• ベストアンサー



  • ベストアンサー
  • matatabil
  • ベストアンサー率75% (9/12)

It was months before I found~ 訳 私が彼女を誤解していたことに気づいたのは、数ヶ月前のことだった ですね。


  • 英語並び替え

    A new wave of visual arts(into/in/the/aeing/decade/came/last) of this century. (I/before/war/months/found/it)out that I had misunderstood her. Helen wondered(like/she/her hair/would/look/what/with)cut short. 並び替えお願いします。

  • すでに亡くなっていることを知った。という文

    ある人を探していて、彼は何週間前にもうすでに亡くなっていることを知ったというような表現をしたい場合、 i found out he had been dead in an accidentにするべきか、i found out that he was died in an accident,それとも、i found out that he was dead in an accidentにするか迷っています。回答おねがいします。

  • VOA 

    When she started working in the 1970s, Campbell found it was more difficult to compete for positions and succeed. When she was turned down for a position, she was told the woman who had the position before did not work out and that no other woman would be hired in her place. よく分からないのは二つ目のwhen以下です。 彼女は役職に就く事を断られた?とはどういう意味でしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • a few months prior

    Then I found out from one of his friends that he had a long-term girlfriend of five years who had broken up with him just a few months prior. a few months priorはa few months agoと言うのとどう違うのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • 【英語・準動詞】宿題

    英語の宿題で、わからないとこを教えて下さいっ m(_ _)m 1.(カッコ)に適切な語を入れてください (1)「その子犬は一匹で残されるのが好きではない。」 The puppy doesn't like ( )( )alone. (2)「いいアパートが見つかったことが、私たちはうれしい。」 We are happy at ( ) ( )a good apartment. 2.各組がほぼ同じ内容になるようにお願いします。 (1)●It seemed that she had a cold When I saw her. ■She ( )( )( ) a cold When I saw her. (2)●It seemed that the bus had left before I got there. ■The bus ( )( )( ) ( ) before I got there. 以上です!

  • out of touch

    I overheard my older daughter telling her sister about her experience during her semester abroad—her sexual experience. She slept with nine different men, one in each country she visited. I left before I could hear more. I never thought that I was a prude, but it was unsettling to hear my baby girl has had more sex partners in a year than I’ve had in my life. I am worried about her behavior and why she would be telling this to her 16-year-old sister. My daughter has a 4.0 GPA, volunteers, and is usually a good person. Am I I overheard my older daughter telling her sister about her experience during her semester abroad—her sexual experience. She slept with nine different men, one in each country she visited. I left before I could hear more. I never thought that I was a prude, but it was unsettling to hear my baby girl has had more sex partners in a year than I’ve had in my life. I am worried about her behavior and why she would be telling this to her 16-year-old sister. My daughter has a 4.0 GPA, volunteers, and is usually a good person. Am I out of touch? ここでのout of touchはどのような意味でしょうか?辞書にそれらしき意味がないのですが・・よろしくお願いします

  • ほぼ同じ意味の文章になるようにしてください!!

    1. I had lunch before I went out. I went out [ ] I had lunch. 2. This is a bag which was made by my sister. This is a bag [ ] [ ] my sister. 3. Is that the girl ? You were talking about her. Is that the girl [ ] [ ] talking [ ]. 4. I went to a bookstore and bought his book. I went to a bookstore [ ]buy his book. [ ]の中に入る単語は何ですか?全然分かりません!!  誰か教えてください!

  • had beenについて

    It took me years to figure out that I had been adopted. : 自分が養子だと知ったのは何年もたってからだった。 https://eow.alc.co.jp/search?q=figure+out I had been adopted.はI was adopted.ではいけないのでしょうか?なぜhad beenなのでしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • betterの連発!?

    海外ドラマフレンズより I just liked it better before it was better... がわかりません。 itとbetterを具体的に説明して頂けたら幸いです。 レイチェルのイタリア人の彼がフィービーの務めるマッサージ店に来て、マッサージ中にフィービーのお尻をさわりました。このことをフィービーがレイチェルに言いました。 レイチェルはそれを聞いて、彼をボロクソに言いましたが、怒りが落ち着いた後の会話です。 I just liked it better before it was better... がわかりません。 何卒解読お願いいたします。 PHOEBE: Should I not have told you? RACHEL: No, no, trust, me, it's, it's, it's much better that I know. Uh, I just liked it better before it was better... [Phoebe scoots her chair over to Rachel and hugs her]

  • findの使い方

    「Oが~とわかる」という意味のfindについて教えてください。 例えば,携帯か何かの話題で,便利だと思ったと言うとき, 1.I found it useful. となると思いますが, 2.I found it was useful. 3.I found that it was useful. は間違いと思ってよいのでしょうか。 1.は目的語+補語が続き,2.3.はthat節が続くという違いですが,例えば, I found him a kind man.=I found (that) he was a kind man. は成り立ちますよね。 補語が名詞か形容詞で左右されるのであれば,主語がit以外の場合,例えば, I find the question easy. のようなものも,上の2.3.のthat節パターンは間違いということになるでしょうか。 よろしくお願いします。