• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:中国人とのやりとり)

やりとり with 中国人

無 鉄砲(@without-a-gun)の回答

  • ベストアンサー

> 実は、私が日本語訳してあげたいのは、ゲームに登場するコメント・ナレーションで、 > 私が、翻訳を手伝って欲しいのは、私の自作のムービーのコメント・ナレーションと、 > 別のものです。 あなたが相手に手伝ってほしいことは、相手と信頼関係を築いた後で持ち出してください。 今回は、「ゲームに登場するコメント・ナレーション」を踏まえて修正します。 Hallo, A! I am B. Are you Chinese? I'm Japanese. I've played your marvelous game and had a very good time! Thank you! But the Japanese language spoken in your game is rather strange for me, which sounds like drunkard's, dare I say it. Well, if it's OK with you, I will do a better translation work for you. Let's work together! I want to talk with you about my proposal. Please send me an e-mail to tell your view. Thanks.



ところで、ここまで、親切丁寧にご教授を請いながら、 不躾になってしまうかもしれませんので、先に謝っておきますね。 信頼関係等は、そちらが気にする必要はなかったかのはないでしょうか? 一応、言っておいたほうが良いかなと思いました。 ちなみに、翻訳を手伝って欲しいと書くのは、 翻訳を手伝って欲しいからではありません。まったく別の理由があったのです。 今回は非常に助かりました。心より感謝致します。 ありがとうございました。


  • 添削お願いします。

    英語の自己紹介文です。 ビデオレターで送らなくてはいけないのですが… 添削よろしくお願いいたします。 Let me introduce myself. My name is ***. But please call me (あだ名) because the chinese character for my name is (漢字で自分の名前が書いてある紙を見せながら) this. In japanese, this pronunces (本名). But also pronunces (あだ名). My hobby is ristening to music. Above all, (好きなグループ名) are most interesting for me. If you know these groups, let's talk about it with me!! And I'm pretty good at Japanese calligraphy. I'm trying hard to become a "Shihan" or an instracter. I am not very good at English. But I am going to try to communicate with you as hard as I can. So feel free to talk to me. I am looking forward to the day which can meet you. That's all. Thank you!! よろしくお願いします。

  • メールでのやり取りについて

    メールでインタビューをしたいという依頼を受けたところ、このような返事が来ました。 If you are comfortable with doing the interview to the best of your abilities we would love to have you (: If not we can interview another Japanese student! Whichever you are more comfortable with. I am open to ideas, if you wanted to speak Japanese we could just subtitle it if you are more comfortable with that as well! 初めの If you are comfortable with doing the interview to the best of your abilities we would love to have you (: というのがわからないのですが、これはどういうことでしょうか? もしあなたがインタビューに答えてくれる能力があるなら、私たちはあなたにインタビューを是非したい、ということですか? I am open to ideas, if you wanted to speak Japanese we could just subtitle it if you are more comfortable with that as well! この文は、もし日本語で話したかったら、subtitle字幕をつけることも可能だよ、ってことですよね? 宜しくお願いします。

  • 英語の発音を教えてください!

     例えば boyはボーイとか。  正しい発音を教えてください! PCで調べても発音が良すぎて分かりません。  1. That is a pencil. 2. Tom is a doctor 3. Jane is a singer. 4. This is Dick. 5. This is a cat. 6. Jack is a student 7. He is a musician. 8. That is Kenji. 9. You are a doctor. 10. I am a student. 11. He is a Chinese 12. You are a teacher. 13. I am a doctor. 14. You are students. 15. These are pens. 16. Tom is a doctor 17. They are nurse. 18. We are doctor. 19. Mike is an American. 20. They am students. 21. These are pencils. 22. Tom is a teacher 23. These are cars. 24. You are a stuaent 25. I am a policeman. 26. Jack is a musician. 27. I am a Japanese 28. You are a doctor. 29. It is a cat. 30. You are a stdent. 31. That is a dog. 32. They are students. 33. We are teachers 34. You are a doctor. 35. These are monkeys. 36. Those are cats. 37. You and I are doctors. 38. You are a policeman. 39. Tom and Jack are students. 40. These are cars. 41. This is Mr.Smith. 42. You are a doctor. 43. Tom is a student. 44. They are dogs. 45. Tom and i are teachers. 46. They are watches. 47. You are students. 48. I am a Japanese. 49. Those are dictionaries. 50. That is Mr.Brown. 51. You are a student. 52. That is a book. 53. I am a doctor 54. These are pens. 55. Tom and i are students.               です。 テスト勉強で使うので、本当によろしくお願いします!

  • 【Twitter】英訳お願いします。

    Twitterで外国の方からフォローされたので@を送りたいのですが、英語に自信がありません…。 添削お願いします。 How do you do! My name is 〇〇. Thank you for the follow. I am Japanese and I am not good at speaking English. I am sorry if this @ has a strange English. My Tweets is Japanese mostly. Please free remove and Blocking. ~書きたかったこと~ 初めまして。私は〇〇と申します。 フォローありがとうございました。 私は日本人です。英語があまりうまく話せません。 もしもこの@におかしな英語があればすみません。 私のツイートはほとんどが日本語です。 リムーブ・ブロックご自由になさってください。 というようにしたかったのですが… 英語の最後の一文ですが、そもそも外国でリムーブって通じるのでしょうか…ブロックはまだしも…。 リムーブ・ブロック自由は当然だろという気もしてきました…。 How do you doとNice to meat you ってどう違うの…どっちの方が丁寧なの… 図々しいようですがよろしくお願い致します。

  • 日本語の表現について教えてください。

    I am writing a blog post in Japanese to share with my Japanese friends my secret recipe . I want to write something like "I am going to share my secret recipe with you." Can I say in Japanese "自分の秘方をみなさんにシェアです。"?If not, how can I say?

  • please someone translate for me

    "I don't feel I have been anything but honest with you since we have started our friendship, I am sorry I am unable to give my self to you at this point as anything but a friend." this is my homework at my school from out of japan. please someone translate for me. in my idea, it means "she does not feel anything for him(does not she like him?) and it is her honest. so she does not want to be in a relationship with him(she just wants to be a friend)." = "tomodachi ijou koibito miman?" is it light? please, please someone helps me. if you comment me, i can not use japanese now, but i can read japanese, so please write japanese. thank you so much!

  • Thank you card の内容

    クラスのみんなにThank you cardを渡そうと 思いますが、以下の文面をもうちょっとよくしたい のですが何かいい言い回しはないでしょうか。 Dear my friend, I will miss you a lot. I have good memories with you. It was a little short time with you but I had good time. Can you email or mail me? My adress is below.

  • 英作文を作ったので添削おねがいします

    お礼は必ずします。 よろしくお願いします Recruitment of friend!(British or  American) Nice to meet you. My name is A I am a 35-year-old Japanese man and I live in Osaka. I am 172 cm tall and I weigh 65 kg. My blood type is A. I am a chemist at a chemists,selling medicines. I like playing football and walking my dog. I love Britain and American. I would like to be your friend. Could you correspond with me if you don't mind? If you correspond with me, I would provide you with something you can obtain only in Japan. Through corresponding with you, I would be able to improve my English and increase my knowledge about Britain and USA. Please become my friend by all means. My e-mail address is shown below. I am looking forward to your favorable reply. I would like to see you in near days. see you

  • 彼氏とのやりとりでニュアンスがわかりません

    私が、彼氏(遠距離中のアメリカ人)に、日本に来れないのなら、私がアメリカに9月に行くとメールをした後のやり取りです。(語学ガッコを探してほしいとも頼みました。) I read your email on my way to work I'm busy Very busy I think you get upset when I do not reply right away I have not had time to look up English lessons I have not had time to plan 仕事で忙しくて、学校を探している時間がないと言われ、じゃあ9月に行くのを辞めると言ったらまた、下記の返事がきました。 iie. That is not what I said. I said that I have been very busy. I don't not think you understand how hard I work In the US, you cannot work In Japan, you will not make much money doing nails I am responsible for making money 下記の部分の意味がいまいちわかりません。(彼氏が養わなきゃならないって言っているのですか?) 『 In Japan, you will not make much money doing nails I am responsible for making money』 日本に来て、両親に会う約束をしているのですが、一向に来る予定が経たずにいます。 彼氏が来る気がないのか、本当に仕事が忙しくって来れないのか?真意がわかりません… 仕事が忙しいと言っているので、ここはおとなしく待っていた方が良いのでしょうか? you need to be flexible and understanding I want you to visit  I want to see you ASAP give me a few days to figure out my work schedule when you visit, I do not want to work all of the time : I do not want you to think I am a Japanese salaryman I think September is a GREAT time to visit  I can take a little time off Should we do a little vacation? And then I work and visit Japan in September or October? : I want to meet your mom. :P Give me one week. If I have a LOT of work. Short trip. If I can get some time off. Long trip. Live with me. If a short trip, we go to Las Vegas and stay in San Francisco for a few days. Then I will do short trip to Japan. Then you live with me I miss Japan. I do not want to visit when it is cold

  • withとatの違い

    He is angry with children. I am angry at you. この2文のwithとatの違いはなんでしょうか? withが~についてや~に対してという意味が有るのは解っていますが atとの使い分けの意味がよく解りません He is angry at children. I am angry with you.では意味が違うのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします