5651548?utm_hp_ref=tw こちらが原文なのですが あまりにも長いので省略 しました。 日本語を読むように 英文を読める回答者の方たちに お願いいたします。