• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:よかったら、ヒアリング練習におつきあい下さい!)



  • ベストアンサー

(1) canard (虚報) (2)being dinner hour ちなみに、All Biologyの箇所は、oral biologyです。 http://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=oral+biology



回答ありがとうございます! canard という単語は初めて知りました。新たな語彙が増えたと励みになります。 他にも指摘ありがとうございました!


  • 難関高校の同意文作成問題の解答を教えて下さい。

    (1)I don’t know the writer of this novel. I don’t know(    )(    )this novel. (2)We have to take care of the dog. The dog has to (    )(    )(    )(    ). (3)Please remember to say hello to your parents. Please don’t(    )(    ) say hello to your parents. (4)How beautiful his garden is! What a(    )(    ) he(    )! (5)500years have passed since this tower was built. This tower(    ) five (    )years(    ). (6)I did know what I should say. I did know (    )(    )say. (7)August 28 is my birthday. I(    )(    )(    ) August 28. (8)Whose is that old bicycle? Who does that old bicycle(    )(    )? (9)If you don’t study hard,you‘ll fail in the entrance examination. (    )(    ),(    )you‘ll fail in the entrance examination. (10)This is a photograph taken by her in Narita. This is a photograph(    )(    ) in Narita.

  • 大至急、翻訳をお願い致します。

    Pick up your own clutter. It’s not your old bachelor pad. It’s not that she’s changed you, it’s just that you’re married and it’s her house now.

  • この英語を訳してくれませんか?

    what age you want to be married? you dont want to be married? so.. all about this is non sense you dont want to be married so there is no sense that i am your boyfriend when you turn 23years old あと、「傷ついていたらごめんなさい」と英語で書いてくれませんか。。。? どうかお願いします

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    和訳をお願いします。 長文の一部を抜粋しているので、意味がちぐはぐしているかもしれないのですが、和訳をお願いいたします。 Oh I heard from my colleagues that there is a story about a small boy and dog (そうだ、同僚から小さな男の子と犬についてのお話があるって聞いた)... I think Nello and Patrasche ... (ネロとパトリシェだと思う)that this is very famous in Japan.(この物語は日本で凄い有名) Actually I didn't know this story even when it's located in Belgium (Antwerp). But now that I see the images of the cartoon maybe I have seen it. Do you know this story?(あなたはこの物語知ってる?) Hope you enjoy the rest of your free day,

  • arrestedの意味

    As for your more general question—humans anthropomorphize everything. There are blogs devoted to cataloging houses that sort of look like faces! This is a completely average impulse, and it’s not a sign that you and your husband have an arrested emotional development or need to channel your energies elsewhere. ここでのarrestedはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 中学英語

    英検5級の参考書を買ったら、次の例文がありました。 応答文の最後に形容詞がついていますが、 省略可能かどうかの基準がわかりません。文法の解説をお願いします。 How old is your dog ?  -She's 3 years old. ※ネットで調べると、years old は省略可能だが、oldだけは不可とありました。 How long is the rope ?  -It's 3 meters long. How high is the tower ? -It's 150 meters high. How deep is this lake ?  -It's about 50 meters deep. How tall is Jeff ? -He is 183 centimeters tall. How far is it from here to Chicago ? -It's 50 miles. ※ネットで調べると、It's 50 miles far では不可とありました。 なぜ?

  • 英文 添削 お願いします

    以下の英文なんですが、文法上合ってるか自信がないので、確認お願いします。 ・この表からSNSを利用している人が沢山いることも分かると思います。 You can also see from this table that there are many people who use SNS. ・もしテレビのニュースなら、放送していない時がある。 If it is TV news, there is a time that is not broadcast. ↑分かりにくいですが、SNSならいつでもニュースを知ることができるという意味合いです。 以上の2つです。よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳お願いします;

    Look at this man, standing bravely like a god. This was your husbandーa real man! Compare that man with this one. Your new husband is like a dying plant, poisoning the memory of his perfect brother with his smell. Can't you see? What judgement has taken you from this to this? What has robbed you of your senses? Oh, crime, where is your punishment? If judgement is as weak as this in a sensible woman's heart, what hope is there of goodness in the world? すみません。 宜しくお願い致します。

  • 自己啓発かスピリチュアル系の英文

    次の英文は、多分自己啓発かスピリチュアルに分類される本の一部なんですが... Look in the mirror. Notice that there is a form staring back. In the reflection, you can clearly see a physical form with eyes, a nose, a mouth, ears, and hair. Then walk away from the mirror. Notice that now there is only space looking outward from behind your face. In that area where the reflection showed a physical form, there is now only space looking outward at the world. From this view, looking outward from behind the face, there is no form. There is no face. There are no eyes, nose, mouth, ears, or hair. There is only spacious awareness looking at the world. Notice that ~ の一文が何を言っているかわからず、次の In that area がどこのことかわからないため、さっぱり意味がつかめません。 どなたか解説して頂けませんでしょうか?

  • 翻訳お願いします!

    Hahah, take your time, no rush ! Hmm.. First step to learning English would be practice I guess. You have to understand the grammar and then it gets easier. After that you just have to learn more words. I get a lot of practice writing Japanese so I can help you improve your English =) Your English is fine! It's a lot better than a lot of people I know. How long have you been studying it for? By the way, how old are you? I can't remember if I asked this. I live in ========... It's sort of quiet and at the moment, there's a flood =_= What's your town like?