• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:BOSSという英文の訳お願いします)



  • ベストアンサー
  • dorian337
  • ベストアンサー率51% (158/305)

Words appeal to the emotions of people as well as to their intellect. Some words soothe one's feelings, but others arouse dislike or hatred. 言葉というものは、人々の知性に訴えると同様、感情にも訴える。人々の気持ちをなだめる言葉もあれば、嫌悪や憎悪を呼び起こす言葉もある。 The first settlers who came to New England were glad that in this new land they were without masters. They despised master because it reminded them of a social order they hoped they were through with forever. New England に到着した初期の入植者たちは、この新しい土地で masters がいないことを喜んだ。彼らはもう二度と経験しないことを願っている社会的上下関係を思い起こさせる master という語を嫌っていた。 They found an excellent way to get along without the word. In Dutch baas means "master." The early English settlers in New York borrowed this word in the form of boss and used it instead of master. It quickly became popular all over the country and is still in everyday use. 彼らはこの語を使わないでやっていけるうまい方法を見つけた。オランダ語で baas は "master" を意味する。ニューヨークの初期のイギリス人入植者たちはこの語を master の代わりに boss という形で借りた。boss という語はすぐに国内中に広がり、今でも日常で使用されている。 It should be noticed however, that boss has never been able to secure anything but colloquial standing in the language. It is quite useful among friends in familiar conversation and writings of an informal sort. When it is used of one in political control of a district or situation, it is slang. しかしながら気づいて欲しいのは、boss という語が口語的地位以上の地位を確立できていないということだ。友人同士の私的な会話や書面では非常に便利な語だ。地方や情勢の政治的支配にある人を指して使われる時は、それはスラングである。


  • 訳がわかりません

    訳が分からないので教えて頂けましたら助かります。 Even more surprising was that one in 20 of the survey's respondents said they sometimes end e-mails to their boss with the words "love and kisses!" While this is fine for personal messages to freinds and loved ones, it is normally considered inappropriate workplace etiquette. 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • 英文を訳してほしいです。

    辞書を使ってもうまく訳せません。 訳を教えてほしいです。 「The word for "something" is 何か, and the word for "anything" in negative sentences is 何も. These two words are used in places where the particles は, が,and を are expected. In these contexts,they are used own,without the help of particles. We will learn in Lesson 10 what to do in cases where other than are expected.」 日本語の「何か食べる」「何も食べない」というときの「何か、何も」の説明文です。 particlesが助詞と言う意味だということは調べて何とか分かりましたが上手く文章にできません。 宜しくお願いします!

  • 英文訳です。

    英文が上手く訳せません; どこで区切ればよいのか分かりません。どなたか訳していただけないでしょうか?部分的にでも構いません。 On the whole they are aids to writing intelligibly, for they are in the main no more than the distillation of successful experiments made by writers of English through the centuries in how best to handle words so as to make a writer's meaning plain. Some it is true, are arbitrary.One or two actually in crease the difficulty of clear expression, but these too should nevertheless be respected, because lapses from what for the time being is regarded as correct irritate the educated reader, and distract his attention, and so make him the less likely to be affected precisely as you wish.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (7) But just because doctors in ancient Egypt used magic to cure what they couldn't see, it didn't mean they weren't gifted physicians in terms of science. Brain surgery was successfully performed 5,000 years ago, broken arms set, legs amputated, and the patients survived because of the skill of the surgeons. We think that because surgical instruments were made from a volcanic glass called obsidian that the surgeries were more like hackings, but the flakes were sharper than scalpels used today. One tomb carving shows what many Egyptologists believe to be a tracheotomy, which is cutting open the throat to clear the airway so the patient can breathe. At Saqqara, in the Tomb of the Physician, wall paintings of surgery are captioned with the words, "Do not let it be painful," which leads scholars to believe hat Egyptian surgeons used anesthesia. (8) Egyptian doctors used many herbs to heal. The ancient Egyptians believed that demons hated honey, in fact, that they feared it. Honey was used in many of the remedies to ward off evil spirits. We now know that honey boosts the immune system and is an antibiotic, as are onions, another frequently prescribed remedy. Garlic, used for almost everything, is about 1 percent the strength of penicillin, a good medicine to fight bacteria. Egyptian prescriptions worked. And just like our modern physicians, Egyptian doctors adjusted the dosage according to the age of the patient. "If it is a big child, he should swallow it like a draught, if he is still in swaddles, it should be rubbed by his nurse in milk and thereafter sucked on 4 days."

  • 英文の訳お願いします

    Indian footwear looked more like stockings than shoes. These coverings for the feet came much higher on the leg than ordinary shoes. They were made of tanned skins and sewed with the sinews of animals. Early settlers found these Indian shoes extremely comfortable and well suited for walking through the woods. They often wore them and took over their Indian name, moccasin. The word seems actually to have meant "box" or "case." It is still in everyday use, but the shoes to which the name is now given do not look at all like the shoes the Indians wore. When white people borrowed a word from the Indians they often made more use of it than the Indians had ever done. They applied moccasin to a poisonous snake, the short, stout form and color of which may have suggested the Indian shoe. Most of the early pioneers knew very little about snakes and so gave the name moccasin to many snakes, some of which do not much resemble the Indian shoes and are not at all poisonous.

  • 英文の訳をお願いします。。

    But are such techniques in fact helpful to patients? It is of course important to assess any form of treatment, and given that patients vary enormously in their problems and their capabilities, group studies of mnemonic techniques are unlikely to be very satisfactory. Fortunately, there are techniques that were specially devised to investigate the effects of treatment on a single patient. Most of these originated in the operant conditioning laboratory; they have been adapted for clinical purposes by behaviorally minded clinicians, and are now being used to assess the effectiveness of cognitive rehabilitation. They tend not to be well known to cognitive psychologists, who are generally much more familiar with large group designs, or in the case of neuropsychology to single case studies that are concerned with assessing and describing the patient’s deficits, rather than evaluating treatment. お願いします。。

  • この英文の意味教えてください

    In phrase 2, we use 'so', 'very' and 'terribly' to make the meaning stronger. 'Terribly' is the strongest. If we use one of the words in brackets, it is stressed. If~のところだけでいいのでお願いします>< bracketsがよくわかりません。 単体で使ったらってことですか?

  • It may be thatのItはthat以下を指す形式主語ですか?

    It is often possible to make known what one wants to and what he is thinking about by means of gesture, without the use of words, and it may be that men talked by signs before they used spoken language. ↑に含まれるこの分は形式主語ですか? 自分は、It may be that men talked by signs before they used spoken language. =That men talked by signs before they used spoken language may be.(that以下があり得る)という形式主語として解釈しましたが、人によっては漠然状況のitや、この文章より前の何かを示唆するitという人もいました。

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    Let them get on with this job in the way that seems most sensible to them,with our help as school teachers if they ask for it. The idea that there is a body of knowledge to be learnt at school and used for the rest of one's life is nonsence in a world as complicated and rapidly changing as ours. Anxious parents and teachers say,゛But suppose they fail to learn something essential,something they will need to get on in the world?" Don't worry! If it is essential,they will go out into the world and learn it.

  • 英文の訳をお願いします。

    英文の訳をお願いします。 Terni is a large modern city and Saint Valentine's church is on the edge of town. So it is not so easy to find the church. “If Saint Valentine had been born in a city in America, they would have built a theme park there. But as he was born in Italy, you could enter Terni without knowing it was Saint Valentine's hometown," an American friend said to me. In the square in front of the church, Saint Valentine's Festival is held on February 14. Many couples, young and old, attend the festival. Inside, the church looks like any other Italian church, but two baskets overflowing with letters would catch your eye. The priest has to deal with 50,000 a year. Of these, 10,000 come from Japan. Saint Valentine is well known in this country, too. In spite of its connection to Saint Valentine,Terni has few advantages. “We wish more tourists would visit Saint Valentine's hometown," a city official says. The local government hopes to make Terni into a modern city. They built a new footbridge to link the church with a parking lot for cars and buses. The Saint Valentine Foundation is working hard to make Terni into more than a city which comes to life only one day a year. For example, it has helped to organize a concert dinner with TV personalities. But one of its concerns is not to let the religious meaning of Saint Valentine be lost among the commercial activities. However, some local people argue that, since the chocolate, cards, and candlelight dinners of Saint Valentine's Day are a huge business the world over, they wourld over, they would be foolish if they did not take their share of it.