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    As a huge fan of the band I really hope these rumors are not true and the band announce plans for a new album sometime in the next few months, but we’ll see. A fan recently had a great quote regarding Rock Band that really rings true. They’re one of the best rock bands out there, they just don't know it. Scott, Dean, Robert, and Eric, rock needs you making music!

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    SCOTT WEILAND SAYS STONE TEMPLE PILOTS NEED TO RECORD NEXT ALBUM WITH BRENDAN O'BRIEN In a new interview with CleveScene.com, Scott Weiland yet again states that he is still the lead singer of Stone Temple Pilots and even says he'd like to see the band reunite with producer Brendan O'Brien for their next album. O'Brien produced STP's first 5 albums. ※ 『Stone Temple Pilots(STP)』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』と『Brendan O'Brien』は人物名です。

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    ASHLEY HAMILTON TALKS FRIENDSHIP WITH SCOTT WEILAND, THE WONDERGIRLS & IRON MAN 3 Once upon a time, a record label would mean a band’s avenue to success, or prove to be its undoing. The Wondergirls, an ambitious project spearheaded by entertainer Ashley Hamilton, fell victim to the furtive tactics of the industry. Nowadays, with the advent of the internet, the concept of needing a label is obsolete. With that in mind, Hamilton and his partners in the group are planning a comeback. In concept, the band, the brainchild of actor/songwriter Ashley Hamilton, was a late 90′s/early 2000′s rock and roll dream team: the roster was filled by some of the most popular artists of the time, including Scott Weiland of Stone Temple Pilots, Jay Gordon and Ryan Shuck of Orgy, Troy Van Leeuwen of A Perfect Circle, and Ian Astbury of The Cult. However, after recording a full length album, a string of mishaps led to the destruction of the band. Besides an interview with the Stone Temple Pilots fansite Below Empty last year that first unearthed some details of the group; not much was known about the ill fated band. This was before the band’s sudden and inexplicable return for the Iron Man 3 soundtrack, and I had the chance to talk with Ashley Hamilton himself and shed some more light on both incarnations of the project.

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    The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame have announced the nominees for induction to the 2018 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Rage Against The Machine and Radiohead were nominated in their first year of eligibility, while Stone Temple Pilots were not. Soundgarden, Alice In Chains, Nine Inch Nails, and Jane’s Addiction continued to be snubbed. In Soundgarden’s case it is very surprising since Chris Cornell died in May, and he appeared at the Rock Hall of Fame before. Critics have always hated Stone Temple Pilots, but many have reappraised the band after Scott Weiland’s death in 2015 and the recent 25th anniversary of Core reissue.

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    Despite DeLeo's hesitance to work with Weiland again in the future, the decision to fire him wasn't an easy one. “It was a very difficult decision to terminate your singer, man, it wasn't an easy decision to do that,” DeLeo said. “Look at the past 10 years of what STP has done and it hasn't been much. I don't want to spend the next 10 years doing, or not doing, the same thing. I feel we have a lot to offer the face of music and some valid things to write and do and that's the way I want to spend my career.” Weiland has taken time apart from STP twice in the past. From mid 1997 to late 1998 the band were on hiatus, and from 2003 to 2008 they were broken up. STP fired Weiland in February, and replaced him with Linkin Park frontman Chester Bennington in May.

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    In a 2012 interview with Rolling Stone, Weiland stated about the status of STONE TEMPLE PILOTS: "I think we kind of overplayed ourselves by playing the same set over and over. I think the band needs to take some time off and be creative again. I always felt that our creativity and the growth we made within making records as artists was equally as important as we were as a live band. The transformation from 'Core' to where we ended up before we took that time off, when I started with VELVET REVOLVER, was enormous. I think we need to get back to that. I don't think that touring consistently with a greatest-hits package gets you anywhere. It diminishes things." ※ 『STONE TEMPLE PILOTS』『VELVET REVOLVER』はバンド名、『Scott Weiland』は人物名、『Core』はアルバム名です。

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    After your 19 city tour, in support of “Detour”, what’s next for Cyndi? I am currently busy with Detour release. Then there is the tour coming in May to support the album. We just announced the second leg of the tour for the West Coast which will keep me busy till the fall. I will be in UK & Europe this summer, then also making plans to tour Japan and Australia in 2017. I am working on another musical which I am pretty excited about. Kinky Boots is keeping me quite the busy too, Kinky Boots just won 3 Oliver Awards for the West End production and it’s opening in Australia, Japan, Germany, Sweden and is already in Toronto and Seoul so I need to stay on top of that. Of course I have my family to take care of so it’s a pretty full life. 長文ですが、宜しくお願い致します。

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    Whatever the case, it is true that we decided to scrap it for The Crow in deference to Brandon Lee's passing. We negotiated for Big Empty to be in all the trailers for The Crow, which got more attention on TV, than the song got at radio, and the coup was coordinating it to lead the off the record as the first single, while the song was so hot on TV, resulting in a #1 debut for Purple (very narrowly beating out a release by Warren G) in June of 1994. Much of this was pure circumstance, but there was quite a bit of jockeying going on behind the scenes.” After the Unplugged performance and after the recording of Big Empty, the band headed into the studio to record their second album Purple, marking the end of the Core era. As of 2012, Core has been certified 8x Platinum in the United States, making it one of the most popular albums of the 90's alternative rock era. The album was released 20 years ago today, but songs from Core are still played in heavy rotation today on rock radio. STP fans continue to debate which of STP's six albums is their best, but Core will always be remembered as what started it all. While it is enjoyable to look back at Core, let's hope the ride isn't over yet and that STP come roaring back with a seventh studio album next year.

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    "Prices will surge as more and more people compete for an ever-dwindling supply of dwellings," said Phillips. Brown said the first thing he did in council was to halt the sale of council housing stock and he had already announced plans to clear the red tape for people wanting to build new houses. "The industry is continuing to shrink but we can see the looming shortfall will hit us sometime next year. We may have to look at bringing tradesmen over from China, Philippines or Malaysia - but it's likely Japan and Australia will be trying to attract them as well."

  • リチャード・バックの翻訳

    「飛べ銀色の空へ」リチャード・バック (著)の以下の部分が、稲葉 明雄 (翻訳) 草思社(絶版)ではどのように訳されているか探しています。 "The odds against our breaking the biplane in a little town that happened to be home to a man with the 40-year-old part to repair it; the odds that he would be on the scene when the event happened;the odds that we'd pushed the plane right next to his hanger, within ten feet of the part we needed-the odds were so high that 'coincidence' was a foolish answer."