
  • 前回の翻訳が不正確で、フォーラムも頼りにならないため、再度英語に詳しい方にお願いします。
  • スタッフからの連絡があり、あなたの行動が必要です。倉庫と連絡を取り、再配送可能なケーブルがあるか確認しました。数日待ってください。
  • 翻訳が不正確で困っています。もう一度英語に詳しい方に翻訳していただけませんか?
  • ベストアンサー


英語に詳しい方再度お願いします。 前回http://okwave.jp/qa/q5992601.html 製造者もわからず(ページに載ってない)フォーラムもあてにならず・・・ 再度翻訳お願いします。 A staff has responded to your request. And your action is required. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- hi kindly inform you that we have contacted with the warehouse to see if there is any cable can be reshiped to you .so please wait with more a few days. have a nice day! betty

  • DVD2
  • お礼率91% (136/148)
  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数2


  • ベストアンサー
  • bakansky
  • ベストアンサー率48% (3502/7245)

あなたに送ることのできるケーブルの在庫がないかどうか問い合わせ中。(結果が分るまで)数日お待ち下さい。 といった趣旨の文だと思いますが・・・



返事遅れてすみません。 今日無事足りなかったパーツが来ました。 ありがとうございました。


  • 英語の翻訳をお願いします!

    下記の文章を日本語へ翻訳して下さい! 英語力がなく困っています・・・。 宜しくお願いします! *************************************** I have cc'd Alyssa Traube on this email, for days that Pema is not in the shop. To answer your questions, the red price is the new standard price for those garments. This means you will get an ADDITIONAL 40 percent OFF that price. I will have Alyssa contact you regarding the SNOW items you've asked about. Is it possible to schedule a day for you to come into our shop to personally walk the warehouse?

  • 英文の意味を教えて下さい。

    アメリカのネットショップで小物を購入しようと思っています。いろいろと質問をしたら返事がきました。なんとなくはわかりましたが詳しい方意味を教えてくれませんか?お願いします。 thank you for contacting us. We kindly inform you that your enquiry has been forwarded to the responsible department. You will be contacted in case of interest. Do not hesitate to contact us for any further information. With best regards,

  • ネイティブの英語。訳せる方。

    これらの文がややこしくてうまく、訳せません。 訳せる方、お願いします。 ちなみに相手はネイティブアメリカンです。 (1)Not with how you've been acting lately. (2)Is this too much to deal with? (3)You were handling things amazing for a long time. But lately you have been acting weird. It's not just me that matters. If you aren't happy with this than you need to tell me. (4)If you aren't happy with being in a long distance relationship. If it is too much to handle. (5)Yes I'm happy to be with you.It's just the last couple of days you don't really talk a lot and then today when I can't talk.

  • 再度英語の質問です。

    People use them up.のthemは、休暇のことでしょうか。upがついているのはどうしてでしょうか。 The ones that have not used are leftover vacation days.は、使われなかった休暇は、繰越休暇になりますという意味でしょうか。carry-overとかついていないので、そこまで言及しているのかどうかわかりません。よろしくお願いします。 ↓ こんにちは。この一文についての質問をしたところ ‘One in five has leftover vacation days.’ このような返事がありました。 In your example with vacation days, it is referring to the consumption of vacation days. People use them up. The ones that have not used are leftover vacation days.

  • 英語の質問がうまく訳せません

    英語の質問されたのですが、うまく訳せません。 わかる方よろしくおねがいします。 You enter a warehouse. Their is ittle light, but you are able to find you way around. The sound of music draws you to corner of the warehouse. The are FIVE GHOUL CLOWNS, playing a dancing video game. The have razor sharp teeth and scary weapons. Magic can not afect them, They sense your presence and turn facing you. The run to you to attack. Time to fight! What character would you want to be to defeat them and how would you handle the situation? If you had to be chained with a character for one year, what would be the character and what would you do? You can have dinner with your favorite character. And at this dinner you may ask one question. Who woud be the character and what would be your one question? What's number 1 on your bucket list? (Something you want to do before you leave the planet). What advice would you give to people getting started in ××? ××は趣味の内容です

  • 英語

    つぎの文和訳してください When you travel alone,you have thrilling experience and chance to meet all kinds of people. Deciding on each day's plan that very day is like living in a story without anyplot. If you miss your bus and take another,your life will take a different turn. I have learned from this journey that chance encounters with people are an important part of life.

  • 英語のメールのやり取りですが、間違っていたのでしょうが?

    スニーカーの買うためアメリカの業者とやり取りをしました。 Thank you for your email. We appreciate you getting back to us and are happy to hear that you'd like to proceed with your order. Since you have authorized the shipping charges, verified your delivery address and your delivery phone number, you can count on us to process your order immediately. Your items should leave our warehouse within the next 1-2 business days and should be in your hands within the next 7-10 business days. You can also expect to receive another email along with a tracking number once your order has left our warehouse. Just a friendly reminder that duties & taxes are due when your package arrives. We are grateful for your order, and please do not hesitate to let us know if you need anything else. とのメールが届いたので、私としては メールを受け取りました。送料等を承諾してありがとう。 1、2日の内に発送して、1週間ぐらいで届くよとのメールと理解し このメールには返信しませんでした。 すると3日してから、 Thank you for shopping with us! You’ll be thrilled to know that the awesome new running gear you just ordered is being hand-picked for you right now… To confirm your purchase, the items you selected are listed below with our anticipated ship-to-you dates: Item: Mens New Balance M 998 GR Classic Running Shoe Size: 9 D Status: CANCELLED Count on receiving an email from us with your tracking information as soon as your package(s) has been shipped. You’ll be able to easily track your package(s) all the way to your door. Thanks again for shopping with us. You’re going to feel great! Warmest regards, というメールが届いてしまいました。 これはキャンセルされてしまったということでしょうか? 英語がわからなくて海外通販をするというの間違っているのかもしれまんが なぜ キャンセルされたのでしょうか? 欲しいモノなので買うことはもう出来ないでしょうか? というような相手に送るメールの英文を教えていただきたいと思います。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英語が得意な方、和訳お願いします!

    英語が得意な方、和訳して下さると助かります。 baby in a few more days we get to see each other. i know how it is to have hard times and how important it is to have a great support system so you wont let it slow you down or bring your feelings down. i know your friends are there for you when you need them but there are situations where you need to handle on your own. i want to always learn how to change your mind and help your feel positive in your life. i want you to feel like you are growing all the time. i know that what is not growing is dying and when you feel like that you can't help but wonder what is the meaning of your life? when you feel like you are growing, you never want to die; you just want to live forever. feel like yelling out "i love my life" . that is what i hope i could be for you. make you feel and scream out " i love me life". i wont give up on you! i just want you to know that! with or without me i only want you to be happy!!! 長文でお手数おかけしますが、宜しくお願いします。。

  • 英語の意味を教えてください

    海外のレストランをネットで予約したのですが・・・ これはどういう意味なのでしょうか? 川沿いの席を希望したのですが・・・・ We will also like to inform you that your reservation will be hold for 15 minutes. Sorry for any inconvenience cause and thanks for your kind understanding. I am so sorry to inform you that we are unable to take in the reservation by the river due to unpredictable weather and overwhelming request form guest, however if there is any table available by the river when you arrive, we will try our best to arrange for you and your guest. Kindly keep us informed at your earliest convenience, so we can process your reservation. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to let us know, and we would be most happy to assist you. We look forward to serving you soon.

  • 英語が得意な方お願いします。

    英語学習を始めたばかりのものです。次の英文の( )に当てはまる語句を教えて下さい (1)昇格に関する連絡 Congratulations on your recent (1.promotion/2.digression/3.motivation/4.proclamation) to Store Manager at the Shinjuku branch. I know how hard you have worked to promote sales at our Osaka branch , and I feel that management is very wise in (1.made/2.having made/3.have made/4.to make) this choice. (2)退職に関する連絡  It is with deep refret that we acept your(1.retirement/ 2.remembrance/ 3.resignation/ 4.remittance) as section chief of the production depart ment. We can understand the demands that this position has placed on you and appreciate the fine (1.contribution/ 2.continuation/ 3.combustion/4.combination) yu have made as team leader. (3)支払い未納に関する連絡 This letter is to inform you that we have not yet (1.accepted/2.received/3.balanced/4.made) payment of $450.50 for invoicd #06712 due on August 20th . I have enclosed a full statement of you account as of September 1st. If payment has already been sent , please (1.regret/ 2.reconsider/3.disregard/4.orward) this letter. If you have any questions about your account , please do not hesitate to contact us.