• ベストアンサー


つぎの文和訳してください When you travel alone,you have thrilling experience and chance to meet all kinds of people. Deciding on each day's plan that very day is like living in a story without anyplot. If you miss your bus and take another,your life will take a different turn. I have learned from this journey that chance encounters with people are an important part of life.

  • 英語
  • 回答数1
  • ありがとう数0


  • ベストアンサー
  • marbleshit
  • ベストアンサー率49% (5033/10253)

一人旅ってのは粋なもの。どんな人と巡り会うのかドキドキしちゃう。 今日は何をしようかと思い巡らせ、その通りにするなんて、 まるで筋書きの無いドラマの主人公を演じているよう。 バスに乗り遅れたなら一本待てばいい。 それで新たな人生が開けることだってある。 私がこの旅で知り得た一番大事なこと、 人との出会いこそが人生の宝なんだってこと。


  • 英語の和訳をお願いします

    Hello my friend...naoyuki....Soon its CHRISTmas!!! MERRYMERRYMERRY CHRISTMAS...!!!  How are you...?Hope everything is under control...,your health,family bonding,your mother, financial matter and of course your job...year 2011 is almost gonna end and year 2012 is soon to welcome...,,have you find your future wife?hhahaha...,soon your age will be no more in calendar...,and me too...hahaha....My hope that we will meet some other day is still in my heart.I have faith that God shall make it one day,that I shall see you again my friend.By the way im sorry that it takes me so long to answer your e-mail....,its only today that i drop by here in an internet cafe'.....nevertheless here in my mind,here in my heart you are always keep and never forget.Because you are my very friend.Take care always your health and may the God of heaven and earth Bless you in all aspect of your life... Its me...Your very friend....Froi

  • 英語の和訳

    だれかこの英語の訳を教えてください。 The purpose of your report is to show that you have studied the textbook. Below you can see information about 5 different situations. For each situation,read the Information and then write a conversation, that you think the people (sometimes you are one of them) might have in that situation. Do the same for all of the situations. You must write 5 conversations in all. Each conversation must be 80~100 words long (no more,no less). In each conversation that you write you must use 3 phrases of expressions taken from your textbook. Please underline the phrases that you use and write the textbook page number above your writing.

  • "take the ride of one's life"の意味は?

    子供向けのお話なのですが、少年がケンカ相手に飛びかかっていく場面で、"He hollered as he took the ride of his life"という文がありました。"take the ride of one's life"って、どういう意味なのでしょう? インターネットで検索すると、下記のような、熱気球やジェットボートの体験を勧める文に使われているので、ありふれた言回しだと思いますが・・・お手上げです。 "Come and take the ride of your life. Hot air balloon flights are one of the most peaceful wonderful and thrilling adventures you can take" "Take the ride of your life on this 30 minute action packed jet boat ride on the beautiful upper reaches of the Derwent River" よろしくお願いします。

  • 文法の説明

    By keeping that end clearly in mind, you can make certain that whatever you do on any particular day does not violate the criteria you have defined as supremely important, and that each day of your life contributes in a meaningful way to the vision you have of your life as a whole. 頭にはっきり目的を保つすることで, どんな特別な日でも行うことが何であれ あなたが最高に重要と定義した基準に反さない そして あなたの生活のそれぞれの日が 意味ある形で 全体としての生活の あなたが持つ ビジョンに 貢献する という 確信を あなたは得ることができる. 自分なりに直訳してみました。 この important は形容詞? 最後の部分の of your life と as a whole は vision にかかる前置詞句として捉えるのでしょうか? 直訳に間違いがあればお願いします。 また、分かり易い意訳が思い付きましたら併せてお願いします。

  • 英語を教えてください

    どなたか添削をお願いいたします。 Yesterday was a really nice day. I couldn't went out but the view from the top of the floor was a really blight and beautiful, the surface of the sea reflected the sunshine. 昨日は良い天気でしたね。 外には出られなかったけれど、最上階からの眺めが明るくて、それと太陽が海面を反射してとてもきれいでした。 I thought that you were busy and can't meet on today because you said that your customer came your office from NY. あなたが忙しそうなので今日は会えないと思ってたけど、それにNYからお客様が来てると言ってたから。 I am enjoying a candle you gave me. あなたにもらったキャンドルを楽しんでます。 Please take care about yourself, don't catch a cold. 風邪などひかないように体に気をつけてください。 私もやっぱりインフルの予防接種を受けることにしました。(受けないつもりと言っていたのに) I will have vaccinated against against flu.

  • 何て書いて(読む)あるんですか?partIV

    You think of this person on every occasion and in everything you do. Simple things bring them to mind like a pale blue sky, gentle wind or even a storm cloud on the horizon. You open your heart knowing that there’s a chance it may be broken one day and in opening your heart, you experience a love and joy that you never dreamed possible. You find that being vulnerable is the only way to allow your heart to feel true pleasure that’s so real it scares you. You find strength in knowing you have a true friend and possibly a soul mate who will remain loyal to the end. Life seems completely different, exciting and worthwhile. Your only hope and security is in knowing that they are a part of your life.”

  • 翻訳を希望します

    以下の英文を和訳していただける方のみで。 お願いできますでしょうか? 先ほどが1段落の中盤で、今回が後半となります。 難解な部分は意訳していただけるとありがたいです。 どうぞよろしくお願いしたします。 Fragile, refined, you are perhaps prudish, and undemanding in love, and usualy deserve better than you get.. Your soul mate may like rare and romantic perfumes form the 30s and 40s. In every day life you have more acquaintances than close friends. You divide your affections among a lot of people and you help out where you can. You make a good friend. But you will only really deeply love one person, whether that person is worthy of your love or not, he will totally melt into your life and soul and you will never be able to give him up. This is the kind of love that happens for Venus in Virgo..

  • 時制の一致の質問です

    教科書CROWNに、 If you have been there, maybe you noticed that there are many different kinds of people in Hawaii. という文があります。 (1) there are many different kinds of people は、真実なので、 you nouticed の時制の影響はうけないのはわかります。 (2) If you have been there は仮定法なので、you nouticed の時制の影響はうけないのでしょうか。 過去に気が付いた時よりまえに、ハワイに行ったのだから、 If you had been there になるのではないでしょうか。

  • 英語が得意な方、和訳お願いします!

    英語が得意な方、和訳して下さると助かります。 baby in a few more days we get to see each other. i know how it is to have hard times and how important it is to have a great support system so you wont let it slow you down or bring your feelings down. i know your friends are there for you when you need them but there are situations where you need to handle on your own. i want to always learn how to change your mind and help your feel positive in your life. i want you to feel like you are growing all the time. i know that what is not growing is dying and when you feel like that you can't help but wonder what is the meaning of your life? when you feel like you are growing, you never want to die; you just want to live forever. feel like yelling out "i love my life" . that is what i hope i could be for you. make you feel and scream out " i love me life". i wont give up on you! i just want you to know that! with or without me i only want you to be happy!!! 長文でお手数おかけしますが、宜しくお願いします。。

  • 英語の長文の訳について質問です。

    英語の訳なのですが、前回の質問に引き続き、分からない部分を書き出しているので分かりにくいと思いますがよろしくお願いします。 It is our intention to operate and maintain the community in which you now live as one of the outstanding communities in the Brownsville area. We hope it will be an aid to you in enjoying your new home. There us a limit on the number of people allowed to occupy your home. A limited number of guests mat stay with you for three days. After three days, we may assume they are resudents. If you find a need to have more peole living in your home than allowed by your lease, contact the manager to see if it can be allowed. Having more people than allowed is a violation of your rental agreement. You may incur additional charges and/or have your rental agreement terminated.