• ベストアンサー


Please ignore my previous message. The problem fixed itself when I made another attempt to pay. Paypal...


  • ベストアンサー
  • ddeana
  • ベストアンサー率74% (2976/4019)

前にお送りしたメッセージは無視してください。他の支払い方法を試したところ問題は解決しました。ペイパルは、、、 最後のPaypal....は文章が完結していないので、「ペイパルで支払います」なのか「ペイパルだとうまくいかない」なのか「ペイパルの支払いには問題が生じやすい」なのかこれだけではわかりません。


その他の回答 (1)

  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)




  • Firefoxの起動

    インストールしても起動できません The program must close to allow a previous installation attempt to complete. Please restart. というエラーメッセージが出ます 再インストールもしてみたのですが・・・

  • 和訳をお願いします

    When at latest should I pay for this item? I have no problem to pay already but I would like to ask you to not ship the item yet. Why? - because I am thinking to purchase maybe more of your razors but have not decided yet. So my question is if you could postpone the shipment by couple of weeks?

  • firefoxが起動しません

    firefoxが起動しません。firefoxのアイコンをクリックすると、 The program must close to allow a previous installation attempt to complete.Please restart. と、エラーの表示が出るだけです。 safemodeでも動きません。誰か助けてください。

  • ざっくりと和訳してください。

    Though I face a serious problem when I tryed to hone it. The razor is not straight and can't be honed properly. What do you sudgest to do for this problem?

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The system — supposedly designed to take on Google Wallet, Isis, Paypal, and others — would allow you to use your phone to pay for items at the cash register.(The Vergeから引用) この文章の意味をお願いします。 Systemはiphoneの電子マネーシステムを指しています。 特にtake on の意味がわかりません。

  • 和訳お願いします。 paypal関連です。

    先日、ebayで買い物をしたのですが、支払ページで料金を支払おうとしたのですが、 One or more of the items below cannot be purchased because the seller has not specified shipping costs to the location selected. Change your address or remove the items to continue. You may also contact the seller for an exception. と表示されていて、支払不可能だったので、私から出品者に次のようなメールを送りました。 I have one problem. I try to pay on ebay, but I can not pay when I change my address. I want you to ship Japan. so, is it possible to estimate shipping cost to Japan? and, is it possible send me the invoice again? Thank you. そうすると、出品者から以下のような返事がきました。 It is possible that it is Paypal that won't let you pay. Rather than changing your address as you pay the invoice, go to your Paypal account and I think you can add a shipping address that can be different. Your payment address much match your credit card address - if you change that, the system won't let you pay. It would help me if you could make this change of address, then when I print the shipping label, your address is automatically filled in. Because of my teaching schedule this week, I won't be able to mail this until Thursday or Friday. I will send you another invoice for shipment to Japan. Thank you, とのことなのですが、 It is possible that it is Paypal that won't let you pay. Rather than changing your address as you pay the invoice, go to your Paypal account and I think you can add a shipping address that can be different. Your payment address much match your credit card address - if you change that, the system won't let you pay. のところの意味があやふやで不安です。 このまま、木曜日か金曜日までまってればいいとのことでしょうか? 質問ばかりですみませんが、英語に詳しい方よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    When I was in first grade, our teacher asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. I said a mother and a teacher. Well, motherhood came first. Three years after I married, I started having children, two boys and two girls in five years. I enjoyed it. But there were hard times, too. The worst thing that happened was losing a child. My eldest son died of cancer in my arms when he was 17. Now to fulfilling my first-grade dream in another way. A year after he died, I went to college and became a third-grade teacher when I graduated. I loved teaching this grade, with the children's eagerness to learn and their love of their teachers. Now to fulfilling my first-grade dream in another way.の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • focalpriceという海外通販を利用したのですが、困っております。

    paypalですでに決済完了しているのに 下記の内容のメールが届きました。 もう一度支払わないといけないのでしょうか? 英語が苦手なのでよくわかりません。 If you decide not to pay for the order this time, never mind, just ignore this mail and keep focusing on Focalprice.com. We are surely that you could find something worthy one day. If you decide to pay for this order, please make sure the address in your Paypal account is correct. In case you want to change the receiving address, please contact our online customer service by My Message or Live Help to make a timely modification.

  • 和訳をよろしくお願いします

    I am a therapist who does home-based counseling with very poor people with very complicated and difficult issues. The problem is that I really feel like I am the blind leading the blind. Many of my clients tell me that I help them tremendously, and my entire case load has followed me from one agency to another, so I do feel like I am effective in my job in many ways. I really feel like I am the blind leading the blindとmy entire case load has followed me from one agency to another, の和訳をよろしくお願いします

  • ざっと和訳をお願いします

    Regarding the paypal payment, I thought it was already transferred to you when I made the payment. Is it not transferred directly and now maybe blocked, because I opened this "case" with ebay? Do you know if I have to close the case, to release your payment? "

  • ノートパソコンで自宅Wi-Fiに接続できない問題について
  • Wi-Fiのルーターを変えた際に自宅Wi-Fiが表示されない
  • インターネット接続のリセットをしても自宅Wi-Fiが出てこない