• 締切済み

市場がhighly concentratedとは?


  • africaa
  • ベストアンサー率33% (6/18)

占められているという部分に訳出されていると思います。 おそらく訳は、 「その市場は全輸入の約75%を供給するA・B社にかなり集中している」 とでもするといいと思います。


  • この英文の意味を教えてください!

    この英文の意味を教えてください! "When importing goods, it's also important for a company to know exactly what it can sell in Canada. If a company does insufficient research and the merchandise it imports is not of the quality expected in the Canadian market, importers may be saddled with the cost of the unsaleable merchandise."

  • 計算問題を教えて下さい。

    以下の正しい計算式が理解できません。 A company enters into an agreement with a firm who will factor the company's accounts receivable. The factor agrees to buy the company's receivables, which average $100,000 per month and have an average collection period of 30 days. The factor will advance up to 80 percent of the face value of receivables at an annual rate of 10 percent and charge a fee of 2 percent on all receivables purchased. The controller of the company estimates that the company would save $18,000 in collection expenses over the year. Fees and interest are not deducted in advance. Assuming a 360-day year, what is the annual cost of financing? (私が考えた計算式) $100,000 ×12ケ月×80%×10%+$100,000×12ケ月×2%=120,000 $120,000-$18,000=$102,000 $102,000/($100,000×12ケ月×80%)=10.6% (正解) $100,000 ×80%×10%+$100,000×12×2%=32,000 $32,000-$18,000=$14,000 $14,000/$80,000=17.5%

  • 英文和訳のお願い

    The Silver Bull Market Has A Long Way To Go. "The bull market in silver has a long way to go." 上の2つの文はまったく同じ意味だと思っているのですが、和訳をお願いします。 肝心な点は、「銀の強気市場は”まだまだこれから長く続くよ”」、なのか、それとも、 「銀の強気市場が来るのは”まだまだこれから先が遠いよ”」なのか、どちらなのか?です。 銀は今、既にじゅうぶん強気市場だと言えるほどのマーケットなのです。しかし、この英文は、 「さらに (本物の)強気市場はまだ先だよ」と言っているのか、それとも、「(今の)強気市場は、 これから長ーく続くよ」と言いたいのか、教えてください。

  • by a sharp 12 percentのa

    括弧の使い方の説明であった例文です The stock market dropped sharply (by 12 percent) in only week. The stock market dropped by a sharp 12 percent in only week. 後の括弧を使わない例の 前置詞の目的語“12 percent"に冠詞”a"がついたのはなぜでしょう?

  • with a company's products

    こういう英文を見つけました。 Whenever there is a problem with a company's products, ~ これはwith company's productsか with a company's productになるべきではないでしょうか? それともこのaはcompanyについてるのでしょうか? 教えてください。

  • 英文の邦訳

    Furthermore, all but two US firms for which Blackrock is a 5 percent shareholder also have Vanguard as a 5 percent shareholder (and vice versa), with these two passive managers thus owning 10–15 percent of more than half of America’s largest firms. 上記英文中,withより前の文章の意味内容が上手く掴めません。邦訳をお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    以下の文の和訳をお願いします。 While Britain is the company’s biggest individual market, 70 percent of its business comes from other European Union countries, with clients like the German airline Lufthansa and the Vatican. (Z-Card produced a foldout brochure of tourist information for the Vatican Library.) The likelihood that a Briton could have secured the Vatican contract, the company’s managing director, Liz Love, said would have been “absolutely zilch.”

  • It would also include a stake in

    A combined company, in which BHP shareholders would own about 56 percent, would control more than a third of the world’s iron-ore market. It would also include a stake in the world’s largest copper mine, Australia’s largest underground mine and resources including oil, natural gas, aluminum, diamonds, uranium, gold, nickel and silver around the world. A combined companyはAll stocks of a combined companyのことも示すようですが、そうだとするとずいぶん紛らわしいです。会社イコール金&株式という図式でしょうか。そしてIt would also include a stakeのitはA combined companyのことでよろしいですよね。Includeという動詞が最初引っかかりましたが。 長いのですが一応こちらです。 http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/07/business/worldbusiness/07mine.html?_r=1&oref=slogin&ref=business&pagewanted=print

  • 一度、自分で訳してみたので、添削お願いします。

    自分で、訳してみましたので、添削・アドバイス宜しくお願いします。 for example, it includes large elements of more than one job, or it lacks something when compared with the simple job description in the wage data. 例として、複数の職務に大きな要素が含まれているか、職務内容がおおざっぱすぎて賃金データを比較しようとしても足りない。 in such a care, the market data for the wages should be reviewed keeping in mind other jobs in our company. 賃金の市場データが当社において他の職務を見直すべきである。 in this way, all the in-company jobs will ultimately be associated with market wage data. 全ての社内の職務は、最終的に市場賃金データに関連付けされる。

  • 変なメールが毎日5通くらい届きます

    中身ははメッセージカードのような色付の囲いの中に英文が10行ほど。 その後ろに10行~30行ほどの英文が続きます。 会社で使ってるパソコンなんですが大丈夫でしょうか? 届いたうちでも短かったものを下に載せます。(載せていいのかしら・・) 語学力ないので、さっぱり読めません。どうゆう内容なんでしょう? "Fiat has plans to introduce new models in India in the coming time, as the company works on a revival strategy in the market," adding that it will make investments for this. 6 litre Duratec petrol engine, is a highly practical, compact and powerful vehicle combining solidity, robustness and agility. today announced they have agreed to expand the scope of their business collaboration. 17 crore and has all the features of a racing car. With this launch, Ford will introduce its proprietary Direct Common Rail injection technology in India. 17 crore and has all the features of a racing car. The vehicle, if marketed, will be introduced through the fully-built import route