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※ ChatGPTを利用し、要約された質問です(原文:In China, where modern young lady a)



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難しい文章で、時間がないのでいいかげんですが、およそ下記のようだと思います。 現代的な若い女性が使われる中国、女子大学生が使われるインドでは、未婚の若い女性の既存の諸条件は現代性、学校教育との接触によって変化した。全ての場合において、これらの呼称は最新で若々しい女性らしさを示し、外国の審美的なおよび商品の影響を受け挑発的で見苦しいものであった。





  • ネイティブの方、whereの使い方を教えてください

    こんにちは、カリフォルニア在住です。 アメリカ人の友達のwhereの使い方がいまいちよく分かりません。 このようなメールではwhereはどのような意味になるんでしょうか? you where the only one i had a very interesting conversation with. i wish you where here with me. we where in a restraunt, and you where like a little brown probably get tanned. you where still sexy ass hell.(夢に私が出てきた時の事を冗談で説明しています). などです。 wereだと意味が通りますよね?なぜwhereにするんでしょうか? 長くなっているので省略でもありませんよね? wereにはない意味があるんでしょうか? またこれは正式に使われますか?それかスラングのようなものでしょうか? よろしくお願い致します。

  • 下記の英文を訳してくれる方はいませんか?

    Developmental tasks The period of young adulthood begins with the completion of formal schooling and entry into the job and marriage market. For married parents it ends with departure of the children; for others the end is related to psychologically meaningful events which reveal they are no longer “promising” youngsters. Erikson identified the crisis of this period as intimacy vs. isolation. A major developmental task is the development of intimacy, especially with the opposite sex. During adolescence, the biology of sex is of more concern and interest than are interpersonal affection and intimacy (McCandless, 1970). During early adulthood, however, a failure to establish intimacy leads to isolation and stifles further psychological growth (Erikson, 1963). お願いします。

  • whereの用法

    whereにはin case whereの意味で使う場合もありますが、 以下の用法はそれにあたりあますか?that 以下の分の構造がわからにので、日本語訳とともに構造の説明をお願いします。 ・・・but beyound that, there are very few books I knew of that were about illness to begin with. But none that I knew of where the narrative line was really a medical history.

  • where(接続詞として)の使い方・・・

    インターネットの記事で見かけた英文なのですが・・・。 In a Chinese legend, there was a heroic man, Ishiganto, who stood up to evil, and afterwards people wrote his name in stone where their houses were located at intersections to ward off any bad spirits. この文章のなかの、whereの使い方って、文法的に正しいのでしょうか?正しいとしたら、where以下は何を修飾しているのでしょうか? よろしくお願いします。

  • in the equation

    One thing I have been coming to terms with since we became serious is the fact that he is seven years older than me, and has zero interest in having any more children in his life, by natural means or adoption. His two children are 11 and 13 respectively and he thinks they are the best (they are the best) but also that they are enough. When we started, it had been such a hard time for me finding somebody I could imagine having a loving, real, strong connection with I had decided if the option for a wonderful partnership came along and kids were not in the equation, I would be okay with that. kids were not in the equationとはどのような意味でしょうか?よろしくお願いします

  • whichではなくwhereの理由は?

    The communicative approach is a method where students speak with one another in a language that they are leaning. 「コミュニカティブ・アプローチは、習っている言語で、生徒が互いに話すメソッドです。」 この文のwhereは関係副詞と考えていいんですか? 辞書には、 where 【関係副詞】〔制限用法〕(~する、~である)(場所など) (→(1)通例訳語は日本語に表れない。(2)先行詞は場所を示す名詞) How about that Italian restaurant where we had dinner before? 「以前夕食をとったあのイタリア料理のレストランはどうだろう?」 High school is an ideal place where young people can think about life’s purpose. 「高校は若者が人生の目的について考えることのできる最高の場所である」 Is that the town where he was born? 「そこが彼が生まれた町ですか?」 とあるんですが、これでいいんですか? でも、なぜwhichではなくwhereなのですか? 先行詞は場所ではないa methodなのに。 参考書にも場所を先行詞とする文しか載っていません。 考え方を教えてください。お願いします。

  • There's more where he cam

    ある小説の以下のくだりがわかりません。There's more where he came from,とはどういう意味でしょうか? 妻が夫の部屋を訪ねたところ他の男がいた、というくだりで、夫が妻に向かって言ったセリフです。 "Ah," you said, your eyes bright with mockery. "There's more where he came from, my lady. Help yourself." 原文は以下です。 But I saw the shock on your face, the flicker of disgust you were not quick enough to hide, and over your bare shoulder I saw Stephanos, the manservant, reclining on your bed, and despite the damp heat of the corridor I shivered in my black lace gown. "Ah," you said, your eyes bright with mockery. "There's more where he came from, my lady. Help yourself." よろしくお願いします。

  • この文章について教えてください

    In a five-year study, researchers conducted interviews with the top twenty perfprmers in six fields; concert pianists, Olympic swimmers, artinsts, tennis players, mathmaticians and brain surgeons. Ther researchers heard of enormous drive and dedication, with most top performers spending many hours practicing or studying every day when they were young. (1)perfprmersはどう訳せばよいのでしょうか? (2)2パラグラフにあるdrive and dedicationがわかりません (3)2パラグラフのカンマのうしろにあるwith以降の構造がどうなっていて、どう訳せばよいのか教えてください。 よろしくお願いします。

  • 英文の中のwhereについて教えてください。

    Despite Galton's finding of high inherited ability in scientists, a standard biographical study of great mathematicians, Men of Mathematics by the mathematician Eric Temple Bell, first published in 1937, shows just how little inherited mathematical ability is, at the highest level of achievement. Some great mathematicians came from lowly backgrounds. Newton was the son of a yeoman farmer; Carl Friedrich Gauss, the son of a gardener; Pierre-Simon Laplace, the son of a parish official and cider merchant. Others came from professional backgrounds. But of the 28 mathematicians of all time described by Bell, beginning with Zero in the 5th century BC, where ancestral information is available, it shows that there is hardly a trace of mathematical achievement to be found in any of the fathers and close relatives. (Genius by Andrew Robinson) But of the 28 mathematicians of all time described by Bell, beginning with Zero in the 5th century BC, where ancestral information is available,のところを教えてください。 whereがなぜここに置かれているのでしょうか? 文法的には関係副詞ですか? よろしくお願いいたします。

  • 長文を日本語に訳してください!(3)

    わからないとこが多すぎるので全文日本語にお願いします! Recreating the Family Like Abe and Tara, people choose partners who help them recreate their childhood struggles. Tara fell in love with a man with "a faraway look in his eyes," and subsequently had to struggle for greater intimacy. Abe fell in love with a woman who was "warm and nurturing," then spent a lot of energy struggling for more space. Tara's unresolved intimacy issues complement Abe's. For example, one partner (often the woman) will fight to break down defenses and create more intimacy while the other (often the man) will withdraw and create distance. So the "dance of intimacy" follows: If the woman gets too close, the man pulls back. If he moves too far away, she pursues, and so on. To achieve greater intimacy, the partners must overcome the anxiety that compels them to take their respective parts in that dance. In the example, Tara needs to control her abandonment anxiety and not pursue Abe when he withdraws, and Abe needs to control his engulfment anxiety when Tara pursues him and not withdraw. Working to overcome these anxieties is an opportunity to resolve childhood issues and can be a major healing experience for both partners.