• ベストアンサー


ネイティブとの英文のやりとりでしめ言葉に Ok need to sleep so have a nice night and keep in touch とありました。だいたいは伝わるのですが最後のkeep in touchが 分かりません。あいさつだと思いますが、どういう言葉なのか気になります。 教えてください。よろしくお願いします。


  • ベストアンサー
  • gldfish
  • ベストアンサー率41% (2895/6955)

"keep in touch"は「連絡を取りあい続ける」ということ。 つまり日本語でよく言う「(これからも)連絡ちょうだいね」です。



スッキリしました!! ありがとうございます(^^)


その他の回答 (1)


答えはもう出てますね。 Keep in touch! とよく別れる時に言います。 連絡忘れるなよ! みたいな感じかな? つまり、”これからもよろしく”的な感じです。



ありがとうございます!ためになりました。 私も使ってみます!!



  • この英文の意味を教えて下さいm(__)m

    すみません・・・ メールをもらったのですが、ちゃんと意味があってるか不安なので意味を教えて下さい。 よろしくお願い致します。m(__)m ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have been so busy lately! I would love to keep in touch with you and apologize for taking so long to return your email. I will write you a much more detailed email very soon. I have just returned home from another music trip and am extremely tired! I will write very soon!

  • 英語表現に乏しく困ってます!

    国に帰った友達が最後に送ってくれたメールですが、これってもう永遠にお別れのニュアンスでしょうか? Its a pitty that we became friends so late... I'm glad we r friends now though. so please stay in touch. and i will do the same. Take care and all the best. Good luck with the next job. 1,stay in touchですがkeep in touch,get in touch,be in touch... 一体どう違うのでしょうか? 2,Take careってお別れの挨拶に、よく使うみたいですが、もう会えないニュアンスなのか、それとも軽い感じの挨拶なのか・・・??疑問です。 さっぱり分からないです。よろしくお願いします!!

  • この英文で合っていますか?

    この英文で合っていますか? いつもお世話になっています。 この英文はネイティブでない人に送るメールの文章です。 私は英語がが全然できないので、こちらで教えてもらった英辞朗で検索しながら言葉をくっつけている感じです。 以下の文章を添削してもらえませんか? 言霊という言葉が日本にはあります。 In japan,there is a saying to the effect thattraditional belief in the power of words. 声に出した言葉には不思議な力があり、発した言葉が本当になると言われている。 saying words have magical power , there are realize saying 感謝の言葉を口にすることはよいことだとも言われている。 So,There is an old saying, say a words of thanks are good.

  • Nativeの子供が書いた英文の和訳をお願いします!Part2

    この前も同じような質問をしたのですが・・・。 下の英文は、外国の子供用サイトに投稿されていた文章です。 Nativeの子供たちの投稿なので、やや口語の部分や文法的には説明できない部分があるかと思います。 (1)I think boys are so immature but we can't live wiyhout them. Boys really get on my nerves because they think that girls are just their slaves. When we're not were just human beings just the same as them. 最後の一行がなんとなくわかるのですが、上手く訳せません。 最後の一行だけでいいので、訳を教えて頂きたいです。 (2)Have you ever seen the man of your dreams and you couldn't have him! Well this happened to me too! And I wanna tell you all about it! When I was Nsync concert I saw Justin Timberlake and I need him so badly do you know what I did? I emailed him and guess what he wrote back! という投稿があったのですが、日本語にはすべてできるのですが、どうも、話として繋がりません。 話として内容の通じる訳を教えて下さい。

  • 英文和訳

    英文和訳 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 旺文社の「English NavigatorII」という教科書からです。  For scientists like Janet Mullington, sleep is full of mysteries. If you live to be 80 years old, you'll have spent about 25 years sound asleep―but we don't know why we need to sleep so much. What goes on in our brains while we're sleeping? Why do we sometimes feel we haven't slept very well even though we slept as many hours as usual?  We've all heard of people who habe trouble sleeping, but there are also people Janet is studying. They may fall asleep at any time, even when they're eating or listening to someone talk. Janet is hoping that by keeping detailed records of their sleep, she can help parents to organize their sleep better. If they rest at scheduled times, they might not have as many as “sleep attacks.”  Keep a “sleep log” to figure out how much sleep you need and when you need it. Janet has created a special version of her lab's sleep log for you to try.  Lots of things could affect your sleep. This log will let you keep track of some of them: naps, meals, and snacks, and how you spend your after-school and evening time.  1.Copy the sleep chart you see on page 22(just the black lines). Make one chart for each day over a two-week period, so that you can cover two weekends. Staple the charts together.  2.Start your log on a Monday morning. Write in the date. Use the colors shown to chart how long you slept and the time it took you to get out of bed.  3.As the day goes on, use the other colors to fill in naps, meals, snacks and activities.  4.At bedtime, mark the time you got into bed. Don't watch the clock until you fall asleep, or you’ll have a hard time drifting off! Just take a guess the next morning at how long it took you to get to sleep.  5.On Tuesday morning, start your next chart. At the end of the day, go back to Monday's chart and note whether you felt rested on Tuesday. That's how you can tell whether Monday's pattern of activity led to a good night's sleep that night.

  • 英文和訳

    英文和訳 以下の英文の和訳をお願いします。 旺文社の「English NavigatorII」という教科書からです。  For scientists like Janet Mullington, sleep is full of mysteries. If you live to be 80 years old, you'll have spent about 25 years sound asleep―but we don't know why we need to sleep so much. What goes on in our brains while we're sleeping? Why do we sometimes feel we haven't slept very well even though we slept as many hours as usual?  We've all heard of people who habe trouble sleeping, but there are also people Janet is studying. They may fall asleep at any time, even when they're eating or listening to someone talk. Janet is hoping that by keeping detailed records of their sleep, she can help parents to organize their sleep better. If they rest at scheduled times, they might not have as many as “sleep attacks.”  Keep a “sleep log” to figure out how much sleep you need and when you need it. Janet has created a special version of her lab's sleep log for you to try.  Lots of things could affect your sleep. This log will let you keep track of some of them: naps, meals, and snacks, and how you spend your after-school and evening time.  1.Copy the sleep chart you see on page 22(just the black lines). Make one chart for each day over a two-week period, so that you can cover two weekends. Staple the charts together.  2.Start your log on a Monday morning. Write in the date. Use the colors shown to chart how long you slept and the time it took you to get out of bed.  3.As the day goes on, use the other colors to fill in naps, meals, snacks and activities.  4.At bedtime, mark the time you got into bed. Don't watch the clock until you fall asleep, or you’ll have a hard time drifting off! Just take a guess the next morning at how long it took you to get to sleep.  5.On Tuesday morning, start your next chart. At the end of the day, go back to Monday's chart and note whether you felt rested on Tuesday. That's how you can tell whether Monday's pattern of activity led to a good night's sleep that night.

  • 英文

    『(今までご縁があって)出会うことができたいい人達とは 連絡をとり続けた方がいいと真剣にそう思ったから。』 I though seriously I should keep in touch with good people that I could meet. I though seriously that I should have keep in touch with good people I could meet. アドバイスお願いします。

  • 先ほど質問しましたが、前後の英文の画像を添付出来てなかったので、

    先ほど質問しましたが、前後の英文の画像を添付出来てなかったので、 前後の文を入れて再質問します。 John Whitney HallのJapanの中の次の文の訳がよく解りません。 Not one of these elements need have proved critical in pushing Japan toward the course it took, 前後の文は以下の通りです。 And the armed forces,independent of civilian control,existed as a powerful vehicle for the eventual application of such concepts in domestic and foreign affairs. Not one of these elements need have proved critical in pushing Japan toward the course it took,but taken together,and in conbination with the failure of party government at home and of world cooperation abroad, they created the necessary environment. 外人に聞くと、 need haveは研究者がよく使う表現とか?! need haveはhave toに置き換えられる?! 解ったような解らないような・・・。 あまり単語を変えない解りやすい英文にするとどう表現するのでしょうか。

  • 英文を日本語に訳してください

    アメリカ在住の中国人女性と英語でメールのやり取りをしているのですが、 彼女から送られてきた英文の意味が理解できないため、 日本語に訳していただけないでしょうか? どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 My husband is a business man doing trading company between China and Spain. He has a job in US about jewelry saleman . We want to have medical benefits after retired in US. Do you know we need to work and pay taxes in US ,then we could have this benefits after 65.So he finished with his daily job then after dinner he need to continue to contact customer and factory worker. After September I will 46 time go by quickly. Many things just happened in yesterday, I feel interesting about we know each others , it is fate right! Maybe we can see each other in Japan in one day, haha

  • 英文でのやりとりについて教えてください。 

    個人輸入でのやりとりについて下記文章での返答で通じるかどうか確認お願いします。 私としては、注文商品がほしいから手配続行してほしいと伝えたいです。 この文章で通じますか? I would like to purchase black shoes. It waits. please proceed with arrangements. Thank you for your help. 又、納期がかかるものに対して、付け加えたらよい表現や文章があれば教えていただけると幸いです。 ≪こちらからの注文に対し、店側からの返答文≫ Thanks for shopping ! I'm writing you this email to let you know that the Short Black in shose, size 6 you recently ordered is on a short backorder, approximately one to two weeks or so. If waiting is not an option, my staff and I would like the opportunity to help you find the perfect footwear for your needs so please do let us know if we could be of assistance in any way. We'd like to think that we are staffed with some very knowledgeable shoe experts and we are ready to help Of course you can reply to this email but you do not need to reply or confirm receipt t o keep your order open. It is merely informational. In closing please let me know if there's anything else that I can do for you 以上 よろしくお願いします。

  • ドラム交換後に印刷ができないトラブルについて相談します。リセット処理は完了しているが、印刷エラーが発生します。
  • Windows10で有線LAN接続されたHL-l2330Dで、ドラム交換後に印刷できない問題が発生します。
  • ドラム交換後のリセット処理完了後、HL-l2330Dで印刷エラーが発生し、印刷ができません。ひかり回線を使用しています。