• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:和訳お願いいたします)



  • ベストアンサー
  • sayshe
  • ベストアンサー率77% (4555/5904)

あなた様の腕時計について終日、郵便局と交渉しておりました。 オーストラリア郵便局は正式な問い合わせを申請しました、しかし、結果の判明には8週間かかる可能性があります。 あなた様にそれほどの期間お待ち願うことを期待する訳には参りませんので、唯一の公正な対処法は、今回は全額あなた様に返金することだと考えております。 腕時計が実際に届いた場合、当方までお知らせ願えませんでしょうか、また、包装を保存願えませんでしょうか? 包装に残っている切手あるいは消印の写真をお撮り願えるならば、当方はこちらの郵便局にそれらを提示することができます。 郵便局はあなた様の腕時計の所在確認ができるでしょうし、未配達になっていてもあなた様に届くか当方に戻るかどちらかのはずです、しかしこれにもしばらく時間がかかりそうです。 心よりお詫び申し上げます。 当方といたしましては、この様な問題が起こらないように、追跡可能登録便にするための余分な送料も払っておりましたが、それにもかかわらず、このような事態が発生しました。 返金を直ちにお送りいたします。 ご了承のほど、どうかお願い申し上げます。 *だいたい以上のような文面ではないかと思いますが、参考になればと思います。





  • 歌詞の和訳をお願いします

    No5816510の質問者です。和訳をお願いしたいのを英訳と間違えて書きましたので再びお願いします。 The temptationsの昔の歌の一部ですが和訳お願いします。 You've got a smile so bright, you know you could have been a candle I'm holding you so tight, you know you could have been a handle The way you swept me off my feet, you know you could have been a broom. The way you smell so sweet, you know you could have been some perfume. Well, you could have been anything that you wanted to And I can tell, the way you do the things you do. ちなみにこれはholding youってやっぱり男から女性への歌ですよね?

  • 和訳お願いいたします。

    They were very interested to know how your trip went? And my mother said that your are very "kawaii so" because it has not been so cold in more than 100 years. Come to think of it ... you're really not very fortunate. In summer you visited Osaka and it hasn't been so warm for 100+ years. And when you visit Belgium in winter ... it hasn't been so cold for more then 100 years. You really go through cold and heat to see me ... I'm so happy to know you ... Of course you can stay in "our" hotel room as much and as long you want. . I come to Tokyo for you. If you ask me about my top 5 things I want to do when I'm in Tokyo,

  • 和訳して下さい。

    Your account has been blocked for infringing the Terms&Conditions and the device has been removed. It won't be unblocked, if you are not satisfied you can get a refund and find another app that better suits your needs. If you're interested let me know  the Google order number/ 和訳で何と言ってるのでしょうか。宜しくお願いします。

  • 和訳をお願いします

    it looks like the paket stucks on customs, so can you tell me please, have write on the paket gift and is there an invoice on or in the the paket? maybee you can send me an invoice via mail over 43 dollar so i can fax it to customs and they send it to me, so i must not drive 50 km and pay 19% tax

  • 英文の和訳

    和訳をしていただけるかた のみで、お願いできますでしょうか? 定型文となりますので 抽象的だと思いますが どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 Now sadly we are near the end of our time together. I have enjoyed making your reading. Now I must end my work on your destiny. I know this reading has been thought provoking for you and I hope it has been inspiring. I can give you much more information from your chart, for this has all been really just an outline, a mere sketch. The secrets of the stars are endless but time is limited in the each reading because they take so long to do. You can have a further Soul Mate reading done for more detail if you wish, within its pages I will tell you where you will meet up, I can add to the physical description, tell you more about his background It is called "Soul Mate two". It will fill in this sketch with greater detail, so that like a figure emerging from the mist you can see him more clearly in your mind. It will bring you closer to your future love.

  • 和訳をお願いしたいです・・・

    先日ハマった曲です 和訳をしていただけたら嬉しいです(;_;) 歌詞: Day by day We have lost our edge Don’t you know ? Forgotten is the life we led Now it seems You don’t care what the risk is The peaceful times have made us blind Can’t look back They will not come back Can’t be afraid It’s time after time Once again i’m hiding in my room The peaceful times have made us blind So you can’t fly if you never try You told me… Oh, long ago But you left the wall Out side the gate So more than ever, it’s real It was like a nightmare It’s painful for me Because nobody wants to die too fast Remember the day of grief Now it’s strange for me I could see your face I could hear your voice Remember the day we met It’s painful for me Because nobody wants to die too fast Remember a day we dreamt It’s painful for me I could see your face I could hear your voice Song for reluctant heroes Oh Give me you strength Our life is so short Song for reluctant heroes I wanna be brave like you From my heart Song for reluctant heroes Oh Give me you strength Our life is so short Song for reluctant heroes I wanna be brave like you Can’t look back They will not come back Can’t be afraid It’s time after time Once again I’m hiding in my room The peaceful times have made us blind So you can’t fly if you never try You told me… Oh, long ago But you left the wall Out side the gate Out side the gate So more than ever, it’s real It was like a nightmare It’s painful for me Because nobody wants to die too fast Remember the day of grief Now it’s strange for me I could see your face I could hear your voice Remember the day we met It’s painful for me Because nobody wants to die too fast Remember a day we dreamt It’s painful for me I could see your face I could hear your voice It was like a nightmare It’s painful for me Because nobody wants to die too fast Remember the day of grief Now it’s strange for me I could see your face I could hear your voice Remember the day we met It’s painful for me Because nobody wants to die too fast Remember a day we dreamt It’s painful for me I could see your face I could hear your voice

  • 和訳をお願い致します。

    アメリカの友人から頂いたメールの一部です。 (そのままコピーして貼りつけました。) 全体的に読んでみて大体はわかるのですが、的確にはわからない部分が多々あります。お手数をお掛けしますが和訳の方宜しくお願い致します。 How can we understand each other when you do not tell me everything that your feeling? What did I say to you that day that offended you? I can not think of ever wanting to hurt you with my words. If you told me what was it I could have made it right. I would have apologized if I was wrong, and maybe I was not wrong. Maybe you just did not understand what I was saying. I would have explained to you what I actually meant. I just want you not to blame language on our problems. If two people want to be together nothing could come in there way. It is up to you to decide where we stand, like it has always been.

  • どなたか英語を日本語に翻訳してください!パート2

    Could I add 2 further questions to the below please: Who would you most like to work for? What do you feel has been your greatest architectural achievement so far? Looking forward to your reply! It would be amazing if you could please send me a reply by tomorrow evening.

  • 和訳お願いします

    The place where we and up was a new experiences for me, they have some interesting tv channels there;) looks like Tokyo has a lot to discover. I could not sleep so I went home. I hope you enjoy it too:) お手数ですが、よろしくお願いします。

  • 和訳教えてください

    (1つ目です) I don\'t recommend it, but you could so eat out of your downstairs toilet. (偉そうに?)勧告する気はないが、トイレから出て食べて??? この位置にあるsoは初めて見たので 強調もしくは、何か省略されてるのかと考えてみたのですが・・・ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- (2つ目です) I don\'t have to do anything. They just have to think I might. 私は何もしなくていい 彼らが(私の考えているかもしれないことを)考えざるを得ない??? thinkの後にthat、mightの後にthinkが省略されてるのかと 考えてみたのですが・・・ 乱雑な質問文で申し訳ありません よろしくお願いします