• ベストアンサー
※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:“Exhibit A”とは何のことを言っているのでしょうか。The C)

Exhibit Aとは何のことを言っているのか?

  • 山崎直子さんの宇宙飛行士としての活躍が日本の女性の社会進出の象徴とされています。
  • 日本政府と産業界は、子育て後に仕事に復帰する女性の割合を55%に設定しました。
  • この目標を達成するため、山崎さんの存在が「Exhibit A」として祝福されました。


  • ベストアンサー
  • takashi_h
  • ベストアンサー率61% (728/1182)

直訳すると法律用語の「物証A、物証その1」。 出産後復職率55%達成というゴールへの証拠その1である"ママ宇宙飛行士”山崎さんをcelebrateした ・・・ということだと思います。





その他の回答 (1)


裁判でいう"証拠物件A"という言葉を使ったのでしょう。 日本が、国内での性差問題を改善していることの"自己弁護"のための"証拠"のひとつになるというようなニュアンスではないでしょうか。






  • 和訳お願いします!

    和訳お願いします! Sony sinks, Toyota tumbles, and the Nikkei stock index plunges to lows not seen for more than a quarter of a century Since then, Japan has tirelessly improved on the original, doing to convenience stores what it has done to automobile. When big earth quake hit, government agencies will take advantage of their ubiquity for the delivery of emergency water and other supplies.

  • 契約書英語 A

    3. This joint venture shall purchase said property on the terms and conditions contained, and in the manner described, in that certain ''Contract for Sale of Real Property'' dated _________________, 2005 executed by the parties hereto as ''Buyers,'' a copy of which contract is hereto attached marked ''Exhibit A.'' Each party agrees to promptly on request execute, or execute and acknowledge, any and all instruments, including proper instructions, necessary to the complete performance by them as Buyers of said contract. ---------------------------------------------------- 本合弁事業では、前述の不動産を2005年_________________に本契約の両当事者が 「買主」として締結した「不動産売買契約」の諸条件と方法にしたがって購入するものとする。「不動産売買契約」の写しは 「添付A」として本契約書に添付されている。 ------------------------------------------------- ''Exhibit A.'' まで何とか訳してみたのですが、確認お願いします。文章が長すぎて、上手く一文にできませんでした。また、Each party以降なのですが、言っている意味は「買主として、目的達成のために必要とされることをすぐにやる」みたいなことだと思うのですが、上手く日本語にできません。ご指導いただけると幸いです。

  • Assignment of delegations (UCC)

    米国法からです。解釈の仕方について戸惑っています。 On April 1, Neptune Fisheries contracted in writing with West markets to deliver to West 3,000 pounds of lobsters at $4.00 a pound. Delivery of the lobsters was due May 1 with payment due June 1.On April 4, Neptune entered into a contract with Deep Sea Farms which provided: ゛Neptune Fisheries assigns all the right under the contract with West Markets dated April 1 to Deep Sea Farms." The April 4 contract was an assignment of rights and a delegation of duties by Neptune. ここで質問なのですが、この場合のAssignment of dutiesは理解できます。lobsterを売ってお金を受け取る 権利があるからです。一方Assignment of delegationsなんですが、これはlobsterを売らなければならないからでしょうか。

  • 英文を訳して下さい。

    The Third Army began French operations, with preliminary attacks on German observation points at St. Quentin on 1–4 and 10 April. Large reconnaissance forces were set towards the Dallon spur on 1 April, which were not able to gain footholds in the German front defences, although the British Fourth Army to the north captured the woods around Savy. On 2 April a bigger French attack on Dallon failed but on 3 April the Third Army attacked after a "terrific" bombardment, on a front of about 8 miles (13 km) north of a line from Castres to Essigny-le-Grand and Benay, between the Somme canal at Dallon, south-west of St. Quentin and the Oise. After another attack on 4 April, the villages of Dallon, Giffecourt, Cerizy and Hills 111, 108, and 121 south of Urvillers, were captured and the German position at the apex of the triangle Ham, St. Quentin, La Fère was made vulnerable to a further attack. The French had attacked in intense cold and driving rain, with chronic supply shortages caused by the German destruction of roads and immense French traffic jams on the routes which had been sufficiently repaired to bear traffic. East of the Oise and north of the Aisne, the Third Army took the southern and north-western outskirts of Laffaux and Vauxeny. On 4 April German counter-attacks north of the Aisne were repulsed south of Vauxeny and Laffaux.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    The determined German defence of outpost villages, after the rapid and scheduled part of the German retirement over 2–3 days, gained time to complete the remodelling of the Hindenburg Line, from south of Arras to St Quentin. The Fifth Army was far enough advanced by 8 April, to assist the Third Army attack at Arras on 9 April, having captured the outpost villages of Doignies, Louveral, Noreuil, Longatte, Ecoust St Mein, Croisilles and Hénin sur Cojeul on 2 April. On the right flank, Hermies, Demicourt and Boursies were captured by the 1st Australian Division on 8 April, after the Fourth Army took Havrincourt Wood on the right flank.

  • 和訳をお願いします。

    On 16 April, patrols went forward during the morning and found the area between the old and new front lines to be empty, the Germans still apparently in ignorance of the retirement; one patrol captured a German officer scouting for observation posts who did not know where the British were. Only in the late afternoon did German troops begin to close up to the new line and the British troops in the Battle Zone easily repulsed the German infantry, the 4th Army diary recorded that patrols discovered the withdrawal at 4;40 a.m. that afternoon. Next day, the Belgian Army defeated an attack from Houthulst Forest (The Battle of Merckem) against the 10th and 3rd Belgian divisions from Langemarck to Lake Blankaart by the 58th, 2nd Naval and the 6th Bavarian divisions, with help from the II Corps artillery. The Germans captured Kippe but were forced out by counter-attacks and the line was restored by nightfall. On the afternoon of 27 April, the south end of the outpost line was driven in when Voormezeele was captured, re-captured and then partly captured by the Germans; another outpost line was set up north-east of the village. Battle of Bailleul (13–15 April) Bailleul バイユール From 13–15 April, the Germans drove forward in the centre, taking Bailleul, 12 kilometres (7.5 mi) west of Armentières, despite increasing British resistance. Plumer assessed the heavy losses of Second Army and the defeat of his southern flank and ordered his northern flank to withdraw from Passchendaele to Ypres and the Yser Canal; the Belgian Army to the north conformed. First Battle of Kemmel (17–19 April) The Kemmelberg is a height commanding the area between Armentières and Ypres. On 17–19 April, the Fourth Army attacked and was repulsed by the British. Battle of Béthune (18 April) Béthune ベテューヌ On 18 April, the Sixth Army attacked south from the breakthrough area toward Béthune but was repulsed. Second Battle of Kemmel (25–26 April) French marshal, Foch, had recently assumed supreme command of the Allied forces and on 14 April agreed to send French reserves to the Lys sector. A French division relieved the British defenders of the Kemmelberg. From 25–26 April, the Fourth Army made a sudden attack on the Kemmelberg with three divisions and captured it. This success gained some ground but it made no progress toward a new break in the Allied line. Battle of the Scherpenberg (29 April) On 29 April, a final German attack captured the Scherpenberg, a hill to the north-west of the Kemmelberg.

  • わからない英文があります

    Antipersonnel mines are laid on or under the ground so that they explode when they are stepped on.They have only one purpose: to kill and injure people. Many of those injured by mines die a slow death. Those who survive often live lives of misery, poverty, and discrimination. この英文でThose who survive often live lives of misery, poverty, and discrimination.の survive often live lives...についてなんですが動詞surviveの後に再び動詞liveが来るなんてありえるのですか? Those who survive often live lives of misery, poverty, and discrimination.の英文はどのように日本語に訳せばいいでしょうか? あとdie a ~death という熟語はどういう意味ですか?

  • R=A sin Bt + c 質問英文です

    問題 The number of rabbits on an island is monitored for one year which is approximated at 360 days which is the period of the model. The number of rabbits at any time can be modeled by the equation R=A sin Bt + c (1) The number of rabbits on the island is initially estimated to be 1200. (2) The maximum number of rabbits is estimated to be 1600. (3) the number of rabbits initially declines before increasing again. (4) Find the equation of the model and use it to calculate how many rabbits are estimated to be on the island on day 210.(5) (1) から モデル式が R=A sin Bt + c で A sin (Bx+C) + D といった形の式とは違いX軸方向に移動しないと考えていいですか? (2)から initially  という事は t を0と考えてsin0は0になるのでc=1200→ R=A sin Bt + 1200 (3)から 1600=A sin Bt + 1200 → A sin Bt  =400 → sinの最大値は1なので400 sin Bt  となる (4)から R= -400 sin Bt + 1200 ここでわからないのですが、Bの処理はどうしたらいいのでしょうか? Bは周期を決めるものですがここでは何もその事について書かれていません。 (5)は式が完成すれば大丈夫だと思うのですが、Bの処理の仕方を教えて頂けますか? 又、私の考え方が間違っていたら指摘して頂けますか? 宜しくお願い致します

  • whoの用法について

    Antipersonnel mines are laid on or under the ground so that they explode when they are stepped on.They have only one purpose: to kill and injure people. Many of those injured by mines die a slow death. Those who survive often live lives of misery, poverty, and discrimination. 最後の英文のThose who survive often live lives of misery, poverty, and discrimination.のwhoはどの用法で用いられているかわかりません どなたか教えていただけないでしょうか?

  • 英文の添削をお願いします。 A society

    I’d say the government should deduct income tax and residential taxes from households that have two children in order to Put effective breaks on the birthrate problem. If it dose , they will be given more opportunities to have babies than before with less financial problem .And as to the second problem, we have to change the current situation in which the elderly are seen as a social burden in Japan and make the best use of them with respect and care as a precious grope of society. Personally I suggest a practical idea that we ask them to take care of children on the waiting list in their free times,which I think could bring about a social benefit to Japan. I ‘m sure the idea proposed among our communities will more or less make a meaningful difference on the issue.

  • 勤務先社長が主人の開業相談に対し、妻が代表になることを提案
  • 給与ではなく外注費として支払われることを告げられる
  • 夫婦ともに会社辞めることになり、社長の意図が不明で不信感を抱いている