• 締切済み


I apologize for the delay in replying to your letter;| (返事が遅れてごめんなさい) Um....All I know melodic death metal bands in Finland is world-famous bands,such as "Kalmah","Norther"and so on. (うーんフィンランドのメロデスは世界的にも有名な”Kalmah”や”Norther”みたいなのぐらいしか知らないんだよ…) I think "Kalmah" is very nice band in their melody,but ("Kalmah"はメロディーの点では素晴らしいバンドだとおもうけど、) [彼らのBlack Paradeのアルバム以降のデス声…あぁゆう声は苦手です] Um...after all I like such bands as you told me:D (うーん やっぱりあなたが教えてくれたようなバンドが好きです!) [メロデスとはちょっと違うけど"Ensiferum"のようないかにも北欧!って感じのものやフィンランド特有の叙情的なメロディー物も好きです!] [どんな種の曲でもメロディーがききやすくて、キーボードのはっきりした音なんかが入ってるともっと好きかな!] ()は和文です。うまく表現できてるでしょうか…なんだか自信ないです。 []はうまく英語表現できませんでした…涙 英訳していただけると嬉しいです。


  • lis385t
  • ベストアンサー率51% (219/429)

私が自分の友達に宛てて書いたつもりですが。。。いかがでしょうか? Sorry that I didn’t get back to you sooner. I am not so familiar with the melodic death metal bands in Finland other than the world-famous bands, Kalmah or Norther, but I agree that Kalmah is great especially in melody sound although his voice is horrible after “Black Parade”. I think D that you told me is better. I also like Ensiferum that gives me a taste of Finland as well as the north-Europe. I guess I prefer to songs with a clear melody line supported by keyboard sounds. Do you know anything like that? Keep in touch.


I apologize for the delay in replying to your letter. Um....All I know the melodic death metal in Finland is the name of world-famous bands, such as "Kalmah" and "Norther." I think the former is very nice in melody, but I am not so keen on listening, their death tone of voice after the Black Parade track. I much prefer to listen to the bands told by you rather than Kalmah. Though melodies are a bit different, it's also good to listen to Ensiferum who has a North European sound and taste, and any band who has the specific lyrical meoldy of Finland. Anyhow, I like all kinds of music if it has good clear melodies with clear keyboards passages inculded.

