アメリカアマゾンで商品を購入したらThank you for contacting us at Amazon.com. We received your fax, however it did not contain the information required to process your order.
アメリカアマゾンで商品を購入したらThank you for contacting us at Amazon.com.
We received your fax, however it did not contain the information required to process your order.
As previously indicated, please fax us a copy of a recent credit card *billing statement* to 206-266-1838 (from within the US) or 001-206-266-1838 (internationally) for the credit card presented for your order(s). The statement should include the following information:
* The name on the account
* The billing address on the account
* The billing telephone number on the account
To ensure that your fax is processed in the most timely manner, please be sure it includes the email address used when placing your order, and/or the order number you received in your email confirmation.
Please note that your Amazon.com account and order will remain on hold pending receipt of this fax. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you and appreciate your patience with our security measures.
Feel free to contact us should you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your interest in shopping at Amazon.com.