• 締切済み


海外サイトから商品を取り寄せたものが本日届きました。 しかし同一商品を2個注文していたのですが、本日1個しか届きませんでした。 問い合わせをしようとしているのですが、問い合わせ内容の英文が翻訳サイトでやってもいまいちな気がするので、 もし適切な英文がございましたらご教授いただけますでしょうか。 また問い合わせする際は以下の『- Items missing from the order』を選択していけばよろしいでしょうか? Please select your question type: - Defective / broken items received - Technical / usage questions - trouble getting the item to work - Items missing from the order - Wrong items received - EMS/DHL shipping and order inquiries - Store Credits - apply store credits - Package not received 14 business days after shipment - Change items in order -- unshipped orders only - Change shipping address -- unshipped orders only - Cancel unshipped items for refund/store credit - Order Tracking--check the status of unshipped order(s) - SKU 00001 (Unknown Product) - shown in your order - Order not shown in DX account - order number not sent to you via e-mail and does not show in your DX account - DX Account Issue - activation, change password, transfer DX points etc. - Affiliate Account - general inquiry and account level upgrades - Wholesale - for quotations, product customizations and product inquiries - запросы о заказе для русского клиента(beta) - Suivi de commande pour les clients français(beta) - Auftragsanfrage für deutsche Kunden(Beta) - DX offers inqiury(beta) (Questions regarding offers.dealextreme.com)

  • rakel
  • お礼率82% (14/17)
  • 英語
  • 回答数5
  • ありがとう数5


  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

rakelさん、 補足読みました。 特に何もする必要はありません。先方は在庫切れを商品未発送の理由としており、商品が新たに入荷され次第、残品を送ると言っています。1~2週間待ってみて下さい。



cbm51901さん お忙しいところをご回答いただきありがとうございました。 承知しました、1~2週間待ってみます。 何度もお手数おかけして申し訳ございませんm(_ _)m



cdm51901さん 再度ご教授いただけますでしょうか。 海外サイトから下記のような回答が届きました。 「別の品物かキャンセルをしてください」とのことが書いてあるのだと思うのですが、 恐れ入りますが、別の品物を検討する際の例文とキャンセルをする際の例文を ご教授いただけますでしょうか。 また別の品物を検討する場合に、その在庫の確認とすぐ発送してもらえるのか?と いうことも付け加えて海外サイトへ確認をしてみたいのですが、できればこちらも 例文をご教授いただけると幸いです。 お忙しいところ大変恐縮ですが、宜しくお願いいたします。 ---以下海外サイトからの返答内容--- A staff has responded to your request. And your action is required. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear customer, We apologize for all the inconvenience that we have brought to you. We have checked that the final item 32879 didn't be shipped to you due to out of stock . And we cannot make sure the time of arrival, I want to know if you would like to change it to another, or cancel it. Thank you for your patience. Waneta -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To reply, please visit the following link: http://services.XXXXXXXXXXXXX

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

Rakelさん、 仰るとおりかもしれません。 " SKU is in a wrong format. " = 「 SKUの様式が間違っている 」 ということですので、 Missing SKU*: (3567,1   )(Separate with comma) と入力してみて下さい。それでもエラーメッセージが出るようなら、" 1 " を省いて Missing SKU*: (3567    )(Separate with comma) で大丈夫だと思うのですが...。



cbm51901さん 本当にありがとうございました。 Missing SKU*: (3567,1   )(Separate with comma) 上記の入力で問い合わせができそうです。 これで返答を待ってみたいと思います。 何からなにまでありがとうございました。 また何かありましたら、ご質問させていただいてよろしいでしょうか。 お写真はお子様でしょうか? とてもおかわいいですね。 cbm51901さんの回答履歴を拝見させていただきましたが、 先生でいらっしゃるのですか? 英語だけではなく、数学などのご質問にもお答えしていらっしゃって いたものですから・・・。



cbm51901さん たびたび申し訳ございません。 海外サイトより以下のメールを受信しましたが、どのように対応すればよろしいでしょうか? 何か私のほうでreplyをしたほうがよろしいでしょうか? 件名:Customer Service Response - Action Required (Ref # A12345) A staff has responded to your request. And your action is required. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear customer, We apologize for this inconvenience that we have brought you. Your order is back order now, and the reason why your package has not been ready for shipment is because items currently unavailable from our warehouse. However, our staffs are working hard right now to find appropriate suppliers for you. I have made a note to our purchasing department and items would be restocked about 1-2 weeks. Would you mind waiting a few more days? We will try our best to get all the items ready as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience, and if you have any other question, please feel free to contact us. Best Regards Star -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To reply, please visit the following link: (1)http://services.~ Do not reply to this e-mail. It is not monitored. ---ここまでメール本文--- 上記(1)のリンク先をクリックすると以下のような画面になります。 Customer Service Express Order # 123XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Request Type: Current Order Status / Deliver Tracking Status: Waiting for your response. Reference Number: A8216F56A9085C3B Date Received: 1/20/2012 4:54:14 AM HKT (UTC+8) Notification E-mail: o*******.*** (masked for privacy) Descriptions To Whom It May Concern: I noticed that my order status has been showed pending due to back order. Please advise me of the lead-time to the delivery. Your prompt response would be greatly appreciated. Regards, The above information is provided by you at the time of submission. Additional information requested by customer service agent: Request Response Required to Proceed from star_hu 2/12/2012 9:07:51 PM HKT (UTC+8) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear customer, We apologize for this inconvenience that we have brought you. Your order is back order now, and the reason why your package has not been ready for shipment is because items currently unavailable from our warehouse. However, our staffs are working hard right now to find appropriate suppliers for you. I have made a note to our purchasing department and items would be restocked about 1-2 weeks. Would you mind waiting a few more days? We will try our best to get all the items ready as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience, and if you have any other question, please feel free to contact us. Best Regards Star Please enter a response:Reply required. (                   ) Attach photos(maximum 2MB in total): (              )参照 (              )参照 To include more images in replies, please upload your images to ImageShack (free) and put the image link provided by ImageShack in your reply. お忙しいところ大変申し訳ございませんが、再度ご教授いただけますでしょうか。 宜しくお願いいたします。

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

Rakelさん、 >たとえば商品IDが3567であれば >Missing SKU*: (3567,1         )(Seperate with comma) >という形で入力すればよろしいのでしょうか? "Separate with comma" は「コンマで区切って下さい」ということですが、これが、商品IDと不足数を区切るのか、複数の商品が不足している場合に、複数の商品IDを区切るのか判然としません。 ですのでここは、 Missing SKU*: (3567 (1 piece) )(Separate with comma) という風に入力すればよいと思います。



cbm51901さん 何度もご回答ありがとうございます。m(_ _)m (3567 (1 piece)と入力したら以下のようなメッセージが でてきたのですが、入力する形式が違うということでしょうか? SKU is in a wrong format.

  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

Rakelさん、 以下をご参照下さい。 本文については、どこかにテキストボックスが出て来る筈ですのでそこに入力してください。もしかしたら、 「- Items missing from the order」を選択する前の画面に入力するところがるのかも知れません。 Order Number: (★ここに注文番号を入れます★) Current Status: Processing. Missing SKU*: (★不足数ですので”1”と入れます★) Support Documents: Photo of everything received*: (★小包を開いた形で、中身が1個しかない様子の写真をアップロード★)参照 Maximum total file size:2MB. Maximum resolution 800*600. Photo showing the front of the envelope*: (★封筒(小包?)を正面から撮った写真をアップロード★)参照 Accepted formats: jpg,gif,png,zip,rar Photo of the partial shipment note/bookmark. If you didn't received apartial note,please take a picture consisting of every item received (including envelope): (★小包を開いた形で、中身が1個しかない様子の写真をアップロード★)参照 Additional photographs(optional): (★追加したい写真があればアップロード(オプショナル)。送り状の写真でも良いでしょう★)参照 お手数をおかけしますが、是非ご教授いただけますでしょうか。 宜しくお願いいたします。



cbm51901さん ありがとうございます! 大変助かります。 「- Items missing from the order」を選択する前の画面に入力するところがあるのかも知れません。→ありませんでした。 コメントを書くところはどこにもなさそうで、この「- Items missing from the order」だけで 問い合わせをするような感じに受け取れます。 せっかく例文を書いて下さったのに・・・。 あとまた恐縮ですがご教授ください。 すみません、Missing SKU*: のところで、(Seperate with comma) という文章が抜けておりました。 SKUは商品IDになるんですが。 たとえば商品IDが3567であれば Missing SKU*: (3567,1         )(Seperate with comma) という形で入力すればよろしいのでしょうか?




  • cbm51901
  • ベストアンサー率67% (2671/3943)

Dear Customer Service, My name is ZZZZZZZZ. I had ordered 2 pieces of YYYYYYYYY (← 商品名) via Order # XXXXXXXXXX (← 注文番号). I have received the package today but it only contained 1 piece of YYYYYYYYY instead of 2. Please would you follow up on this and send me the missing 1 piece. Thank you and best regards, --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 『- Items missing from the order』 を選択して頂ければOKです。



cbm51901 さん お忙しいところどうもありがとうございました。 大変助かりました。 あと大変恐縮ですが、もう1点だけご教授ください。 『- Items missing from the order』 を選択すると下記のような 画面が出てくるのですが、 どの項目にご教授いただいた英文をアップロードすればよいでしょうか? 自分のパソコンから画像をアップロードするようなんですけれども。 Order Nuber:,Missing SKU*:の2つの項目は何を入れればよいかが分かるのですが・・・。 Order Number: (                ) Current Status: Processing. Missing SKU*: (                ) Support Documents: Photo of everything received*: (                )参照 Maximum total file size:2MB. Maximum resolution 800*600. Photo showing the front of the envelope*: (                )参照 Accepted formats: jpg,gif,png,zip,rar Photo of the partial shipment note/bookmark. If you didn't received apartial note,please take a picture consisting of every item received (including envelope): (                )参照 Additional photographs(optional): (                )参照 お手数をおかけしますが、是非ご教授いただけますでしょうか。 宜しくお願いいたします。


  • どなたか翻訳してください!

    海外のネットショッピングで商品が届かず、数ヶ月経過後、本日下記の内容のメールが届きました。 英語がまったくわかりません。翻訳と、対処方法を教えてください。よろしくお願いいたします。 This is DealExtreme and we are aware that you have a pending order 0407C1C1 which contains unshipped items. They have been either out of stock or difficult to obtain from the suppliers for a long time. Since this order has expired the reasonable delivery date and we are still unable to fulfill it completely, we have transferred the unshipped value of your order into the DX Store Credits. You may refer to the following instructions on how to use the credits. The amount of store credits we saved for your order 0407C1C1 is US$7.31. Option1: Redeem products to your new order. (Recommended) You can use the credits to redeem any product from DX. To do so, you need to contact our customer service at http://services.dealextreme.com/forms/StoreCredits.aspx and provide the following information: Order number where your store credits are coming (in your case 0407C1C1). New order number which you want us to add the redeemed product to. The SKU of the product which you would like to redeem using your store credits. Our customer service representative will add the product to your order and make it shipped right away. Option2: Get discount / Refund with your new order made within 8 weeks. You may use the store credits to get discount on your new order. To do so, you may contact our customer service at http://services.dealextreme.com/forms/StoreCredits.aspx and provide the following information: Order number where your store credits are coming, in your case, 0407C1C1. New order number where you would like to get a discount or refund with. Specific statement as to the discount / refund request of your store credits. You will receive the discount / refund within 7 working days. Please be noted that any status changes to your order will halt the processing of your refund. If you have any further questions regarding this order, you are free to contact us at http://services.dealextreme.com We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

  • 翻訳してください

    前回からの続きです。 海外サイトでの買い物の商品が届かなくやり取りをしております 翻訳してください 結局クレジットで切った金額を戻すということ? Hello Rui, Thanks for getting in touch, and I’m sorry to hear you’ve not received your order. After checking your order and confirming that you’ve not received it, I have processed an immediate refund for you. Depending on your card issuer, the money can take up to 10 working days to reflect in your account. I hope this helps, but please get back in touch if you have any further questions. All the best, Shauna

  • どなたか教えてください(*_*)

    材料を購入したのですが こんなメッセージが届きました。 どなたか教えてください、よろしくお願いします。 Please see the attached copy of your order; items marked with a star are in stock and anything arriving soon with the approx. arrival dates. Canceled items will not be shipped. For now we have your order scheduled to ship on January 23rd when 7204-A and B arrive, but we can change the date if needed.

  • 和訳をお願いします

    I would like to order few items on your website. Nevertheless I am not a user of ebay. And do not want to start to create an account on ebay. Is their any other possibilities for me to order these items ?

  • 翻訳お願い致します

    翻訳お願い致します 翻訳お願いします 【1】  THIS PRODUCT IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR SALE IN THE UNITED STATES. FOR ORDER INQUIRIES OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES PLEASE CONTACT THE DISTRIBUTOR IN YOUR RE GION.   【2】   With products for foreign and ethical markets, Polaris Research pioneers the new field of specialized, high-potency, multifunctional hair-regrowth kits.

  • 翻訳できる方、お願いいたします

    We regret to inform you that since you have purchased some items (face mask, cosmetics, gloves, etc.) cannot be shipped due to logistics shipping policy. in your order GSHMDT0000003B9, we will not send it due to the logistics. In order to allow the shipment of the remaining items for an order normally, we have cancelled the items on your order. The refund has been sent to your SHEIN wallet. The balance can be used for future purchases or transferred to your bank account. Thank you for understanding. 30 points will be sent to your SHEIN account as a compensation in 48 hours. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. 海外通販で買い物したら このようなメールが届きました どう対応したら良いか わからなくて…

  • 正確に理解したいです。和訳お願いします!

    We have received your order, we have everything in stock except the Piggy Fairy and What a Dragon activity books, I have Pretty Princess, Sprinkles and bebop’s, and The Piggy mermaid in the activity books at this time, also I do not have any Pretty in Pink mini chef aprons, I do have our new print Butterfly Bouquet , that would be a very nice replacement for the pretty in pink, please let me know if you would like to exchange those items for the items I have in stock, Thank you for your order and I will wait to hear from you, have a wonderful day.

  • 海外ショップサイトにて 至急お願いします!!

    今、全く英語がわからないのですが、海外サイトの子供服を注文しました。 それで、そのショップからメールが来ましたが英文が全く読めません。 TRENDI HI! Thank you for shopping with us. We have received your order.You can generally expect to receive notification of shipping the same or the next business day your order is placed. We try to keep our inventory updated and avoid out of stocks. If there is an item you ordered and it is out of stock you will be notified before we ship. If you have placed a PRE-ORDER or and order for items that are not yet in stock. Your order could be held until complete and then shipped. We generally only hold orders waiting for pre-ordered items if the pre-ordered items are arriving within the week. Please email if you have any questions about shipping dates. しかもメールが着た直後、この店に間違ってキャンセルしたいと英文で送ってしまったのですが、キャンセルするつもりは全くありません。 どうしたら良いでしょうか? 助けてくださいm(_ _)m

  • 急ぎでお願いします。米アマゾンの支払ができません。

    急ぎでお願いします。米アマゾンの支払ができません。 米アマゾンで支払いページまで行くと支払できず、こんなメッセージがでます。 Oops! We're sorry The Amazon.com page you tried to access can be viewed only during the checkout process. To view or change orders you've placed at Amazon.com, please visit the "Where's My Stuff?" section of Your Account. If the order contains items that haven't yet entered the shipping process, you'll be able to modify your shipping and billing information, cancel items from the order, and much more. For items ordered from sellers other than Amazon.com (items from our merchants and Marketplace sellers, such as used items and apparel), you must contact the seller to arrange for any changes or returns. You'll find these items--along with links to contact the seller--in the "Completed Orders" section of "Where's My Stuff?" in Your Account. 英語がわからないためどういう意味でしょうか。 また解決するにはどうすればよいのでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。

  • アメリカアマゾンでの購入について

    アメリカアマゾンで商品を購入したらThank you for contacting us at Amazon.com. We received your fax, however it did not contain the information required to process your order. As previously indicated, please fax us a copy of a recent credit card *billing statement* to 206-266-1838 (from within the US) or 001-206-266-1838 (internationally) for the credit card presented for your order(s). The statement should include the following information: * The name on the account * The billing address on the account * The billing telephone number on the account To ensure that your fax is processed in the most timely manner, please be sure it includes the email address used when placing your order, and/or the order number you received in your email confirmation. Please note that your Amazon.com account and order will remain on hold pending receipt of this fax. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and appreciate your patience with our security measures. Feel free to contact us should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your interest in shopping at Amazon.com. とメールが届いたのですが何をFAXで送ればいいかわかりません。 分かる方、回答お願いします