- ベストアンサー
Thank you for the compliment:) Nothing could be make me happier:) [あの時言えなかったことを今更だけどこの場をかりて言うね!] I don't like death metal like "CANNIBAL CORPSE" but I'm very partial to the songs which you tell me!:D Above all, I enjoyed "WHISPERED" very much! It seems tough to get their CDs in Japan;| Metal music is not quite penetrate in Japan, so I was very pleased you to tell me various bands:D [字数制限でこれ以上書けなくて残念です…] メール文です。英文で間違っているところはないでしょうか??また、 [~]の部分2か所がうまく英語表現できませんでした…。 添削よろしくお願いします。
- みんなの回答 (3)
- 専門家の回答
Thank you for the compliment:) ■ Thank you for your compliment. Nothing could be make me happier:) ■ Nothing could make me happier. [あの時言えなかったことを今更だけどこの場をかりて言うね!] ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Though it might be too late, here I tell you something that I couldn’t at that time. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I don't like death metal like "CANNIBAL CORPSE" but I'm very partial to the songs which you tell me!:D ?????????????????? Above all, I enjoyed "WHISPERED" very much! It seems tough to get their CDs in Japan; ■ It seems rather tough to get their CD’s in Japan. Metal music is not quite penetrate in Japan, ■ Metal music is not such popular here in Japan. so I was very pleased you to tell me various bands:D ■ So I was much pleased that you could tell me about various bands. [字数制限でこれ以上書けなくて残念です…] //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Regret, I have almost no space left to write more. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ■ 部分は小生の添削部 ///////////////////////部分はお手本になるかも知れない書き方です。
その他の回答 (2)
- mabomk
- ベストアンサー率40% (1414/3521)
一番です、補足有り難うございます。それでは少しばかりの手直しを。 「partial to」って云うのが何のことか不明だったので、 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I don't like death metal like "CANNIBAL CORPSE" but I'm much attracted to (or, impressed with) the songs which you told me last time! ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
文章が繋がりやすいように書き換えてみたのですが、間違っていたらご免なさい。 Tough nothing could make me happier, thank you for your compliment on that day. You were too kind! Being honest with you, I'd like to tell you what I couldn't have told you at that time. I didn't like death metal like "CANNIBAL CORPSE" but I was getting very partial to the songs which you had told me. Above all, I enjoyed "WHISPERED" very much! It seemed very tough to get thier CDs as the metal music was not yet quite popular in Japan. So I was so pleased that you had told me various bands... It's my regret I can't send any more messages due to the word limitation.
回答ありがとうございます! きれいに文章をまとめていただき、とても参考になりました! もしよろしければ、また私が質問した時に回答を頂けると嬉しいです(*^_^*)
回答ありがとうございます!! とっても自然な英語ですごく参考になりました!! もしよろしければまた、私が質問した時に回答を頂けると嬉しいです。(*^_^*)
回答ありがとうございます!! 【I don't like death metal like "CANNIBAL CORPSE" but I'm very partial to the songs which you tell me!:D Above all, I enjoyed "WHISPERED" very much!】 この部分ですが、"CANNIBAL CORPSE" "WHISPERED"はバンド名で 《CANNIBAL CORPSEのようなデスメタルは嫌いだけど、あなたが教えてくれたような曲(デスメタル)はすごくよかったよ!その中でも特にWHISPEREDが気に入ったよ!》 という風に書いたつもりだったのですが…。 下手な英語で伝わらずすみません…。添削していただけると嬉しいです。