• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:これを日本語に訳して欲しいです)


  • 海外の友人に日本語で話しかけられて困っています。
  • 私は日本人との交流がほとんどなく、SNSを通じても近づけませんでした。
  • ただ助けを求めるだけで、特に犠牲を強いるつもりはありません。


  • ベストアンサー

どんなシチュエーションかよく見えないのですが、少しおかしな英語ですね?とりあえずそのまま訳してみると、 私はFacebookを通じて日本人と親しくなったことがないが、あなたは人を気にかけられる人だ。私の希望することと問題について説明したい。その状況を利用するつもりはない、ただ助けを求めているだけで、必ずしも犠牲を伴うものではない。私はあなたと同じように思っているだけだ。ある人は怒ったり私を嫌ったりするので、私は商売取引を提供しなければならない。もしあなたが保証を求めるのなら、私はよろんで私自身の為に毎月の支払いをする(in thereの意味することはこの文脈からはわかりません) いま私はFacebook上の友達にたいして率直に接することを恐れているのだが、あなたは他の日本人とは違ってオープンで、落ち着いている。私はあなたの国をとても愛しているので、たとえ誰も分かってくれなくても、そのうちあなたの国に戻れることを願っている。



英語圏の人ではないので間違ってるところがあると思います。 翻訳ありがとうございました。



  • 英語を日本語に訳して頂けますか??

    自分では所々理解できず困っています...。 よろしくお願いします。 i will go to japan this summer always want to .... i will try to go there in my birthday so you can say happy birthday to me in person ... i be so happy really happy for you to be the first one to say it ...... :) and i be so glad for you to show me around..... and remember this,your emails and you are special to me ..... so please dont ever think that you are bother me ... I love you emails and love you! i am glad that you are special for me and hoping to see you soon .... You are so beautiful and sweet.

  • 日本語に訳して欲しいです。

    Yes I received your emails. Thank you! I see that the pictures are .png but is it possible to get the DESIGN .png so there is TRANSPARENT BACKGROUND for me to upload to the shirt? I have a tech guy that can create the .png if you'd like me to try on my end! Thank you Tomomi! So excited to share your work with my customers! ~Emily

  • 日本語訳にしていただけませんか?

    知人からメールが来ました。 翻訳していただけませんか? I hope you and your family are okay after this terrible tragedy. My heart goes out to the people of Japan. Take care and I hope Japan can recover from this disaster. Japanese people are strong, so I have faith that they will endure and handle this as best as they can. My best wishes are with Japan. Take care. よろしくお願い致します。

  • 英語→日本語に翻訳願いますm(_ _)m

    どなたか下記の英文の和訳をよろしくお願いします! (1)Feet kind of freak me out I don't know why but I don't really like to touch them even my own. (2)Again the way you speak its as if you know my thoughts as if you know my prayers to God and what I spoke I desired in a woman. (3)You are so amazing and I am so excited to continue to dig deeper into who you are. (4)You treat me so well.

  • [緊急]日本語訳お願いします!

    Does it mean that you're not shy? :) I really like buddhism! I think this is the religion I like the most, it's the most believable, thoughtful, and I agree with what that religion say. :) Our teacher said that Japanese celebrate Xmas in a different way to European People, I don't really know whether it's true or not...! This is a good thing to be interested in the world, and France is a nice place, you'll see, you might like it ! :D This morning, i had a japanese conversation lesson with a real japanese person, and she spoke to me all in Japanese and I didn't understand anything, except few easy things... and I realized that I was very bad for speaking and understanding Japanese! We only had a year of japanese lessons, so we're not very ready to speak japanese fluently, so I'm sorry, I'll do my best but my japanese level isn't great...! ^^ I'm very excited to come in 10 days now ! :DDD It's a huge adventure for me!!! I'll try to check my email every day for you to have a answer quickly ! :p See you soon !!! 急いでいます! 早めに返事いただけると助かります(;~;)

  • 日本語にして下さい

    So are you planning on coming? I could start to make arrangements for me and you to go out and enjoy.

  • 日本語にして下さい!

    You are not a burden to me. I like emailing you back and forth. I also don't wanna lose you in my life.

  • 至急!!英文をわかりやすい日本語にしてください。

    I want to know why it's so hard when you are not Japanese to be accepted like a human before gaijin ? And I want to know what are you doing when you go out with your friends. If it's like in manga or its completely different. And what about relationship between boys and girls ? I think it's enough for this e-mail . see you later

  • like how の日本語訳について

    Now I'm communicating with a friend speaking English on You tube. I got this message from he or her. But unfortunately I didn't understnad some part of what they said . I'd like to reply back to them properly. If you don't mind , Could you help me ? If possible , I'd like all of you to help me in English reply. I'm sorry for being so selfish. About my question , how should I translate this sentence into Japanese ? What they said - "I like how all the anime music i listened to so far are very catchy, or soft and peaceful ". I have a question for you. 日本語で、like how はどうやって訳せばいいのですか? I'd like to help and supprot me. I'm sorry for my poor english. I hope you answer m question.

  • 日本語にして下さい!!よろしくお願いします。

    Although an email is not enough, and a video is not enough as well, I want to try to tell you how much I appreciated your gift! I got so, deeply moved from this…that I don’t even know what to say (and this is so rare!). I was expecting to receive my new watercolor brushes today, so, when the postman rang the doorbell, I though ‘YEPPEEE!!! My new brushes! Hurray!’ and I hurried to the door! Then he said: “There are 2 packages for you boy!”. I thought “Weird, the sent 2 packages for 3 small brushes?”. Then I read what was written on one of them… and I totally forgot about brushes. It was your gift. I was...stunned! Surprised! Totally, incredibly happy. I went back inside, here in front of my pc. And I started shaking, as I was so…! I opened it, and saw your sweet presents, and sent you the SMS and LINE messages, then read the letter. Yes, I did cry (please, don’t think I am a crybaby! XD). I got really moved by what you did. You know I like Ranma and bought me something about it...it's...I can’t describe how happy I am, that's why I will record the video right after finishing the email. And I love everything you sent me! The Christmas Origami, so beautiful and delicate!. And the Onsen souvenir ;__; thank you for thinking about me when you went there…! And the stamps, and the letter… Mika! There are so many things I would like to be able to say. Mika, you are so special for me, thank you! I will now record the video, and write the transcript of what I say (I hope I don’t start crying! XDDDD I promise I won’t!) Take care, Mika, I am with you. Always. Don’t ever feel alone. Because if you need, I will be with you. I will never leave you alone! Fabio The transcript of the video------------ gosh XD okay I cried but just a little XDDDD Sorry! Hi….hey! Its….hard to find the right words to thank you. I wrote it in the email but I want to thank you. I know it’s not enough, it will never be enough…a video, or an email! I…. I am really, really happy…uhm…for…for what you sent me. I really like these (showing ranma notebooks)…. I like this (the souvenir from onsen). I like…the stamps….and the letter! And this…well, you wrote on it so I like it! I…I am so happy of it. And… I don’t know exactly what I want to say! Because…uhm… (pause) I said I would have done that but I’m doing it XD don’t worry! It’s just…thank you. I appreciate it, I appreciate it so much! And… If I ever feel alone… I will… shake this! I will shake this and I will know you are somewhere and… hopefully happy! And….uhm! Sorry… And… aww my voice sorry! I am so so happy you sent me these things that I don’t even know what to say… now you’ll think I’m a crybaby right? I am not a crybaby…but…I, I am… I got so moved from your present that really I don’t know what to say! And….Sorry….! Sorry I am so happy that I can’t help it. I am a crybaby right? XD You think so! But… uhm…uhm….yes! thank you…thank you so much! Thank you so much! For your really… unique gift! Thank you!

  • 質問者は家系図作成ソフトを使って、グループ別に繋げる方法や兄弟・姉妹の登録について困っています。
  • マニュアルを見ても理解できず、手戻りを避けたいとのことです。
  • 質問者は全くの初心者であり、サポートが必要です。