• ベストアンサー



  • tacc
  • ベストアンサー率66% (2/3)

1.「・・・enough to~」~するのに十分なほど・・・ 2.「too・・・to~」~するには・・・過ぎる ですので、 Mary is very young, and so she cannot marry yet. メアリーはとても若い、だから彼女はまだ結婚できない。 を書き換えると、 Mary is too young to marry. メアリーは結婚するには若過ぎる。 となります。





  • 至急英語にお願いします

    If you like to save money, you might be penalized for this in the future. This would encourage people not to hold money, but spend it. This might be important in societies such as Japan, where people traditionally save large amounts of money. A strong economy is one in which money changes hands often. Money "grows" in this way.

  • 4コマ漫画(3)の添削お願いします

    朝日新聞の4コマ漫画の描写を英語にして英作文を練習している者です。 次の英文から状況が読み取れるかお聞きしたいです。また、文法間違い英語表現の間違いなどご指摘していただけるとありがたいです。 When a mother-in-low was just going out to a store, her daughter-in-low tried to ask for shopping. However, she couldn't remember a thing she wanted, so she decided to go along with her mother-in-low. She could't remember it on the way. Even while she was shopping, she could't remember it after all. Her mother-in-low thought that she should't have brought along her daughter-in-low.

  • 英作文の添削をお願いします

    自由英作文の添削をお願いします テーマ:A large earthquake event is expected in the Tokai area in the near future. Describe the preparations you would make in anticipation of such a disaster. If a disastrous earthquake were to occur while you were studing at this university, what would you do? 条件:3パラグラフ以上、150字以上、序論・本論・結論が明確であること   It is often said that a large earthquake occurs in the Tokai area in the near future. As I experienced the large earthquake in the Tohoku area the other day, I am very nervous about such disasters and highly motivated to prepare them. Through my experience, you should always prepare some degree of water and prepared food for a disastrous earthquake. It is because even a convenience store is closed just after a large earthquake. Next, if a disastrous earthquake were to occur while I were studying at this university, it would expected that many people are in panic. I know being in panic lead a second disaster. Thus, I would let students around me keep calm down, get out of this university, and move to safety area like play ground. After doing this, I would offer the leader’s instruction. This would make damages of a disaster as less as possible. Although you are often told to prepare a large disaster, you may do not know how to prepare for it. Preparing water and prepared food is necessary, of course, but it is more important that you talk about what would you do when a disastrous earthquake were to occur with people around you in daily life in advance. I believe that many people always imagine this may lessen the serious damages.(222words) 本日は英語の試験時間である90分の最初に英作文を書きはじめました(いつもは最後でした) 時間は35分近くかかってしまいましたが、自分としてはいつもの作文より筋がとおっているかな、と思っています。 添削して頂く際、この問題の配点を100点として、何点くらいの評価か、回答者様の主観でかまいませんので評価して頂けたらありがたいです。 よろしくお願いいたします。

  • a way と how

    Amy delivered the criticism in a way that seemed to her self-evidently considerate . 関係副詞のhowの使い方についてよくわかりません。a(the) way = how でa(the) way が省力されてhow が単独で使われることが多いと考えていたのですが、この文の1行目のa way のところを、how 一語で置き換えて良いのでしょうか。つまり、 Amy delivered the criticism in how that seemed to her self-evidently considerate . でも良いのでしょうか。

  • 英語 名詞・代名詞・冠詞

    自分の答えが合っているかと 間違っていた問題は訳や説明をいただけると嬉しいです。 ・救出された犠牲者もいればそうでない犠牲者もいた。 Some victims were rescued, but (another, others)were not.→others ・人は平時でも戦時でも病人や負傷者を世話すべきものである。 People should take care of (a, the)sick and (a, the)wounded in time of peace or war.→the, the ・知っていることと実際に行動することは全く違う。 Knowing and actually doing are quite different things. =Knowing is one thing and actually doing is quite ().→thing ・She makes it a rule to go to see her friend in hospital(). 1 by the day 2 every in the morning 3 every other day 4 twice of a day→2 ・The computer is not () for the ordinary person in the street to understand. 1 too a difficult thing 2 so a difficult thing 3 such a thing difficult 4 too difficult a thing→4 わからなかった問題です。 訳もお願いしたいです。 ・間違った部分を選んで直す 1 Those who wish (1to attend) the meeting (2is) requested to pay $50 (3to) cover expenses (4for) the evening party. 2 They (1were quite surprised) that (2most od students) were (3above average) (4on the final exam). ・並び替え 1 Ann is such(to make/a gentle woman/her guests comfortable/that ahe always/takes great care). 2 The classes in university are(challenging/experienced/I/in/more/than/those)high school.

  • 助動詞の使えるバリエーション

    問題 適当な助動詞を入れなさい。 ①How ( ) you say such a thing to me?  考え方→「どうやってそんなことを私にいえるんだ!」とか「よくもそんなことをいうな」ですよね、 だったら、could,would, dare があると思います。解答はdareだけですが、couldもwouldも使えると思っています。合ってますか? How would I do such a thing to me?「なんで僕が君にそんなことするんだ?」って聞いた事ある気がするのですがwould って使わないんですか? 

  • 翻訳してください。

    Taxation differs from country to country. For example, in the United States and Japan, a tax on cigarettes and alcohol is an important way for the government to get money. This is sometimes called a "sin tax." In other words, by doing something bad, you do something good: You give money to the government. Yet in Russia, there is almost no tax on tobacco or alcohol. It is often said that taxes will change in the 21st century. There may be new taxes on bank savings and financial transactions. Trash is likely to be taxed in the future. When you drive your car into a large city, you might have to pay a tax for that. One thing is certain: There will be new taxes for the rich and poor in countries that have fewer and fewer young people to support society. If you like to save money, you might be penalized for this in the future. This would encourage people not to hold money, but spend it. This might be important in societies such as Japan, where people traditionally save large amounts of money. A strong economy is one in which money changes hands often. Money "grows" in this way. When you go overseas, you usually exchange yen for another currency, such as dollars or the euro. Not only are tourists a good target for a tax(because it is thought that they have money to spend), but it would help to stop speculators. Speculators are people with large amounts of money who buy one currency, hold it, and then sell it to make money. Imagine that somebody exchanges \10,000,000 at 92 yen per dollar. If he changes this money back to yen at just 93 yen to a dollar, then he has made about \100,000. Any government would love to get some of this profit.

  • 添削してください。

    どなたかよろしければ英文の添削をしていただけないでしょうか。 ☆たまに褒めてもらったりするとうれしいものです。 It's nice to receive little compliments once in a while. ☆私は気を使ってしまうタイプなので、人に頼みごとをするのが苦手です。どうしても助けが必要なときでない限り、何とか人の力を借りないようにしています。 Since I'm afraid that I might be a bother, I'm not good at asking people to do something for me. Unless I have to ask for help, I try to do without any. ☆昔、妹はよく「もし誰かが自分のために花火を打ち上げてくれたら、その人と結婚する」だなんて言ってた。確かに花火でプロポーズされたらロマンチックかもしれない。 My younger sister used to say that if someone gave a fireworks display for her, she would marry him. Come to think of it, it would be romantic to get proposed to with fireworks. よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語の和訳をお願いします。困っています…

    (1)Do you enjoy meeting new people? why? (2)what are some good things to ask someone you just met? (3)How often do you meet new people? Where do you meet them? (4)How important are first impressions to you? why?

  • 受動態の質問

    (並び替えるのですが) そのパーティーには何人の人が招かれていましたか? (how,invited,people,party,many,to,were,the)? 受動態の問題ですが、私は2通りを考えてみました。 (1) How many were people invited to the party? (2) How many people were invited to the party? どちらかが合っているならば、間違っているほうの理由も、聞きたいのでお願いします。 また、どちらも違う場合も、お願いします。