• ベストアンサー

penalities 訳

As time was running out, the chairman asked the penalties to be succinct with their closing comments. の和訳ができません。議長がいて、刑罰を簡潔にすべきだと言っているのでしょうか? それなら、最後の with 以下がどう関係するのかがわかりません。


  • ベストアンサー
  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)

   #1です。補足です。    急用が出来て急いで書いたので 「 もう時間がないので、議長は最終弁論も罪状も簡潔に、と要請した。」としましたが、法廷では裁判官がいて議長は居ないので「最終弁論」も不適当でした。     察するに議長が、「どういう罰が課せられるか」の結びの言葉を、時間が無いから、簡単明瞭、手短かに頼む、と要請した、と言うことだと思います。 この場合の with は「~に関して」 という意味で「刑罰の結びの言葉に関して簡潔に、、、」ということでしょう。





その他の回答 (3)

  • Nannette
  • ベストアンサー率26% (1499/5698)

たしかに、なにか不思議なシチュエーションに思えるフレーズですし、前後の経緯が分かりませんので的確な説明は難しいですが… 「時間がもはや超過していたため、議長は違反者たち?に、最終の申し開きについては手短にするよう求めた」 “As time was running out,“……これは説明不要でしょう。 主語は“the chairman“ で当然一人(単数) そして“the chairman”が“ask”した相手は “the penalties”、つまり違反者たち(複数) さらに“the chairman”が“ask”したことは “to be succinct”、つまり、手短に…とか “with their closing comments”の“with”は「…として、…については」といった使われ方 “their”は「彼ら」、つまり“the penalties”(複数) “closing comments”は、ストーリー次第ですが「締めの言葉、最後の申し開き」ぐらいでしょうか

  • metzner
  • ベストアンサー率60% (69/114)

the chairman が複数形の間違いではありませんか? もしくはtheir closing comments が his or her closing comments の間違いか? それなら「閉会の言葉と共に」で意味が通じるのですが。。

  • SPS700
  • ベストアンサー率46% (15295/33014)




  • 分詞の付帯状況に「ついて

    今、文法を復習しようと参考書をやっているのですが分詞の付帯状況が説明を読んでもいまいち納得できません。 詳しく書くと()をうめる問題で  1番 He got out of the car with the engine (running).  2番 He was sitting in the chair with his eyes (closed). のようになるらしいのですが、なぜrunningでrunでないのか? closedでclosingではいけないのかがわかりません。 和訳してもピンとこないのです。 解説では直前の(代)名詞と文章を作ってみて能動ならingで受動ならedと書かれていたのですが、the engineとhis eyesの間のどこに能動と受動を分ける差があるのが理解できません。つまりこういうことです。 The engine was running.○ The engine was run.× His eyes were closing.×  His eyes were closed.○ がわかりません。 この文法書も三週目なのですが未だに悩み続けています。 初歩的ですがどうか教えて下さるとうれしいです。

  • この訳なんですけど・・お願いします。

    Mr.President, before I left Tuvalu, my grandchildren asked me why I was coming to Kyoto and whether I would be bringing back any presents for their Christmas. ↑の文を訳したんですけど、...Kyoto andまでは訳せるんですけど、その後のbring backあたりがよく分かりません。 どなたかお願いします。 できれば文法的な解説もしていただければありがたいです。

  • 『Time to wind thing up』

    来年受験の者です。よろしくおねがいします。 『The chairman cut me off,saying,“Time to wind things up.Let's take a vote”』 和訳は『議長は私の話を遮って、「話し合いはここまでにして決を採りましょう。」といった。』です。 “Time to wind thing Up”の部分について質問させていただきます。 どうしてこのような和訳になるのかわかりません。特にここでのtoの役割?用法?がさっぱりわかりません。 Wind~Upで~を終わにする。ですが、なぜ~に「things」が入るかもわかりません。 よろしくおねがいします。

  • 日本語訳を! 4-(7)

    お願いします。  The first real breakthrough came from an Englishman named Thomas Young. By the time Young was 2, he was reading. By the time he was 7, he was fluent in 3 languages. By the time he was 14, he was fluent in 12 languages. Young was sure he would be the first to crack the code. He discovered that the hieroglyphs for the 13-year-old Pharaoh Ptolemy's name were repeated six times inside little ovals that the French called cartouches, because they looked like the paper rolls, or cartouches, that the French stored their gunpowder in for their muskets. Young worked on the demotic lines and was able to figure out many words, but the hieroglyphs stumped him. It took another young genius, building on Young's work―a man named Jean Francois Champollion―to finally translate the entire Rosetta Stone.  A simple thank-you note written by grateful priests turned out to be the key that opened the Egyptian past for modern scholars. No longer would scholars have to settle for the Greek, Roman, or Hebrew version of Egypt's history. Egypt's own stories could now come to life. Maybe there is magic in the written word after all. To be on the safe side, let's not write the word for that hairy, scary thing that rhymes with "feast.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします A favorite story has Egypt's enemies running in a frenzied retreat from hordes of cats. Cats were loved so much that for a time it was a crime to kill one. The penalty for killing a cat―even by accident―was death. (15) The ancient Egyptian word for dog also comes from the sound it makes―iwiw. But dogs were never revered like cats. It was an insult to be called "the pharaoh's dogs," and there are no images of a dog being petted. Still, leather collars marked with their names such as Brave One, Reliable, and Good Herdsman, prove that their nwners valued them. (Except for that dog named "Useless"?)

  • 和訳The last...関係詞節?

    The last thing they wanted was for the newspaper to find out that were soon to be married. They had not even told their friends or relatives about it. 彼らが決して望まないことは、すぐに結婚するだろうことを見つけだす新聞に賛成した。 彼らは結婚について彼らの友達や親せきにさえ話していなかった。 和訳がわかりません。がんばって上記のように訳してみましたが、意味が通じません。 自然な和訳と、どのように文法を解釈するかもおしえてください。 was forは賛成するですか?

  • 訳をよろしくお願いします

    My “aunt Rhonda,” my mom’s best friend who lives several states away, has recently come out as an avid member of the alt-right movement, along with the rest of her family. This was shocking, considering they seemed to be otherwise for years. considering they seemed to be otherwiseの訳をよろしくお願いします

  • 日本語訳をお願いいたします。

    The infantry was to approach to within 150 meters and wait for the barrage to end. Angelov, however, felt that intelligence on the Romanian positions was insufficient and that the Bulgarian batteries needed better positioning, so he asked that the attack be postponed for one day. In addition, communication with von Hammerstein's group was weak, and the two German minenwerfer companies that were crucial for the advance in that sector needed more time to position themselves. This convinced general Kiselov to delay the attack.

  • 日本語訳を!

    お願いします (4) The dwarf-god Bes was a welcome sight to woman in labor. Bes fought off evil spirits that might threaten her or her body. During the Middle Kingdom, Bes's likeness might be carved onto the boomerang-shaped magic wand women often placed on their stomachs while giving birth. During the New Kingdom, Bes's picture might be painted on the birth house wall. Childbirth was dangerous to both mother and baby, so divine help from any of the gods associated with newborns was sought out, particularly from the chief god of newborns―the pregnant hippo-goddess, Taweret. (5) Scholars believe one out of every two or three newborns died, but they can only estimate because many newborns did not have their own burial. If a mother and baby both died in childbirth, they would be buried together. Babies who died soon after birth might be placed in clay pots and buried under the home, and those who never lived long enough to be named might be thrown into the Nile to the crocodiles. Mothers anxiourly watched their babies for danger signs. With predictions such as, "If the child made a sound like the creaking of the pine trees, or turned his face downward, he would die," it's no wonder they were anxious. (6) Parents named their children quickly. A child without a name was doomed to the "second death"―complete erasure―no life after death. Mothers wasted no time announcing their newborn's mame. Some names were long―Hekamaatreemperkhons. And some names were short―Ti. Some names described the child―Nefertiti, the Beautiful Woman Has Come. Some names connected the child with one of the gods―Tutankhamen, the Living Image of Amun. And some names were what the mother cried out when she gave birth―Nefret, pretty.

  • 日本語訳お願いします。

    When the Lord Townshend was Minister of State,a brother of his was content to be a City merchant ; and the time that the earl of Oxford governed Great Britain ,his younger brother was no more than a factor in Alleppo, where he chose to live, and where he died. This custom, which begins, however, to be laid aside, appear monstrous to Germans, vainly puffed up with their extraction. These think it morally impossible that the son of an English peer should be no more than a rich and powerful citizen, for all are princes in Germany. 英語の得意な方、日本語訳よろしくお願いします。