• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • oignies
  • ベストアンサー率20% (673/3354)

Junichi had been interested in Fuseki and had read some of his works, but he had only looked at Oson's translation of Hans Christian Andersen. Junichi could not understand why Oson had taken the trouble to translate that boring story even if only to kill time.    * Mori Ogai, Youth (Seinen) 原典のあるものの原典への翻訳は、原典をさがすことになります。 自分で訳してはいけないのではないでしょうか。 森鴎外『青年』で検索して原典を入手して該当箇所をみつけるの がよいと思います。 該当箇所にかかれているのは、純一は、ふ石に関心をもちその 著作を何点かよんでみたが・・・なぜオーソンは暇つぶしのため とはいえわざわざこんなつまらない小説を訳したのだろうかと 疑問におもったというような内容のくだりのある個所です。





  • ◎即興詩人になりたく思います?


  • 訳をお願いします

    訳をお願いします Keiko had been kindness itself to her -only Kazuo- but she wouldn’t think of Kazuo! itself to her -only Kazuo-の辺がよくわかりません

  • 英文を日本語訳して下さい。

    In 1994, Afflerbach questioned the authenticity of the "Christmas Memorandum" in his biography of Falkenhayn; after studying the evidence that had survived in the Kriegsgeschichtliche Forschungsanstalt des Heeres (Army Military History Research Institute) files, he concluded that the memorandum had been written after the war but that it was an accurate reflection of much of Falkenhayn's thinking in 1916. Krumeich wrote that the Christmas Memorandum had been fabricated to justify a failed strategy and that attrition had been substituted for the capture of Verdun, only after the city was not taken quickly. Foley wrote that after the failure of the Ypres Offensive of 1914, Falkenhayn had returned to the pre-war strategic thinking of Moltke the Elder and Hans Delbrück on Ermattungsstrategie (attrition strategy), because the coalition fighting Germany was too powerful to be decisively defeated by military means.

  • put

    We owe a lot to the birds and beasts which eat insects, but all of them put together kill only a bit of the number destroyed by spiders. という文がありました。このputの働きがよくわかりません。なるべく詳しくご説明ください。

  • このIfは仮定法ですか?

    (1)If Hans bumped into Sally at the mall yesterday, he didn't expect to see her.(2)If you had to learn a list of dates by heart for your history exam, you had to memorize them.(3)If Estelle brushed up on her French before her trip to France, she did some studying.文章からみると仮定法だと思うのですが、それ以外になにか役割などがあれば教えて下さい。

  • The Dark Glassesから

    Coming to the edge of the lake we paused to look at our reflections in the water. It was then I recognized her from the past, her face looking up from the lake. She had not stopped talking.  I put on my dark glasses to shield my eyes from the sun and conceal my recognition from her eyes.  "Am I boring you?" she said.  "No, not a bit, Dr Gray."  "Sure?"  It is discouraging to put on sun-glasses in the middle of someone's intimate story. But they were necessary, now that I had recognized her, and was excited, and could only honourably hear what she had to say from a point of concealment. Muriel SparkのThe Dark Glassesからの英文です。 ●It was then I recognized her from the past, her face looking up from the lake. her faceは I recognized her face looking up from the lakeという繋がりですか? ●and could only honourably hear what she had to say from a point of concealment. ここの意味がよくわかりません。 隠蔽のポイントから彼女が言う必要があることを見事に聞くことができるだけでした? どういうことを言っているのでしょうか? from a point of concealmentは直前のsayにかかるのでしょうか? それともhearですか? 教えてください。お願いいたします。

  • 英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。

    英語が得意な方 和訳を助けてください。うまく訳せなくて困っています。よろしくお願いします Under the threat of strikes in the iron and steel industry in January 1951 an agreement was reached between the DGB chairman, Hans Bockler, and Federal Chancellor, Adenauer: the co-determination as practised up to this point was embedded into a law of 21 Way 1951, though with reference only to the mining industry.

  • 英文の訳・・・・

    In a series of experiments they asked people to assemble IKEA boxes-a boring , banal task - or to engage in the more pleasurable activities of folding origami or building Lego sets. The participants then had to bid small suns for the products of their labour , or for a custom - or expert - made equivalent . Readers Digestの記事の文なのですが、 訳していくうちによく分からなくなってしまいました・・・ もしよければ、 この英文の訳を教えていただきたいです。 回答よろしくお願いします。

  • only to の意味

    Isabella, basking in the admiration of the French, seeing new sights every day, leading a life of complete excitement, ceased to think of Hugh the Brown, only to remember now and then how dull life would have been had she married him. 「Isabella は Hugh the Brown のことを考えるのをやめて、彼と結婚してもつまらない人生だったろうなとたまに思い出す程度だった」というくらいの意味でしょうか。 only to は「~したがその結果・・・だった」と高校時代に習いましたが、「考えるのをやめたがその結果ときどき思い出した」と直訳してみてもどうもよく通じません。only を「だけ」「程度」という意味で理解するとすんなりいくかなと思いましたが果たして合っているのか不明です。 お手数かけますがご教示頂ければ幸いです。宜しくお願い致します。

  • 解らない部分の訳をお願いします

    解らないところが有るので訳をおねがいします 水族館内での出来事です She pressed her face up against the glass, squashing her nose. It would have looked funny to the dolphns, had the noticed, which they didn't. None of the fish ever noticed her. 解らないのは「had the noticed, which they didn't.」の部分です よろしくお願いします